Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/177

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Benedetti, Giovanni Battista, physicist Xn-55d; 56b; 59a; inertia XII-56C — Jacopo. See Jacopone da 1 oill — Pietro. See Ambaracli, Peter —Vincent, Count X-7n2d Benedetto, Bishop of Montefeltro

X-r.L'Sd — Giacomo, lawyer VII-55C

"ustiglione, Giovanni


_da Majano XV-701a

Benedicamus Domino 1V-/J/C, VIII-2.53C

Benedic Domine banc aquam, urH\ IT XV-5(14c

Benedicite, canti.le IV-GaSa; Aiiibrosinn (Iffice I-399b; Bangor Antiphonary III-498b; Breviary n-772b; Celtic Rite III-499b; doxology V-150d: in funeral service III-(6b; Oal- lican Rite VI-361d; 717c: Kraces in VI-715a: Mozarabic Mass X-619b; Turin Fragment III-i96b ^ „ ^,_

BENEDICT I, Pope n-427c, XII-273b; on betrothal 11-

—ii, SAINT, Pope II^27c; XII-

— 111,'pope II-427d; XII-273c: Hincmar of Reims VII-356<1

IV, Pope II-42Sa; XII-273d;

Breton hierarchical controversy XII-772C; Louis III of Burgun-

-^rVop^'n'Uasb; IX-160b; - 160c: XI-355c;XII-273d;and Otto I XIV-262C

—VI, Pope IM28c: IV-484d; XII-273d; XIV-262C

— Vn, Pope II-128C; XII-2,3d; XIV-262C; coins XIV-/15bj dalmatic IV-608c; diaconal churches III-334C; Gemblours

— Vin, Pope II-428d; XII-273d; at Bamberg II-243a; Credo of Mass XII-U5a; Filioque \ II- 413a; and Gregory VI VI--91C: and Henry II XIV-2b2d; Porto episcopate XII-29l)b —IX, Pope II-429a; IV-17d; XII-273d; 274a; XIV-263a; abdication I-31d; XI-764d; and Gregory VI VI-/91a: and Henry III Xni-168c; and Leo IX IX-161b; Marseilles IX-715d; Porto episcopate XII-290b; Servites XIII-736C —X, Antipope II-129b; XI-55b: XII-274a; and Peter Damian XI-765a; Velletri episcopate I-582b; VI-792b; XI-346d —XI, Pope II-429C; XII-2(4b: 368Ad; and Albertini I-263b; arms (ill.) II-429C; and Ay- meric II-165d; Baptistines 11- 278b; China I-781a; on confes- sion XI-628b; Friars Minor I- 6o7d; VI-283b; Guelphs and Ghibellines VII-5Sb; Nesto- riansIII-559c; Ostia and Vel- letri epbcopate XI-34Bd; Re- gesta Ill-oOd; S. Nico'o. Church of, Trevnso XV -38b, Servia XIII-733a; Thomism XIV-702b; tiara XIV-715C: and Villanovanus XV-430a — Xn, Pope II-»30a; XI-436a; XII-274b; Ad decorem 111- 293c; Armenians I-739b; arms (ill.) II-*30a; on beatific vision VII-171d; Benedictina II- 446c; Benedictus Deus VIII- 551d; Cahora University XIV- 797c; Canons Regular XII- 7old; Dominicans XII-3.i9c: formulary VI-144a; Friars Minor VI-284a; and Gerardua Odonis Vl^eSd; Grenoble University VII-2Sa; on heaven VII-173C; on judgment, par- ticular VIII-5.51b; and Kublai Khan II-655b; manuscripts IX-618d; Michaelites VI-248b: atMorimond X-570b; Pamiers XI-436a; Portugal XII-301b; and Rosate XIH-189C; tiara XIV-71.ic; and Vonfurino of Bergamo XV-344b; and witch- craft XV-676» — Xin, Pope I 109b; II^31b: XI-325C; XI -2744; 368Gc: and Agreda I-: 30a; and Amort

XVi.— 11


I-434d; archives I-G96d; arms (ill.) II-131b: asylum, right of XII-440d; and Bianchini 11- 521b: "Cajremoniale" revision III-133a; Cahors University XIV-797c; and Charles VI X- 4o2a; Christian Brothers V 111- 449a; XIII-576d; clerical cos- tume IV-420C; Cord of St. Francis Archconfraternity IV- 357d; Cord of St. Thomas Confraternity IV-358b; Do- minicans, Irish III-80a; fu- neral duesVI-321d;Genazzano XI-361b; hospital VII-487c; "In supremo" XII-407a; Lat- eran Council (1725) IX-19b; Malabar Rites IX-561C; me- morial of Rites IX-302d; Monte Cassino X-528a; Mon- tesquieu X-537b; music, eccle- siastical X-GSSc; and Palafox y Mendoza XI-415a; and Pere- grine Laziosi XIII-736d; and Polignac XII-212C; property, ecclesiastical VIII-84b; Recol- lects. German-BelgianVI-2S9d ; Rosary feast XIII-1S9C; on rubrics III-13;!c; St. Andrews University XIII-332a; Sar- diniaIV-203d; XIII-476d; and Steenhoven XV-247a; Thom- ism XIV-703a; and Victor Amadeus XII-78a; XIII-776a; St Vincent de Paul, beatibca- tion XV-137C; Way of the Cross XV-571a —XIII, Antipope. See Luna,

Pedro dc ^, .„„

— XrV, Pope I-691a; II-432c; IV-2b; IX-66a; XI-165b; XII-274d; on abbots I-20a; abbreviators I-30a; Academy of Archa;ology I-S7a; Acca- demia Liturgica I-86C; "Ad militantis" I-653d ; administra- tion II-434a; on adoption I- 147d; on affinity I-179a; on Agios O Theos 1-2 Uc; 230a; and Agreda I-230a; and Al- beroni I-260b; on altar-crucifix I-353a; and Amort I^34o; on anathema maranatha I-456d; apocrypha I-615b; on apostasy I-624C; "Apostolicum Minis- terium" I-658a; "Apostolica; Servitutis" I-646d; approba- tion, defined I-65Sb; on Ar- changede Lyon I-691a; arms (ill.) II-432c; on Assumption II-6c; asylum, right of XII- 440d; and Augustinian School VI-712a; XIV-595a; and Bal- lerini II-223d; Baptistines II- 278a; on beatification I I-598a; Bellarmine, cause of II-413b; Benedictine constitutions XV- 644c; and benefices XV-62ic; and Bernis 11-51 Ic: and Bi- anchi II-540d; and Bianchim II-541C; Breviary revision II- 776c; BuUarium III-49a; on canonization ll-364b; on Canon of the Mass III-256a; 260c; IX-79.5b; Capuchins in Poland XII-193b; and Ccillier III-477a; "Ceremonial" revi- sion IX-302C; character II- 43oa; and Charles Emmanuel III XII-78a; Chinese rites III-672a; XIII-39C; and Choi- seul III-694C; on clergy IV- 213d; Clericato IV-50c: cloister legislation IV-61c; (i3d; coins, papal X-33(5a; and Collegio Germauico-L n- garico XIII-133b; on complic- ity I-lOOc; and Concina IV- 191c; on confession for nuns XI-166c; consistorial advocates I-16Sa; constitutions V-688b; IX-203C; Coptic Church V- 356a; Council, Congregation of the XIII-141C; creed forOnent- als IV-478C; defender of mar- riage tie IV-C75b; "Dei iniscra- tione" V-59b; on duelling \- 184d; IS.'id; and F,n.stern Churches II-J34b; V-2.39a; ec- clesiastical benefices, legislation XV-627C; encyclical V-4!4a; and England 11 1-565b ; V-t7 1 d ; XIV-92d; "Etsi pastoralis 1II-488C; V-726a; on Eu- charistic bread VII-494c; on excommunication V-680d; Ex


Omnibus" III-094C; on extreme unction V-72.5b; fasting legis- lation V-790d; Fabric of St. Peter's. ConjinT^.i."" "f l^ XIII-146d; aii.l I'.T.lin.iinl \1 XII-293b;andi ;. nhl \ I ITIc; Golden Bull .M ^ l"^b: .n; Golden Rose Vl-f.2'.ld; end grace controversies. Il-K>2c; Grottaferrata Vll-llb; Gua- delupe, Our Lady ofVII-44b; Guatemala VII~54b; on heroic virtue VII-292c; Holy Office. Congregation of the XIII- 137b; Holy Sepulchre.Order of IV-6G9b; on hunting VIl-564a; Index of Forbidden Books III- 622d; VIl-722b; XIII-143C; indulgences forniula VII-783C; on interest XV-235d; 236b: Isla VIII-190a; Jansemsm VIII-293d; St. Joseph devo- tion VIII-506a; on Lavabo XX^4d; on law. fiction ofll- 562a; Lebanon Council XII- 516a- and Leonard of Port Maurice IX-179a; liturgical reforms II-434c; XIII-72b; " Magna nobis" V-193a; Mala- bar Rites IX-562a; and Maria Teresa IV-203d; on marriage IX-711d; marriage, clerical III-488C; marriage of heretics. Holland IV-2b; marriage, mixed IX-698d; and martyrol- ogy IX-302d; 741d; on Mary de Sales Chappuis IX-754d; Mass. liturgy of XIII-/lb; on Mass, parochial Xll-'78c; and Master of the Sacred Pal- ace X-39b; and Migazzi X- 288b; on miracles, gift of X- 351a; on missions X-392b; and Morgagni X-.'iiiSb; ami ^Iu^a- tori X-e42b; nlu^rl^■i 1 1 1 ."l>c; music, ecclcsi:tHti. ;tl -N-':'.'^?; Noble Guard. \ at..^,ii X\- 300c; Office. Divine Xl-220b; "Oneroso" XII-388b; and OrsiXI-325b;PacificusotCere- dano XI-382d; on palms, use of XI-432b; Passionists XI- 522b; on Penance, Sacrament of I-65b; Penitentiaria XIII- 147d; 148b; and Poleni XII- 204b; and Poland XII-191d; and Pombal XII-224d; Pontif- fical IX-301d; Xn-231d; por- trait II-433a; VI-686d; Pra!ci- puum XI-142b; professor, female I-21ob; Promoter of the Faith I-16Sb; on prophe- cies, recipients of XII-474c; propositions, condemned \-

propOSilloua, vuu^.."."-— -

688c; public policy 11^331); Redemptoristine rule ^11- 683a; Redemptorists I-336d; XII-683b; religious, legislation concerning XI-165a; Requiem Mas3XII-777b; on revelations, private XIII-5b: Ritual revi- sionIX-302c; Xnl-89d;Rome, University of XIII-17Sb; Sab- batine privilege Xnl-290c: " Sacramcntum pcenitentiae V^90d; S. Apolhnare. Church of XIII-174a; St. Benedict, medals of Xin-33Sd; Santa Casa di Loreto XIII-455b: S. Croce in Geru.salemmc Xlll- 169d; and S. Mary Major, Church of XIII-169d: and Sardinia IV-203d; on Scrip- ture, reading of XIII-640c: on Sibvlline poems XII^'4d; on slavery XIV-39b; Society of Jesus XIV-85c; 109b; on solicitation XIV-1.35a: Sol- licita ac provida IIl-52t)C: Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin, XV-468d; and Spain IV- 203d; XIV-184C; 187b; Spirit- ual Exercises approved XIV- 228d; Super Bacchanalibus XIII-7ri4a; on synod, diocesan XIV-388b; 612c; as tem- poral ruler II^33d; on Tene- W XIV-506a; Thomism XIV- 703a; tomb XIII-.372c; tomb (ill.) II-4.35b; on Uniat patn- archs Xl-553b; on usury and interest XV-236b; and Vallarsi XV-260a; on VAsquez XV- 275a; Vatican collections XV- 294d; 295a; 295c; Vatican Library XV-294d; 297a: Vat

ican museum X-647b; on Viaticum XV-398a; on Virgin Marv, tomb of XV-i70b; visit ■1,1 limine, rules for XV-479b; Wax ni the Cross lV-102a; \\ ,i7 1a on wine and water, ,^M„l, XII-777C —XIV, Antipope IX-725C; XII-

274c — cardinal, papal legate II-45C — papal chanter III-618d —missionary III-669d; VI^48c —Danish prince III-307c; XVI-

65b — Saint, Bishop of Embrun VI-

37Sb —Bishop of Gallipoli VI-367a —Bishop of Linkfiping XVI-54a — Saint, Abbot of Masserac X-

682a —Saint, Bishop of Maunenne

XIII-354b — Abbot of Mehrerau X-147a —Bishop of Messina X-217b —Archbishop of Milan I\-294d —Bishop of Rieti XIII-54a —Canon of St. Peter's. "Liber

Politicus" of XI-287b —Bishop of Savona Xin-490a —I, Bishop of Skara XVI-75b — n, Bishop of Skara XVI-75b — E. C, hvmnodist IX-37d —Saint, Medal of. See Saint

Benedict. Medal of -Saint, Order of. See Benedic- tine Order Benedicta, legend II-682C —mission Xn-288b Benedictbeuren, play IX-27C;

X-3.Wa —ABBEY OF n-441a; <8a; deiliiatcd II-73d; suppression I-7.')ld; X-453C BENEDICT BISCOP, SAINT II-441C; and Bcde II-3S4b; and St. Ceolfrid III-53CC; Cru- cifixion painting I\-533b; Easterwine V-240c; Jarrow IX-618a; libraries IX-229c; Lindisfarne Gospels XV-51Sd; relics XIV-706a; schola can- torum XIII-547d; Wearmouth Abbey XV-572b Benedicti, Jacopo. See Jacopone

da Todi —JEAN 11-44 Id — Johannes. .Sic Bengtsson Benedictina, Bull of Benedict

XII II-446C . ,„

Benedictine dispensation lA-

699a „

BENEDICTINE ORDER 11- 443a; abbey I-12b; abbeys, in- dependent II-453a; Abbo Cer- nuus I-15b; St. Abbon I:;-15c — Abbots: American and English I-19d; Armenian, in Italy I- 20c; distribution I-20b; elec- tion I-17d; (ill.) n-446b; office I-16b; primate I-17a; II-453b;

—Abingdon Abbey I-43d; Ach6- ry I-102b; address I-139a; Adelham l-141a; Admont Ab- l,py T-M.'ic; St. Ado of Vienne I ii-„t MIIh.Ii, ni Abbey I- I I ; t in Ala-

1 I Monte

[ ;, : _ -a. Ml..ric of

(Jslla I 2.:'Jb. Albert of Stade I-2G2d; Alexandre I-299b; Ambrosian Library I-394b; Amorbach Abbey I-433a; Ani- pleforth Abbey I-439b; II- 447d; Andechs monastery XVI-3a; Anderton I-467d; St. Anschar I-544c; St. Ansegisus I-545C; Ansegisus. Archbishop of Sens I~.545b; Ansclm of Lucca I-550c; Armellino 1- 730a; arts IH58c; St. Augus- tine of Canterbury II-81b; 44.3d- in Australia XII-201d; XIV-365d; in Austria II-450C: 4G0b; Autpert II-143c; Baben- Btuber II-178a; Baeiimer II- 202a- Baincs Il-2l)7d; Baker II-2i2c; Barkworth II-296d: Barlow II-298d; Bath Abbey IL.347a; Battle .Abbey II- 3.50b: in Bavaria II-4S0d; 456a; -tOOb; X-631a; Bavarian, in Africa I-191a; Bee Abbey II-379b; Becho ll-381b: in Belgium II-448C; Belm II-

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c. d. quarter of page.