Page:Carroll - Sylvie and Bruno.djvu/417

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something he said about prayer? It had never struck me in that light before,"

"In what light?" said Arthur.

"Why, that all Nature goes by fixed, regular laws——Science has proved that. So that asking God to do anything (except of course praying for spiritual blessings) is to expect a miracle: and we've no right to do that. I've not put it as well as he did: but that was the outcome of it, and it has confused me. Please tell me what you can say in answer to it."

"I don't propose to discuss Captain Lindon's difficulties," Arthur gravely replied; "specially as he is not present. But, if it is your difficulty," (his voice unconsciously took a tenderer tone) "then I will speak."

"It is my difficulty," she said anxiously.

"Then I will begin by asking 'Why did you except spiritual blessings?' Is not your mind a part of Nature?"

"Yes, but Free-Will comes in there——I can choose this or that; and God can influence my choice."

"Then you are not a Fatalist?"

"Oh, no!" she earnestly exclaimed.