Page:Carroll - Tangled Tale.djvu/84

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A Tangled Tale.

most young ladies likes best!" The voice was rich and musical, and the speaker dexterously whipped back the snowy cloth that covered his basket, and disclosed a tempting array of the familiar square buns, joined together in rows, richly egged and browned, and glistening in the sun.

"No, sir! I shall give her nothing so indigestible! Be off!" The old lady waved her parasol threateningly: but nothing seemed to disturb the good-humour of the jolly old man, who marched on, chanting his melodious refrain:—

{ \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \key f \major \time 2/4 << \relative c'' { \autoBeamOff c8. bes16 a4 | g8. f16[ f] f4.*1/2 | g e16 c4\fermata | c'8. c16 c4 | c8. bes16[ a] a4.*1/2 | g f16 f4\fermata }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode { Chel8. -- sea16 buns!4 Chel8. -- sea16 buns hot!4.*1/2 Chel -- sea16 buns!4 Pi8. -- ping16 hot!4 Chel8. -- sea16 buns hot!4.*1/2 Chel -- sea16 buns!4 } >> }

"Far too indigestible, my love!" said the old lady. "Percentages will agree with you ever so much better!"

Clara sighed, and there was a hungry look in her eyes as she watched the basket lessening in the distance: but she meekly listened to the relentless