Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/227

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nana III-418a; IX-430d:

Saints Marcellinus and Peter (ill.) IX-430C; Sainta Marcel- linus and Peter, paintings I- 333c; Marehi'swork IX-643d; Monogram of Christ X-48Sd; monuments, destruction of III- 706c: mortuarv chapels III- 577b; Northcote XI-Ulc; number III— tl8d: origin III- 418d; 504d; and Pantheon II- 661a; Perret III-707c; plan Ill-IlSb; position III-417c; of PriEt«xtatU3 I-332b; relics V-690a; de Richemont III- 707c: outside Rome III-427b: sarcophagi III— 423d: sculpture III— 424b: 424d: seats of stone III-437b: sepulchral slabs XIV-773C: Seroux d'Agincourt XIII-729d: slaves, epitaphs of XIV-37a: s\-mbolism in-ol4b; 514c: 517a: XIV-374b: term III-514C: St. Valentine, cruci- fixion IV-.'i2Sc; A'irgin Mary XV-ilil)a; 4ii(lb, 47.'a: Wilpert I-69()d: -.vorship Ill-41b


Catala, Magin. See Magin Catali

Catalan, language XIV-176b; 192b

—Vengeance XIV-182a

Catalan!, Giordano, missionary.' l-7slb; gcnpraphical research VI~t4Nd

—GIUSEPPE III^27d; Ctere- moniale Romanum III-538b; on Golden Rose VI-629d ; works III-427d

Catalano, Giovanni Domenico, painter VI-367a

Catalaunia. See Catalonia

Catalaunian Fields. See Ch&lons

Cataldino, Macheto, missionary VII-46b; VIII-1.56b; Paulistas defeated VII— t6c: and Ruiz de Montoya XIII-22.3d

Cataldo, Joseph, missionary II- 624a; XIU-327b; XV-563d

Cataldus, Saint. Bishop of Tar- antn Vlll-lOOd; IX-284C; XIV-451a

Catalepsy \'II-607a: and anies- thesia I-448a; and ecstasy V- 277c: and hvpnotism VII-606d

Catalo, Otger "lll^28a

Catalogus felicianus I-446d; IX-



1 Cata-

— liberianus.


— sanctorum HiberniEe III~494d — sanctorum Italiae I.\-742a CATALONIA lII-12Sa; XIV- 180a: 181b: and .\ragon II- 289a: III-412C: XIV-181c: Baluze II-242b: language III- 428b; legislation XIV-186d: name XIV-177c; organization XIV-171d: renascence III- 429a : religious communities IIH29C: revolt (1640) XIV- 6.i6a Catalonian chart II-758d Catamarca, Diocese of XVI-35a:

and Turum.'m XV-85a Catanei, Alberto de, Cossa's por- trait of IV-417a — Vanozza, and .\lexander \ I I-

289c Cataneo Diacceto, Francesco,

Bishop Ml Fl.-Mlr- \-l-7l)c CATANIA. ARCHDIOCESE OF Ill-429d; X-.'iOsb; X111-772C; cathedral III-430b: cathedral (ill.) in-430a: cemetery XIII- 774b: Immaculate Conception, feast of Vn-6S0d; martyrs XII-6I3b; patroness I-204b —University III-430b; XIII-


Cataphracti, Byzantine III-10.5C

Cataphrygians. See Montaniats

Cataractae I -363c

Cataract of the Nile, First V- 32'lc; r;,usc V 331a; fill.) V-3.30

Catarino, Ambrogio .W'-32c

Catastasis .\1\ 3s7b

Catastrophes, theory V-6.Wd

Catawba Indians VII-7.'>()d; .XI- ici^d; .\IV-17d: .\palaehees XIV-73.'ib; Iroquois VIII- 17t)a: language I^llb

Catch Club, London XV-573a

Catch-My-Pal Temperance So- ciety .\l\'-4S,sd

Cateau-Cambresis, treaty (1559) VI-17llb; X-.'J44b; XII-3a: 76d: XIII-«93a

Catecheses, of St. Cyril of Jeru- salem IV-.395d: V-77a; IX- 26a;XIV-605a

Catechesis, in early Church XI- 573c: of Gregory of Nyssa VII- 17d

Catechetical schools XIII-555a: Alexandria II-35d: Pierius XI- 437a

Catechetics V-75d ; St. Augustine V-77b; Calvin V-79a: converts V-85c; Doctrine, Christian V- 75d: England V-7Sb; Goffine VI-627c: history V-76a: Lu- ther V-79a; Middle Ages V-78c; modern VII-445d: methods V- 84b: Munich method V-85b: Pius X, Encyclical of V-80c: 83a; S3d; post-Tridentine V- 82c: practical V-82d: reform- ers V-79a: Roman Catechism XIII-120d: Sulpician method V-84d

Catechism V-75d: Amort I— 435a: Carranza's commentary III- 376d: 377c: Bellarmine V-79d: 81b; Butler V-81b; Calvin III- 196d: Canisius V-79b: 79d; 82a: XI-759b; Deharbe V-80c: 81b: 82b: deposit of faith XIV- 581c; Douai V-80a; Doulye V- 79d: English V-79d: Gagliardi VI-334d: Gaume VI-398c: of Geneva V-762d; German IV- 92c; Gerson V-79a: in Great Britain V-87a; de la Guerra Vll-4Sb; Hamilton VII- 124a; Hessels VII-,300d: in Ireland V-S7b: Leo XIII, rule of III-524a: medieval XII-365a; modern V-85d; Montoya XIII-224a; of Mont- pellier X-546a; Napoleon V- 80c; Overberg XI-363c; Pareja XIV-735c; Pius X XV-309b; Portugal XII-306C: Presby- terian III-203c; Protestant V-79a: of Quebec XIII-388b: use in Shakespeare V-76a: and teaching authority XV-llb; theology, moral XIV-610d; St. Thomas XII-365a: Tridentine VI-75d; XIV-672d; XV-35b; universal V-86c: LTnitarian XIV-11.3d: United States V- 80d: \'atican decrees XV-304d: Vaux V-79d: XV-315c: Verot XV-363d

— Rotnan. See Roman Cate- chism

Catechismus ad parochos IX- 356c; XII-368Fd

Catechist III-430d: X-333a

Catechista cattolico, periodical. Italy XI-6S.5a

CATECHUMEN IIH30c; in .\frican Church I-198c: Agape I-202a; Albigensian rites I- 269c; baptism VII-424b; 438a; dead, prayer for IV-657a: X- 23d; dismissal I-198a; VI- 362a: in Eastern Church VII- 712c: exorcism V-711a: and faithful V-769a: genuflexions VH26a; in India XIII-387d; as infidel Vni-2d: Manichse- ism IX-593C

— Mass o/ VI-6.59b; IX-307c: 794d: Alexandrine I-304a: ap- plication of II-265d; Basilian II-321d: end IX-798d: Gos- pel VI-6o9c; 6.59d; St. Mark. Liturg\- of I-304C: Matins X- .'^2b: (Office, Divine XI-219C: Syrian Rite XIV-117a

—oil V1I-422C; oil vessels III- 69Sa; in Ordo Romanus XI- 286b: Palm Sunday XI-432C: persecution IV— 46c; salt XIII- 401a

CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE III-4.i2b; I-216d: X-205a: XII-ti.52d: XIV-6d: inconsis- tency III-4.33a; merits III- 4.32d: origin of term III-432b

CATEGORY, of Aristotle III- 43.3b: I-714C; 718b; X-233d: .Xn-.'i89d; Ahelard's glosses I-38b; habit VII-l()2b: num- ber I-96d; Porretanus VI- 5.5.5b; quality XII-589C: quan-

tity XII-591b; substance XIV- 322d

Category, of Kant I-216d; III- 465c; IV-771d:VI-137d; VIII- 604a

Catel, Charles Simon, musician XVI-.53C

— Pierre, Prefecf-Apost^lic of Ubanghichari XV-115d

Catelinus. See John III

Catena aurea (Henry of Her- ford) Vlll-235d

—aurea (St. Thomas) III-434b; IV-160b; XII-363C: XIV- 667a; dedication I-540d

Catenacci, Domenico, Franciscan VI-29.5d


Catenists, Greek IV-160a

Catergian, writer I-73Sd

Caterini, Aloysius, Jesuit I-426c

— Prospero, cardinal, on Syllabus Commission XIV-368b

CaterpiUar, in Bible I-526d

—point, lace VIII-731a

Catervus, Saint, Apostle of Tolen- tino IX-492b

Catesby, Robert, conspirator VI- 387b: VII-81b; S2a: XIII-653b

Cateth VI-437a

Catguaret, Bishop of Llandaff IX-316a

Cathach, Psalter IV-137a; VI- 77c

Cathair Fursa (Peronne) VI-325d

Cathal, Saint. See Cataldus

— King of Connaught, abbey XV-81b; and Cormac Mac Cuilenan IV-373b

Cathan, Saint II-.594d

Cathanars XIV-68.5C

CATHARI ni-43.5a; IX-412d;; 76sd; and -\lbigen- ses I-2li7d: St. Anthony of Padua I-5o7a; apotactics I- 650a: Aragon, expulsion from Vin-36c: asceticism I-772b; in Balkan States III-436d; baptism, infant, rejection of II-270a; Belgium III-435d: and Catholic Church III-437a: communism IV-180c: Conrad of Marburg IV-2S9d: doctrine III-435b: Eckebert V-273c; England IIH36d; France III- 435c: Germany III-436C; his- torj- III-43.5C; Italy III-436a; and Manichaeans III-435a: Moneta I-621c: X-479a; origin III-435a: priesthood attacked XII-415b: punishment VIII- 28b; XIV-762d; Reconciled Lombards XII-250d: Resurrec- tion denied X1I-792C; Sacchoni XIII-292b; sects III-435a; Spain III— 436a: and Waldenses X\'-528d; witchcraft XV-675d

Catharine. See Catherine

Catharinus, Ambrosius. See Pol- iti. Lancelot

Catharum. .Sec Cattaro

Cathay, Empire of III-663d: 670a: 682a; VI-449a; XII-218b

Cathed. See Cateth

CATHEDRA III-437b: 439c; authority symbolized III- 438b: decoration III-437C; ex cathedra III-4.3Sb; form III- 437c: in Greek Church I-359b; (ill.) III-437c; term III-438b; t\'pe, earliest III— 437b. See Throne

— Apostolica. See Apostolic See; Holv See

—Petri. See Chair of Peter

CATHEDRAL III-438b: age for dignitaries I-207c: annates I- .5.38a: bells II-424a: canons III-2.53b; 48.5c; 582c

—chapter III-.582d: XII-407b: XVI-lOa; processional cross XII-448C; rochet XIII-104b

—chapter house III-o84b; choirs I-342d: ciborium I- 353b; construction ni-42b; dedication, anniverear.v III- 43b: dedication, feast XVI- 14b: Durham V-212a; erection III-12a; Geneva (ill.) IX-42a: Lincoln, vestments V-2.52b: Milan I-400C; Montepulciano (ill.) X-.532; penitentiary XIII-147b: Puis IX. legislation of V-691b; prebend XII-371b; priories XII-428C; Rouen V- 23b; Russian antimensium I-

564a: sacristv Xlll-32:!a; San Miniato (ill.) XIII-449; schools XIII-556a: schools, emancipa- tion V-399b; services, students at I-370d; stalls XIV-243d; stipends, municipal I-343a; sjTnbolism XIV-375d; taber- nacle XIV-424a: Taubatd XIV-46.5b: Vereelli (ill.) XV- 349d; Verdun (ill.) XV-351; Viterbo (ill.) XV^87d: Viviers (ill.) XV-493d

— Building Society, Cologne, founded IV-117c

— CoUege, New York XI-28a

CATHEDRATICUM III-441b: 441a; IX-2IISd; XIV-322b; contrnvcr.s\- III— 141d: legisla- tion in-)41h;441d


Catherine, Queen of Bosnia, tomb XIII-172a

— in. Duchess of Lorraine XII- 764c

— Queen of Navarre X-722d

— I, Empress of Russia XIII- 248a: 375b: Jewish policy VIII-397d

— n. Empress of Russia XIII- 248b: Alaskan expedition I- 246c: and Catholic Church XIII-2.56d: 37.5c: coloniza- tion XIV-739a; and education Xin-241a: foundling asy- lums Vl-160b: and Jesuits IV- 37a; XIV-99b; Jewish policy VIII-39Sa; and Joseph II VIII-509a: monasteries X- 471d: Naval Alliance XII- 524a: and Poland XII-186c; religious policy lX^04a: and Russian literature XIII-271a; St. Petersburg XIII-375b; Seven Years War XII-524a; Turkish War XIII-733d: Uni- ats X-428d

—MONASTERY OF SAINT II- 323a: III^42d: IX-616b: Co- dex Sinaiticus IV-85d; XIII- 724a: (ill.) Vlll-facing 196; MSS. IX-620b; 633a

— Aurelie du Precieux Sang, foundress XII-374C

— Benincasa, Saint. See Cather- ine of Siena. Saint

— Colombini, Blessed, foundress VIII-45Sd

— Comaro, Queen of Cyprus IV-555a ; 590d

— DE MEDICI III-443a: astrol- ogy II-22c: at Chartreuse XiV-4.53d: at Chenonceaux XV-4b: Colignv assassinated XIII-334b; funeral oration II- 377a: and Guise. Francois de VII-75b; and L-Hospital IX- 209c: and Huguenots VII- 531b; and Pellissier XI-609d: and Pius V XIII-336b: Poissy Colloquy V-36d; XV-366d; portrait IV-facing 68: religious policv XII-7n7b; at Rouen XI-l'nr,d:tiin,liXl-4SSa

— DE RICCI. SAINT III-444C; Xn-3lisHc; letters VIII-251a; St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi. vision of IX-762d; mystical marriage IX-70:ib: stigmata XIV-294d; 29.5b

— de Vigri, Saint. 5ee Catherine of Bologna

— TageUon, Queen of Sweden XII-706d:XIV-349c

— Morigia, Blessed, foundress I- 404c


— in art: II Parmigiano XI-507a: Raphael (ill.) XII-103; Seitz XIII-688a

—cross III-44.3a: feast III-44.5c: Joan of ,^rc, apparition to Vlll-ilOa: marriage (ill.) III- 44.5a; relics IIl-442d

— of Aragon V-44.5c; VII-222b: burial place XI-107d: and Campeggio III-223d; divorce I-.321C; IV-2.5d; XIII-44C; and Fisher VIII-4fi2c: Forrest, poem of ^■I-144a: pilgrimage XIII-761a: in Shakespeare XIII-749d; and Wolaev XV- 6S6c

—OF BOLOGNA, SAINT III- 446a: XII-2,54b; church

Romao numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.