Page:Catalogue of books suitable for a popular library.djvu/206

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N. Y., Century Co., 1893 $1
In the form of a story, Mr. Gladden points out the evils and corruptions of politics, and calls upon young men to organize and do away with "rings" and the abuse of the franchise.
N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1897 $1.25
The book has been written with an attempt to discover in what manner the well-being of the people is affected by the changes which are taking place in our industrial and social life.
Bost., Houghton, Mifflin, 1894 $1.25
Applies moral tests to questions of property, wages, competition and the present organization of society.
N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1895 $1
The book was never more timely than today. When the work first appeared in Germany it led to important social action.
Chic, H. S. Stone & Co., 1898 $1.25
The object of this book is to unite all good, enlightened people on the Collectivism, here presented, as the worthy ideal of the twentieth century, and in efforts to render odious the spirit of individualism.
N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1891 $1.75
Contains an immense amount of exact information regarding all branches of the subject.
N. Y., D. Appleton & Co., 1899 $1
This volume contains a collection of articles and addresses previously published, discussing the different aspects of the subject as they have arisen during the last twelve years.
Funk & Wagnails, 1884 $1.50
Author endeavors to show all that is clearly known and proven regarding alcohol and human life.