Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/382

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346b; chrism II-226b; clergy, education of VI-769d; confir- znatioD of mfantsIV-216b: con- firmation of ministers IV-215d: consanguinity IV-266d; Con- stantinople, jurisdiction of VI— 759b; Constantinople, canon of VI-757C; constitution VI- 740c; Corpus Cliristi, feast of lV-391b; and Crusade VI- 766b; in Cj-pras IV-o90c; VI- 767d; Diaconicum IV-769c; Divine Office I-106a; divorce V-58d; Easter V-224c; 226d; elements, Eucharistic XIII- 787b; and emperor VI-762a; Great Entrance I— 452a; ex- clusiveness III-758b: fasting XII-589a; and Filioque VI- 73b; VII-412d: flabellum VI- 89a; font II-274C; girdle III- 776a; Good Friday VI-fi44c; Gospels I-359c; Gregory XVI, allocution I-325c; Gregory of Nazianzus VII-14c; hagiog- raphy VII-107b; Hesychasm VI-768a; hierarchy, early VI- 760a; history VI-756a; his- tory ,-patriarchal VI-769a; holy days VI-22d; Holy Ghost VII- 4lib; Holy Synod VII-t31d; holy water, blessing of I V-535C ; host, material of VII-490b; host (ill.) VII-493; hymnody VII-59Sd; iconoclasm VII- 620a; iconostasis I-364c; VII- 626b; images III-372b; institu- tions, early benevolent VI-761a; Islamism VI-759a; Jerusalem, Church of VI-758b; St. James, Epistle of VIII-27od; St. Jude, Epistle of VIII-543b; St. Jo- seph, feast of VIII-505d; judg- ment. Divine VIII-550a; Lent, First Sunday of XII-589a; Leonteion II-17b; litanies IX- 2S6d; literature VI-771d; lit- urgy VI-763a; IX-306d; man- uscripts IX-616d; marriage I-l',9.-)b; n-.->t;ib; IX-709d

GREEK CHURCH, Mass X-6b; Antiplmns I-o75d; Apolytikion I-623d; of the Pre-sanctified V-581a

— Menologium X-191c; Meta- phrastes X-225c; mitre X- 406d; monasticism, early VI- 761a; Monophysitism VI-758d; Morcelli X-564a; music _VI- 769d: NicEDan canons VI-756d; Nicholas of Myra XI-64b; oc- tave XI-204d; Offertory I- 452a; organization VI-760a: 766d; Palm Sunday XI-432b; Paschal feasts XI-516d; Pas- chal-tide XI-516d; and Pas- sion XI-527b; 527d; patriarchs, heretical VI-762C; Pax XI- S95b; pectorale XI-601b; Pho- tius VI-764a; Pilate's wife, veneration of XII-84a; popu- lation, world I-499a; Presenta- tion of the Blessed Virgin Mary, feast of Xll^OOb; prosolytism II-46d; and Protestants VI- 770c; provinces VI-756b; Pure Greek VI-753d; purgatory XII-576a; Purification, feast of the III-246a; Quinquage- sima Sundav XII-614b; reli- gion, national II-46c; religious spirit VI-772a

—Reunion V-23Sc; VI-798d; XV-146b; Ambrose of Camal- doli I-388b; Andrew of Rhodes I-474b; Beccus II-380c; 381b; Benedict XIV II-434b; Basle, Council of II-33oa; 337a; Bes- sarion II-527c; St. Bonaven- ture II-650C; Capuchins III- 324d; Ccsarini in-546c; Cle- ment XII IV-31C; emperors I1I-112C; Eugene IV V-601d; at Florence VI-113b; Gregory IX VI-798a; Gregory XI VI- 799d; papal efforts VI-76.5d; prospect of V-240a; temporary VIII-16a

—Rite VI-763C; 769c; and Rome VI-7fi2b; rosary XIlNIS7c; Russian Church, [iicdi.>v:il VI- 764d; schism I-s:ib; VI 7i;:!d; XIII-263a; scripl \1 Jillc; Slavs, conversion of V l-7l>4b; sponge I-355d; Stephen X XIV-290b; subdiaconatc XIV-

320d; 8yncelliXIV-383b; Syn- tagma Canonum XIV-394b: table I-781d; under Tarasius XIV-451d; Terce in XIV- 515b; Thomas Aquinas XIV- 672c; tonsure in XIV-779a; Trinity, doctrine of the XIII- 394c; Turkish domination VI- 768c; unity VI-771b; XV- 180a; vespers XV-382a; vest- ments, symbolism XV-392b: Virgin IVIary, feasts of I-538b. See Eastern Churches; Ortho- dox Church

—College, Rome VII-2d; XII- 458b

—Cross IV-522a; (ill.) IV-538

— Cross Plan. See Domical Church

— Empire. See Byzantine Empire

—Fire ITI-99a; UWc


—RITES VI-774b; Alleluia I- 319d; altar I-362b; ambo I- 3S2c; anaphora I-451d: anti- doron I-562b; Assumptionists II-104d; eo-consecrators IV- 79d; colours, liturgical IV- 135c; Deo Gratias IV-737b; Lord's Prayer IX-356d; pro- cessions XII— 448a; Propaganda XII-457b: in Rome IV-774C. See Constantinople. Rite of

— Runner, sculpture, Vatican Mu- seum XV-2S2a

Greeks, in Adana I-136b; in Alexandria I-300a; in Asia Minor I-784c; 790a; 790b; in Bulgaria XIV-50d; etimology XII-626C; in Italy Vni-224b; Pontus XII -234c; in Russia XIII-235d; in SicUy XIII- 772d; Spain XIV-176c; in Turkish Empire XV-lOOb

— Pure. See Pure Greeks

Greek type, first cast XIV 357c

Greeley, Horace, editor VIII- 142d; and Hughes VII-518b; on Knownothings VIII-679a

Green, lit^urgical use IV-135a; Sarum XIII-4Slb

— Alice Stopford, writer VIII- 128*

— Francis, education of deaf V- 317c

— Francis, educator VI-776d

— George, physicist XII-64a; 65b


— John, martyr. .See Gavan

— John Richard, on Bee School II-379d: on Elizabethan perse- cution V-449b; on Mary I V- 448a; on Protestantism in Eng- land Xll-oOOa

— Robert, martyr V-477c; XI- 175c

— Thomas Hill, philosopher VII- 194a: on conscience IV-269a; critical idealism XII-34b; eth- ical theories IV-212b; and mir- acles X-340b; relativism XII- 732c; on truth, human XV-75d


— William Henry, exegete IV- 161b; 494c; Vlll-SOd; miracles X-344b; Pentateuch XI-654d

— Bay, town, Wisconsin XV-661C; 663b; Polish population XII- 2na

—BAY, DIOCESE OF VI-777a; charitable institutions XII- 247b; mission IX-691b; XII- 320b; XV-269b; statistics XV- 177c

Greencastle, Indiana, university VII-739b

Green Church, Lindisfarne IX- 2l>9b

Green-Corn Dance VII-753d; of Cherokoes III-640b; Iroquois VIII-169d

Greene, Henry B. C, conversion II-70.-IC

— Nathanael, general XV-163b

— (Reynolds), Thomas, Vener- able Xlll-llOa

Greenfield, William, Bishop of York \V-7:i4b


—Church in I-420a;_ VI-77Sd; Dominican mission XI I-36SDc ; Irish monks VH48; Moravian missions II-618b

— Geography VI-777d; maps, eariy l-421a; 421d; IV-9d; 10a

-History l-ilSi: 422a; VI-778b; aborigines VI-778a; Christian- ity I-411d; 417b; 418a; 422d; colonized XV - 386a; Danish possession IV-722d; discovery I-416d; Eskimo V-540b; Ice- landers XI-116d; name, origin I-417a; Norse colonies I-419c; and Norway XI-119c

— Protestant mission IV-726C

Greenlaw, trial of XIII-657C

Green Mosque, Nicaea XI-44a

— Mountain Boys XV-355c

Greenough, Horatio, sculptor XIII-l)47c

Greenough v. Gaskell XIII-657d

Green Penitents. See Penitents, Green

— Repertory, of Archbishop Allen I-321d

Greens, Byzantine faction IV- 303b; VII-679b

Greensboro, Alabama, university I-242a

Greensburg, Pennsylvania, Sis- ters of Charity XlV-2Sd

Greenville, Treaty of III-653c; X-272a; XII-320C

Greenwell, family, Maryland II- 229b

— c anon of Durham, Biblical .MS. XV-518C

— Oswald. ,?-:>^ Tesimond

Greenwood, Snuth Dakota, set- tlement XlV-Uild

Grefken, Hermann, at Cologne II-579d

Greg, Rathbone, on miracles X- 344b

Gregentius, Saint, Bishop of Dha- far I-B72b

Grego, Joao, explorer IV-775b

Gregoire, accoucheur X-135a

—Charles V-lSOd

— Henri, bishop VI-173d

Gregoras, Nicephorus III-116C; 117d; 118c; VI-768b; VII- 37.5a; and Hesychasm VII— 301d; 302c; and Palamas VI- 768a

Gregori, priest, imprisoned X- 695b

Gregoria, \'irgin XV-226C

Gregorian Version of the Bible XV-308d

Gregoriana, library VII-6a

Gregorian Alleluia, in Sequence XII-484d; Melisma Xll-485a

— Armenian Church. See Armen- ian Church. Gregorian

Gregoriana Specola, Vatican Pal- ace XV-27Sb

Gregorian Calendar. See Cal- ender, Reformof the, Gregorian; Chronology, General: Gregorian Reform

—CHANT VI-779d; X-650b; Baltimore, decree of II-237c; 239a; IV-24 1d; Bede II- 3.86a; Carthusian III-389d; character of X-651d; Charle- magne III-616b; VI-.347C; classification IX-305d; E.xsul- tet IV-650a; Graduals and Re- sponsories X1I-788C: neums X-765d: Pius X I-577b; XII- 138a: propria I-389d: restora- tion of VII-140C; schools, in parish XV-383a; in service books, Roman I-578a: Soles- mes XIV-134a; song, religious XIV-141b; Tommasi VI-574b; at Vespers XV-383C; of Witt XV-678C; See Plain chant

—Chapel, St. Peter's VII-4a; Xni-372c

— Code, contents IX-87C

Gregorians, in .\dana I-136a; in Alexandria l-300b; in .\rmenia I-739C

Gregorian Sacramentary IX- 796c; Advent Sundays VI- .394b: Alcuin's l-279b; Bene- dictional II-465a; Charle- magne III-610b; dedication rcrcmonv I-334a: and Durham Rite V-213a: and Galilean Rite VI-359d; on Gloria VI-583d St. Michael, feast of X-276d; Offertory .XI-218b; Postcom- liuinion 'pnivers XII-318C: re- iTpti..ii ..f ring XlII-.59d: in U.Mu Mil 1! i II- I.\-29Sd; on Saiictiia X111-432C

— Tower XV-310a

—Tunnel, Tivoli XIV-747b

Gregorianum Collegium, Bologna

University II-642d — Collegium, Rome VII-5d Gregorian University. See Rom- an College —Water IV-282a Gregorine, coins X-335d Gregorio, Bishop of Tarragona

X1V-180C — dos Anjos, Bishop of Sao Luiz

de Maranhao XIII-465C —of Citta di Castello VIl-541d GregoriopoUs VI-790a; XI-346b;

Leonine City XIII-168C Gregorios, monastery II-4Sa Gregorio Scrivano, Blessed, mar- tyr XlV-llOa Gregorius, Governor of North

Africa XV-88d —Bishop of Cardica III-333b — Petrus, and University of Ca-

hors XIV-797C Gregorovius, Ferdinand, on By- zantine writers LlII-119b; on Blessed Eugene III V-600d;

and Pisa, Co on Pius III Schism, Weste Turrit; '

cilof XII-114b;

XII-129a; on

1 XIII-541C; on


Gregorson, Birger, Archbishop of Upsala XV-208a: as hym- nodist VII-604a: XIII-29C

GREGORY I, THE GREAT, SAINT, Pope VI-780C; IX- 90d; XII-273b; XIII-369c; abbesses, age I-8a: at Achrida I-103d; Advent Office VI- 394b; Africa I-192d: Agnus Dei I-220C; Alleluia I-319d; and St. Anastasius I-454d; and .An- gelic Salutation Vll-llla; an- gels, orders I— 478b; Antemius I-379b; on Antichrist I-561d; antipbonaryI-o78a;580a;S81c: XI -220a; antiphonarj- (fac- simile) I -facing 578; apocri- aiarius I-601a: on asceticism XIV-617C; Atonement II-56C; and St. Augustine II-83b: 83c; VII-476a; IX-129b; and Augustinism II-99c; and Bal- binus VII-40a; Saint Ben- edict II-467C; 472a; and Bene- dictine Rule X-474a; bequests, pious IX-116b; and Queen Bertha II-83a; 519a; and be- trothal II-538C; Bobbio Canon III-SOOc; books, censorship of III-520C; and British Church XV-5S4a: and Brunehaut XIII-354a;Cajetan'sworklII- 145c; on Canon of the Mass III-256d; cap, papal (ill.) XIV-714d; centenary XII- 138b; chair, Rome (ill.) XIII- facing 170; Chair of Peter III- SS4a; chant VI-780a; on cher- ubim lll-648b; and choir, papal XIV-29d; Church and State XI— J53a; on cloister IV- 63a; coercion, religious XIV- 768a: and St. Columbanus IV- 138c; communities I-507d; on confession XI-627a; Constan- tinople XIII-536a: council (381) IV-30Sd; 427d; and conversion II-S3b: Cordieri's statue XIII-171d; on corona- tion ceremonies IV-38'2d: cruci- form reliquary IV-525a; (?ures and Nomentum, Sees of XIII- 291a; on damnation VIII- 551b; and Dante IV-631b; death VI-786b: and defensores ecclesife I-168c; and Dies Irse IV-78Sa; Dolorosa XIV-239d; election XII-271b:emoluments, ecclesiastical XII-468a; and England I-505d: II-Slc; VI- 783; XIII-Ooc; and St. Eulo- gius of .\lexandria V-604a : and Eutvcliius \'-639b; evangelia- riumV CHr :f.-i-f lII-163b;V- 75a;Il' ' \- ■; - inom Church . lll-ltiSb; ,11 IIl-;>4a; ,Ud; Flacius Fortu-

I-51IM and I '

111 \ 1 cites HI ~ 534d; nntus. Bishop of Naples XI- 147a: and Fmnks Vl-784b: and (".iillicim Clmr.-li VI-353a; and SI i;, iM lu X. \ I-I14a; at Girc.nn \ I V,l,l :m.l goveril- meiil HI "'h. \ ' ""^Sa; Gre- Koriau uiilir 1\ 2.s2a: on hell VIl-20!ia; hccctica I-lic; as

Large typ« indicates titles of articles; other types, tojJica treated; (ill.) == illustrations.