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Prophets;"[1] and pointed out, in a manner suited to the times and circumstances, a sure and direct path to the happiness of heaven. But, as he had foretold that he would give a teacher, " to be the light of the Gentiles and salvation to the ends of the earth;"[2] "in these days he hath spoken to us by his Son,"[3] whom also by a voice from heaven, " from the excellent glory,"[4] he has commanded all to hear and to obey; and the Son " hath given some apostles, and some prophets, and others evangelists, and others pastors and teachers,"[5] to announce the word of life; that we be not carried about like children with every wind of doctrine, but holding fast to the firm foundation of the faith, " may be built together into a habitation of God in the Holy Ghost."

The pastors of the Church to be heard.That none may receive the word of God from the ministers of the Church as the word of man, but as the word of Christ, what it really is, the same Saviour has ordained that their ministry should be invested with such authority that he says to them; " he that hears you, hears me; and he that despises you, despises me;"[6] a declaration which he would not be understood to make to those only to whom his words were addressed, but likewise to all who, by legitimate succession, should discharge the ministry of the word, promising to be with them "all days, even to the consummation of the world."[7]

Peculiar necessity of pastoral instruction in these days.As this preaching of the divine word should never be interrupted in the Church of God, so in these our days it becomes necessary to labour with more than ordinary zeal and piety to nurture and strengthen the faithful with sound and wholesome doctrine, as with the food of life: for " false prophets have gone forth into the world"[8] " with various and strange doctrines"[9] to corrupt the minds of the faithful; of whom the Lord hath said Activity of the "Reformers.""I sent them not, and they ran; I spoke not to them, yet they prophesied."[10] In this unholy work, to such extremes has their impiety, practised in all the arts of Satan, been carried, that it would seem almost impossible to confine it within bounds; and did we not rely on the splendid promises of the Saviour, who declared that he had "built his Church on so solid a foundation, that the gates of hell should never prevail against it, "[11] we should be filled with most alarming apprehension lest, beset on every side by such a host of enemies, assailed by so many and such formidable engines, the Church of God should, in these days, fall beneath their combined efforts. To omit those illustrious

  1. Heb. i. 1
  2. Is. xlix. 6
  3. Heb. i. 2
  4. 2 Pet. i. 17
  5. Eph. iv. 11
  6. Luke x 16
  7. Matt xxviii. 20
  8. 1 John iv. 1
  9. Heb. xiii 9
  10. Jerem xxiii. 21
  11. Matt xvi 18