Page:Catalogue of books suitable for a popular library.djvu/125

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Barnes, J. Yankee ships and Yankee sailors.

N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1897 $1.50

Old adventures in new setting, described in a breezy, captivating style.

Baxter, S. Cruise of a land-yacht.

Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1891 $1.75

Biart, J. L. The Aztecs.

Chic., McClurg, & Co., 1892 $2

The author of this work ranks as the best living authority on this subject. He is a distinguished French scientist who spent twenty-four years in Mexico.

Bigelow, P. Borderland of Czar and Kaiser.

N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1895 $2

Notes on both sides of the Russian frontier.

White man’s Africa.

N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1897 $2.50

The brightest, the most comprehensive, and the most impartial of the dozens of books that have been published since recent developments gave occasion for book making on this subject.

Bird, I. L. (afterwards Mrs. Bishop.) Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan.

Il. N. Y., Putnam’s Sons, 1891; 2 vols. $6.50

This fascinating and interesting work fully maintains the author’s well earned reputation as a traveler of the first order and a graphic and picturesque writer.

Korea and her neighbors.

N. Y., Revell & Co., 1897 $2

The facilities enjoyed by the author have been exceptional. She has been honored by the confidence and friendship of the king and the late queen, and has had access to valuable sources of information.

A lady’s life in the Rocky Mountains.

Il. N. Y., Putnam’s Sons, 1894 $1.75

These delightful letters are a faithful picture of the country and state of society as it was twenty years ago.

The Hawaiian archipelago.

Il. N. Y., Putnam’s Sons, 1894 $2.25

This work has always been considered one of the most thorough descriptions of the Sandwich islands yet written.

Unbeaten tracks in Japan.

Il. N. Y., Putnam’s Sons, 1880; 2 vols. $5

The book is one of exceptional brilliancy and value.