Page:Captain Glen's unhappy voyage to New Barbary (2).pdf/4

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Our main-maſt ſprung by break of day
which made our rigging all give way,
which did our ſeamen ſore afright,
the terrors of that fatal night.

Up then ſpoke our foremalt man,
as he did by the foreyard ſtand,
he cried, the Lord receive my ſoul,
fo to the bottom he did fall.

The ſea did waſh both fore and aft,
will ſearce one fail on board was left;
our yards were ſplit and our rigging tore
the like we never ſaw before.

The boatſwain then he did declare
the Captain was a murderer;
which did enrage our whole ſhip's crew,
our Captain over board we threw.

Our treacherous Captain being gone,
immediately there was a calm;
the winde did ceaſe and the raging ſea,
as we went to New Barbary.
Now when we came to theSpaniſh ſhore
our goodly ſhip for to repair,
the people all vere amaz‘d to ſee
our diſmal eaſe and miſery,