Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/237

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'^^IV "l ^5« !>' Spain XIV- 184d; foundation XVI-43c- Goyas porlrait VI-8.s-b; leg-

^.uyaa porirait vl-B.S-b: lee- 'f v'T, /' ^'"i S?"* • Louisiana 133d "" ^ ^"

~n„Fg« °^- fP"'"- ■^^ Carloa, ';'"°. Spanish pretender

~vfft i°S "' Sweden XIV-3.51b

~y™' I^ng of Sweden XIV- Ja2b; and Bengtsson II-478c; 479a; Denmark IV-728a '

—IX, lung of Sweden XIV-353a-

ZZTi^Wr}^^"" tSO: re-

XV-°49a "" ^«'«*<"'a

~YTV^'-?-*->K°' Sweden XI-4I6b;

™«fk IV-72SC; Lund UniVe?- ?s^ IX-«Sc: and Poles X^II- 250a' *° Starowolski XIV-

— Ifr ?^r* °J Sweden XIV-353b ill. lOngof Sweden XIV-353b: Aitranstadt treaty (1707) II-


— Xm, King of Sweden and Nor- "^"l^XIV-SaSb; Order of XIV-

—XIV, King of Sweden and Nor- rj -X'"^-,"*'- XIV-3S3bT35?c; and Napoleon X-6SSc; 698b' Pontecorvo XIV-265a

—XV, King of Sweden and Nor- way XI-120a; XIV-353C

—I. Count of Anjpu. See Charles 1. King of Naples and Sicily

—II, Count of Anjou. See ghariesII.Kingofliapleaand

~vr -oq^ "' Austria, at Aspern

VI-o09a; and Napoleon X-

688c; and Schlegcl Xin-542a

-Grand Duke of Baden II-19oc

— U, Alargraye of Baden II-19ob-

and Pistonus Xll-USb

r" ?J Burgundy in-69c:

Bruges Ill-fia; Chastcllain III-


PrndV- W,'"? I'^-690c; and

Fredenek IV of Germany VI-

49Sb, Lorraine IX-3fi4b; and

Xll^oih V^.-^^°'= Normand?

la Marche XI-246b; St. Claude

pilgrimage XIII-341d; sS

773T»t^'^^-^??,v'°-»b XFV- (^m; at Tours XV-3c 3;Duke of Calabria VI-107b —Count of Flanders VI-9.';a- murdered III-211a '

■ —Cardinal of Guise. See Guise ~VIll300'b'"™ °' Hesse-Kassel — n, Duke of Mantua III-410a -m ^ if °f P?rma XI-506a —UI, Duke of Parma XI-506a

Vln"4^h^Sf™> J<^™^alem -m r;nt't^"-'""° XIII-406b

.tV/3^d°-'- «- ^--

~?-q"j°' of Valois, Aragon VII- fifi?h' ""J' Boniface VFII II- W)3b; and Clement V IV-21a- Constantinople IV-.304d; XII- ob; crusade VI-16,Sa; at Flor- lZ% I.I-063d; IV-628C; VI-

Pf:^,^?!;?^'-- VI-


-tel'R- '""'"'^«^>« VII-408d KoDert Henry, exegele I-6(l2d

-Thomas, .M,..hodist X-241a -Albert, of Bavaria. See Chiles >U. Kmperor

47fih"'i'^'°? °'. Sardinia XIII •4/bb: Accademia di Archeolo; fiV. /'"' "? Audisio II-70b-


1 'oa. and w .ildense.s XV-l^nh -Alexander. Duke of WQrtem-

oerKXV-7lr)d u.iem-

-Augustus, Grand Dukeof Saje-

JVeiinar-E,.,enaeh XIII-J9M

Illuminati IX-776b "^^^

~Vm-"^2b'"'" "' «^°'"' -?ORROMEO, SAINT III- 1)1 9a; Academy I-S4b; and ^°S° .^1«": alb i:252a; and St. Aloysius I-331d; altar- ^^^^ds I-350a; altar-st4ps I- ^S6d; Ambrosian Rite I-395c; Ambrosians I-404b; and St Andrew Avellino I-472c- An K|^als I-483a; Antoniaio I- oS4d; Avona statue VIII-216C- f?'!Ba™abitesII-302a; beards ii-,ib3c; and Borromeo. Fed- v'S?4„"-6«8»:^and Camnion qofh.'**/- "'? Capuchins III- 3-4b; Cardan lrt-332c; cen- tenary XII-139b; charity or- ganization III-602b; Christian Doctrine Confraternity III- 'llc; Commendone IV-157b- conferences, ecclesiastical IV- ^I3c; and Colon IV-422b- councils, provincial Xll-Sliic' and Dolfin II-760d; emS fe« V-399d; and EistaXus

  • elix of Canta ce VI-33c-

fonts yil^35c; Forty Hours' Devotion VI-152a; and S?. Francis Borgia VI-215c; and Gagliardi VI-334d; games VI- •37(.b; and Gifford VI-o53a: Giussanos life of I~4fl5c; Go^

r^w" 1 !.,"' ^'I-623a; and Ooldwell VI-632b; and Gon

VuJlc:^^?'- homiletie work Vli-446d; hospital VII-487c- on host, Eucharistic VII-491n' humeral veil VII-M2d; and Humiliati yil-543b; and In Coena Domini VII-718b; and

l\^l-l^~^^S^i,'V LucerSe l.\-40/d; and Melchior IX- 438a; at Milan X-301a; ^Old; music, ecclesiastical XI- 4J2c; at Nonantola X-414c- Oria. XI-3p2a; and painTings,' reigious XI-401b; and Pal^ otti XHl9a; and Pius IV XII-129d; and Pius V XII-

VU ■,«'"" -"^ commemorates AH-138c; plague III-623a- i-oor Clares convent XIII- 135c; poor-relief XII-239d-

Sre™"n"x-/ili,^«"'l«'-R^'Pt \-IT 7Qr. y"^^^'=;, retreats V 7qJ yt'tt^.T'"' Catechism ri: r>-TH~'-'«: S. Prassede Church XIII-173c; Santa Casa di Loreto XIII-4o5b; semi^! Holv'^li'.if/^ and ShroSd. \IV ?7h^^7?:.' ■'""^ Sirieto VIV sIh Jd Society of Jesus AIV-84d; 86d; on Spiritual Exercises XIV-228C; anisw ?l"^ .^iV-373d; tabernacle AIV-424C; testament IV-774c- ?f„P'^°!°g'an, pastoral XIV- ktT?' , Thomism XIV-202d; IIli'iqH'".>r^'"'=\tT'-ent lU-619d; at Ugento XV-119b- and Irsulines XV-228d; St' V eronica Office XV - 363a' vicars forane I-698b; and vir- works™?!-")"*'"" °' ^V-459c: ~j^°^°°J«°. Saint, Oblates of.

~f?UfT\^^i*- Sisters of II-

  • i»oa, Aachen l-2c

lv"°>^l°' S»'°'- Society of Ste'*s'>°U"-e-RoyaI III-393a Ch« es Edward, Young Preten- Edward*" ■"""»• Charles "fi^ff^; Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Cotha XIII-J94C \mi?^'J 1'?,« °' Sardinia VII ^*' "?"' Benedict XIV iv"36a •M»""^^^'?'^'" ^"^IV lY-fii^; Marchesi's statue of 7lnl? 'J ?'"' Martini IX- XII-'77a """ ""^""i-ition

"xnKV/' °- f i""^ of Sardinia 77.. Dj"' abdication XII- 7 a; Piedmont XII-77a- a„A

^m^ •^■"-'•■'••"'^ S-oy

207c; and PhiUp of Spfin VH-


tonal acqmsition XII-76d o/SiS^"— 'I.King

• ~f ""J,'!"^', ^' Dxl^e of Savoy K-;n„ ?o *"',. Emmanuel II, King of Sardinia

- ~XV^?1f:H^"l! °' ^'Urtemberg

scho'Jix'v-^'sr" '■'-'^°'^<*^

' ~47Rh- n'y^ ,"' S-Vdiuia XIII-

-Ferdinand Prince of Poland,

Bishop of Bres au II-7fi3r -Frederick Duke of Blden II-

-Fred" '-t^4 ^ni-L^'""

— Giinther. Prinr-P r,r ««;,« 

.^^f/9^b"*-" ^I"-

~&lwedf^^ ^'""'- ^•

~fe«P Archduke, Bishop of

Breslau^II-763c; and Ol^ut.'

~^n"g'^o?lwef:^ ^'^-'^^ VIII, ~~XvL%f^"^'i'^^^ of Austria

~ix"i.i? ^'™"^. ""d Lucca

~}^"]s, Duke of Parma XI-506a

-^eZ^Ilf^'""^'"'- «- Nfp'o!

— MARTEL, mavor nf th^ „ i


Agbe"v"lJ,th'^' A'^orbach

sian,- vJ^I^?""' SS.""^ Austra-

sians M-241C; Bavaria II-

f^4<: land St. Boniface II-657b- ^°4pBoniface yill II-662c TIT £,-'°'"5 X-527a; charity IIi:73n»'¥?St-.Chrodegang lU-730a; Dissentis Abbey V-

318d St. Gall Abbey VI-347b- and Gregory II VI-78Sb: and Gregory III Vl-789b; and St Hugues of Paris XI-482rrand Mohammedans X^2'ia- nl

dmesIII-S3Sb;aVpepin?he" IVvS^i-^^^d; and Poitiers .^iv-l/ijc; and property ec- clesiast cal VI-4S6b; &". Rigo- i?l5'.X"-;23d: Saracens xfl-

xTv:2l9b "' ">"' c^""!-

~XlF-% Vene a'bTe.' Kny" All-(<3a; X\-27Irt- J„„.u


o^'r^"'- J Charles, Duke 01 Burgundy ^uKe

rh ^*"„?'°8 of France See

-Se'Fat' l^- ^'"^ °< Fraice "

ni Enlp^eSf ^-Charies

"~o^ F?arers^" ^'""'^=- Count — ThlS,"^'- ,?'^ Charlemagne 11 %A°"- 5"or of Bavaria

V^ot';^"4°'ob°SS?"§'lP VII-197dfl?,'umi^'a,^v'flt4?

Xl"^16d-"^1Sd "'scf'^^^ Xni-?j7o -S Schoenberg 472d Tegernsee XIV-

~K^/i?tr-anct' ^^^'^ "'■

Charleston, town Snnti, r> lina. Baptist church" n-27"d^ convention (1860) XV-lnl'


»;c; seminary II -312a; V-

f,>'»: statistics XV-176d

Charlestown. town, Massach,,

^etts, riots VIIll678aTur3u-



"viF-TsId ^"p "' iJ^^f-d

Charleville, town, France, Capu- chin convent III-326d; canoS- esse.s. convent of VII-d9To


Bt'oj.s, Marguerite Xlll-.i-jfifin- ^!ar^|?^Sr-Sa

^Ori^^^^^ii^ 'C. Thomism XIV-70.3a; on rhLr "'."'""'■•' XIV-77Sa Charher, Arnauld le VI-530d -de Gerson, Jean le. See Ger-

dWd; Nantes X-6S2a "NMcr"' ^-Chariesllof

3I4b Strasburg XIV-

— of Lorraine. Duke of Lowe

IX^-3"6§S '-"■■ VI-167^; —?{. Luxemburg. See Charles

i V . trnppror —of Montegraneli, Blessed VI-

'la; Jlirronymites \'II-34Sc "c-arl"!""'- '^" Gonzaga,

—of Salerno VII-4.59d; 460a

— Quint. See Charles V, Em- peror * "'

ga°rv'" S' *?l°"', ^'-ie of «"■>- Hu^gan ^'"'"'" '• !•« of

~XN°7(T" ^"'""' °' I'^'"'" — Spinola, Blessed XlV-llOa Kmg oPsm'l ■'■ Charles VH,

c.rif^,'/'i"'^'"' ^;\^-"'-- -s-

— the D ,1' ";*= °' Navarre nu , 8^'?■ ^ Emperor. See Charles II, Empen

£i;"|ofk. . See Mustard. —Marcel, anticlericalism VI- ^'s^Sb*^' ^"'""' °' CjTrus VIII- "vHsfb °' ^^'^'°- P""^"*

—Princess of Tarento I-291d ~248a"'°^"""' X-*"«: XIII-

^om???f^Sj ""<'<"' "Other, tomo ill- 22.5c

—of Savoy Vln-327d

—of the Resurrection.


"»^ ^essurrectii _

Mane-Madeleine Thour


Charlottetown, to college ni-240b -DIOCESE OF III-632b; insti-

ii'JSb -"■■ ^'^^^

—Herald XI-r,73b

Charlton, Catherine Xni-73qn

Charmarlin de la Rosa. Snain

Jesuit instidition XIV-175d ^fo™*'^ missionary XIII-

Charmot, Nicolas, on Chinese

ntcs Iir-(i72a Charmouth, battle (825) V-325c Charms I 221Jb; XIV-341b

  • -harnay, Geoffrey de. Templar

Chamel chapels III-577d

—house in-.507d

im"' ^'^""'^ '" China III- Charnier Cemeteri- of the Inno- cents, Pans IlI-5fl,Sa Chamisay, c<iloni.«t I-flib Charnock. Job ni-l,53b ""x VI^'c '^P"*" controversy Charobcrt, of Naples II-664d Charon, historian VIII-771a Charonne. monastery VII-1.38b Charpeign e, battle XV-254d