Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/465

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i_«^ .nncv fW VllT--

njLlAMA FALCONIERI. SAINT ^ VIU-556b; and St. A'™' 1" '"'.■^devo^iTnTof leJJites XIII - 737a; and Mf{'t'^»«"^ IX-750C; XII-Oc; XIII-737b. miraculous communion \-nAC. XIH-71C Juliana Anicia I^--"^f,„„. 1-of Albano, martyr I-256b Zof CorniUon. See Julmna of

-Jicumee. Saint Vin-5.Wa_

-OF LifiGE, SMNT Vlll^oobd

IV-379C; and Corpus Chrjsu

IV-390d; in Namur X~b>>ua,

lyR^b^rt of Thourotte. B,sh-

B^con on Xlll-Uob; errors m IX-248b. See Calendar, Re- form of the JuUan; Chronologj-. General; Julian Period _de Pereiro, Saint, and Moslems

-de"p«eiro. Knights of St. See Knights of 8t. Julian de Pereiro

Julianf, Petrus. See John XXI

Tuli^'of Antinoe, Saint. See Julian, Saint, martyr

-4f Brioude, Saint, niartyr, IX-lS7b; Gregori,- of lours, account of VII-20b; relics of,

_SF'°ECLkNUM VIII-537d; and Ambrosiaster ™%";^°'"*: of I-406c; in .\pulia VI-3j.Ja. and CcBlestius VI-69oc; and St Augustine II-S9a; 90b; 9bc VI-2b; Marius Mercator on IX-672C; and N'^storius X- 756b; and Pelagians XI-607C, and Predestinatus ^\--'J'^: and Sixtus III, P^P^.-^lVlvJ and Theodore of .\ntloch XIV

—of HaUcarnassus V-635b; VII- 117c; and Scverus X-Wlc

-OF SPEYER Vni-.>.'<b; VI- 29,-,d; XIIl-Ma; as hymnodist

';'^h!n\nr.l,!7xn""la -THE APOSTATE, FLAVI0S



lid bishops II-18a; and St. Csesarius of Naiianzus III- 138c; and Christianity IV ?q7b- XV-255a; and C9n- Sius XVI-27d; coronation IV-380d; and bt Cyril oi Alexandria I V-59H; and Dio- dorus of Tarsus \-8a. and Do^tism V-12«a; and spnng at Emmaus V-40ob: and Franks VI-238c; and .^S. & o- vanni and Paolo XIII-171C. and Greeori- Nazianzus V 11 na; and Jews VIII-39 a; on Ubriry I.X-22,8c; and Me etians of A^tioch X-162C; nimbus, use of XI-SOd;.and oracles XI 266b; at Pans Xl-iSia, in Persia XI-71.5C; at Pessinus XI-742C; on philosophy and - • ^- •"■>-■ and

—Salvias, Proconsul of Africa — Teutonicus. See Julian of Tulias\'Betharan) II-532C

/T3«»;H,)^ TT-.'i36b

X1-74JC; on piiir's"!"'^

Christianity X-743a; and poor- relief XII-23Sa; portrait \ III- 559a; on PreacUmites XII- 3704; religious ?"'■:>■ !-""»: and Semianans xni-()94a. ISd theatre XIV-.5.^9c; and Theodore of Antioch XIV 571d; and Titus Bishop of Bostfa XIV-746b; ef'",.°° teaching XV-114C; "-'e""" : edict of II-39d; tomb XIV- 461c; and Valentinianus I XV- 2.Md , ..,,, .„,f.

JuUanus, prefect ^'"-'/'"....i-n —Roman emperor. .Sec Julian

the .\poatate „

— jurist \ 11-1044, IX

— CUudius, Proconsul of Asia

XII-221C — Didius, proclaimed emperor

— Sabbas, Saint, hermit of Edcasa XIII-287a


Uas (Ueinarau) .1 " — (Bethsaida) II-.i36b

iiiLch^'ow^"Blessed Christine.

relics III-724C -Duchy of. Blessed Sacrament

Confraternity XIV-1210

Julicher, Gu=ta„'. Ad""',,'*'!^': IV-liV'b; 4().')d; VIII -8Ud. \-TV-.5!lb- on St. James, Epi,tlenfXIII-102b; St. Mat- thew, Gospel of X - eld, on mTrables XI - 460c; Pastoral EoMes XIV-728b; on Paul's cCristSo^,. XX-573d; on Ro- mans XIII-159a; on S^holas- ticus V-504a; on bynoptics XIV-393C; on II Thessalonians XIV-632b; edits St. Vincent of i/rins edition XV-44nc Julie?\nbalt-K6then,



Blessed Trinity . „„,,„,

— Hiopolyte, missionary, martyr

VIII-713c;IX-74Sc —Stanislaus, Mencius, transla- tion of X-179c Julienne, Victor, mart.yr X-3b-.c JuUette Verolot. See Juhe Vl^ro-

Julie V6rolot, martyr. XIV-SlTb JuUn town. Pomerania, St. Utto

in XI-353d JTJLIOPOLIS VIII-o60d — See Tarsus ,,.

TuUtta, Saint, martyr Ill-l'i^a, •• XU-614C; XIV-i61c; o79c . Julius, Saint, in Ambrosian

Canon I-402a —Saint, martyr, Bntain XV

—Saint, martyr, Thagora XIV-

-sitat, mart5T, Troyes XV-68b -I,^NT. Pope VIII-561a; and Acacius i-81b; Anaphora XIV- 41Sc; and St. Athanasms II- 39a; and St. Cyril of Jerusalem ITI-7'>.5b- and Marcellus of An c yr^a ' I V - 4 4 9 b ; X-451a ; XIII-394b; and Monophysites X^95b; and Photinus Xll- 4.3a; and Santa ^,'^,"■,'2,'."; ,'^1 vereIII-183d:MHTl;*.,^'.^- dica. Council of ^^^r/'.-^^,. 62.5a; XIl-2(;7c; XIII _l.-ia. viv-'i(;d toiiii' lll-.'l-'d -n (GIuilANO DEl.LA ROV-

2(14c; and .l'.K.;l.>.J "I \ u-rbo XV-75'b- and .Alexander V 1 i-289dr 2'92b; and D'Amboise I-382d; art XV-281d; astrol- ogy' II-22b; at Avngnon H- 1.59b; 169d; and Basl>™%H: "?^Bak6cr"lI 2Ub7 and Il.eltt4\d"anl Bibbiena II-542b; at Bologna II-640b, and Brkmante n-736d; and Briconnet Il-780b; and Buon- arotti III -59c; 61b; 61d, 62c; and St. Cajetan III- 14.5a; calendar reform IX 24Sd; Cambrai. League of XV-

338c: and Ca^JV-KS'" U.'"^???: I n^T^,o\ft] lll-.393b; Alii

L-iteran Council lX-18d; Laz „us Order IX-97b; as legate II-159b; IX-371C; Loreto. Congregation of XIII-146b. and Louis XII of France XV- 730d; Melozzo da Forli s paint-

„„ -\-_i7nh. Modena A-

X-170b; Modena X 413d; Muri Abbey X-b43t), Sid Orihuela XI-315c; Ostia and Velletri episcopate XI 346b; ;}46d; and Persia, Shah of VI-770a: at Penigia University Xl-i.f'C; and i in fiiricchio XU-Mlb; ri>a. Council of LX-lsd;Xn-ind. in Dolitics Xll/I'lic; portr.nt Vin facing 502 and Raphael IX-164C;. Xll;642b M c^ 644b; Reggio del .E™)'a X . 718a; and Rimini XIII-58b, Romagna II-639d; Ronianus Pontifex XIII-762C; St. Agnes church XIII-170a; St. Peter s XIlI-370d; Saluzzo XIU 406b; and San Oallo XUl- 443d; Santa Casa dl Loreto XIlI^55c; Santiago Univcr- sitv XIII-460b; Santo Domm- go XIII^63c;^ and Schmner JCIII-528C; and *'• .f'f"" ^° Vincoli, church XIII-173D

and Signer. Sigiienza I i 788d; on s" XIV-2a; S- Stanzo di li Suliiiu- M lan.lW :'"

XIII - 7S7c; XI 11

,M, :'",.;iUll.)XlV-

\ I II 173c; Vati-

\ \ _'77a: Vercelli

\\ -:;uib; on Virgin

M„rv l.irtlil.lH I XV-464Fb

-ra GIAMMARIA CIOCCHI DEL MONTE), Pope VII - 564a: and Anglican orders 1

r",v!.; ,u I\' 70,-,d; England

Xlll iiTsd; Gcrniaii-



V- 1 1

Mmhi 5SSC , 64 Id

m1 M

\ ll-196d,

■opate IX-

. _ TT T-V.

338c: ana Sa.mP'V^t;'" V.' vnf and Carvajal III-393b. XIU 788b; in Catania HI-/*"" Chanel XIV-30a: and Charle.. Vin of France I-29qc; 291a; classical learning XU-766C, and the Colonna . IV-12bc. XIII-54b: Conc6ption Order il-37.5d; Coutances episcopate IV-45.5d; "Cum tarn divino IV-193a; Fabric of St Peters,

^,t^TT.r I'l^l" "and

aid de Gra-ssis VI-729b; and Henry VIII of England IV- 26b; VII-222C; Hyaguata XII- 292a; (ill.) XlV-facing 32, Imolk VIII-fi93a: "In Ccena Domini" VII-718a: mdul- zences controversy 1 X— »4 la , fnd Innocerit VIII vm-19di jubilee indulgences

',',.llus II IX-


I :,93c; Perugia

.1-1 - , ;■, -It University

^ -■ : , :., I IV XII-

r..ih ' ,M.I I'l" XII-203b; „mi l'..Uti Xll-212d; 213a:

Salmeron" XIII - 4n;ib: SSo Salvador XIU "'■'•■■■': ^™ ^ > of Jesus Xl\ --I'l • ' '" ","._ VIII-.50-lb Ml :",.,,' 559d;XIV i.-^-'rt- '"'"■' ","';" cil of XV-:ilc; ^ at.wu, 1 .. Ulc XV-277b: 2Sbc: and Weiher XII-226C JuUus, Bishop of Alba I-252<:

—Duke of B"'°V;?=ry'n^„' Bursfeld Abbey IH-SSb; Gan- dersheim Abbey I-lOb; Minden X-324a: Protestantism Vli 129c „ , J •

—Bishop of Celendens

-Bishop of Nocera dei Pagani

-Kshop" of Puteoli XII-331d; at Ephesus V-19c; 495a, VII

-ifhop of Wurzburg XV- — WfWCANUS VIII-.565a: Ab- diaTuanslated I-31a; chron- cles I-531c; IV-13a; V-3.->ld; VMc- VII-373a; and Chrom- Jon Paschale in-731a; and Emmaus V-40,5b; on St. Jo- seph's genealog>' \ 1-41 lb: and oJigen'xi-307d; 308b: Sym-


— Constantius Vlll .5.5Sd -Echter von Mespelbrunn. See Echti-r von MespeUirunn, Ju-

JUMIEGES. ABBEY OF VIII 566a; X-71b; architecture VI- 667b; baptismal service UI- h05b; Benedictionaries 1A-- 624C chapel UI-577a; founded II-461c; VI-669d; IX-467d; hX VII-137d; St H '!

Wil'J^flien'iZ m-mtl

sanctuary XIII-431c; William of JumiJges XI-105b; XV-

Junc'a, mother of Stephen X

XlV-290b -fcouncil of XIV-553b luncal, l.attlc (1827) II-804b Juncker, Henry Damian, Bishop ■'of Alton I-367C; VI-4,9b, XIV-760a; and Janssen u- 414d . • , IT

Juncosa, Joaqum, painter 11-

Jundt?Auguste IV-719C

June,' month X-542c: XII-27od

Juneau, mission 1-2490, .iouo,

—Laurent, Solomon, pioneer A-

319a; XV-(ilWb luneia, Juanade XV-i^Ja jSng. Johann Heinrich. venter


-John, missionary III-654b

Junger, A., Bishop of Seattle

Xlll-lil'ibd; XV-.-.i;4a; at Lou-

vaniC.ill.r I-42.'.b ^.^,_gQ3^


566b- on Caulet 11-bfac; VU-

378c;' at Louvain IX-396a;


at Innsbruck yUI;2.-)a Jung Pei,Tao-faiX\ 796c iunluito, Francis Xavier, Bishop

of Panama XI-439C Juni, Juan de, painter Osina ca- thedral XI-339d; Segovia ca- thedral XIII-6S6a Junianus, Saint XIl-181a Junias, disciple J-bf'b VII

.333a; and St. Paul VII-334d JuniUus Africanus, exegcte \ 11 273a Vlll-S(la; on Jude, Epi»- tl<. of Vlll .54:)b Junilla, saint vm-790b

-B',°hnp' .'t ' XV-361d -Schools, Sisters of the. See Sarred Hearts of Jesus and


Juniper: plant, in Biblff"-;'™' Xll-154b; and gin 1-274C

—companion of St. Francis IV-

6a; VI-223d .

Junius, Bishop of Catania 111-

— Alexander, and Anima College

■*■* - •,..„In,tusI-92b; nl-132b; i.i , version



— Severus X1I-404C

Tuly, month X-.>12d; XII-27ba

Juikel, Saint, Bishop of Dol

Xn-772a Ju'mel, Stephen XI-203a

— Franci; and I and 1 1

of til'

Junker, 375a —party VI-508b Juikmann, 'W. VII-537C Juno, asteroid n-2bd

— Argiva, i.i.rl' MV ITilc — Lacinia. I. n.| 1 \ 1 "lb ^"r'D";!;^;-a"lV-7^ at

Lisbon XII-304C Junquerio, Guerra, poet XU

Junta'^Superior de Beneflcencia

JuP^!:::'d'^v I-430d; IV-41.b; J"g84d; 6S.5d;,and Amnion -


-temple: Baall..l< 1 1 1 ' -a

"S\c" XIV-3S5I; Cassini III- |J^:-andcomot,^I^27b;a„d_

f4T;GnosVi?^yst?mVI-5|3d: MRa- Greek system XV-lSJa, f^^'Verrier IX-MBa; rmgs XV-186d; satf""^,^.,,"'^"*' XII-62b; spots I1I-222C

-CapiSunus'; , emple. Jerusah^tn VIII-356b; Rome XIU I'OO

—Victor, temple, Rome XIU 1760

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page;