Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/540

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IX-797d; in early Church I- 314b; IX-307a; Easter se- quence XV— i07b: Elevation V-380b; emboUsm V-399d; Exposition during V-713d; 714b Mass, of Faithful IX-794d; Ad- deu3 and Maris, Liturgy of I- 136d; 137a; Antiochene I-571c; Byzantine IV-317c; St. James, Liturgy of 1-572C — feasts IX-800a; Franciscan XIII-76d; in French III-7c; Galilean VI-3o8d; 361b; genu- flexions VI-424d; 427a; Gloria in Excelsis Deo VI-S83b; Gloria Patri V-150d; Good Friday VI-643c; Gospel, last VI-662d; Gradual VI-715a: Greek Slavonic VI-746d; St. Gregory I, on VI-782d; IX- 795d; Hanc Igitur IX-793d; hands, imposition of VII- 698d —High IX-798C; exequial XII- 779a; Gospel VI-662b; humeral veil VII-542c; Ordo Vulgatus XI-285a; Preface XII-386a; torches III-264a • — Holy Ghost, invocation of XV-711C; hosanna VII-473a: host I-350b; importance IX- 800c; incense VII-717a; In- nocent I on IX-794d; Introit VIII-81C; Ite Missa Est VIII- 253b; St. Justin on IX-792C; Lavabo IX-44c: lectionary IX-llOc; Lenten Gradual VI- 716a; Lenten Preface I-73b; lessons IX-193d; Ughts I-347d —Low IX-797c; 799b; Gospel VI-662d; origin VIII-82b; Re- quiem XII-779a; 7Slb; third candle I-35fld — lunula I-3o8d; manuterge IX- 633c; Maronite XIII -83d: Maundy Thursday VII-437c; medieval variants IX-797b; Micrologus X-285a; Miserere X-353c; Mozarabic X-618d; name and definition IX-790d; Offertory XI-217d; Orate Fratres XI - 269c; Ordinary IX-799C; Ordines Romani IX- 796d; Oremua VI^26b; Palm Sunday XI-432b —Papal III-334d; acolytes I- 107c; deacon IV-649c; Gospel VI-661d; Offertory XI-218b; Ordines Romani XI-285b; 286a — parts IX-799c; of Passion XI- S30a; Pax XI-o94d; Pentecost sequence XV-342a: Postcom- munion XII-31Sb; Preface IX- 793c; Premonstratensian XIII- 77b —Presanclified I-314a; VI-643b; 644c; VII-437d; IX-797d; XII-784C: Anglican suppres- sion XIII-92a; Byzantine IV- 314c; 318d; Byzantine corona- tion rite IV-382a; candles I- 347d; Constantinople, Council of I-314C; in early Church IV- 177c; V-581a; in Egypt I- 305d; Greek Church VI-644d; Host VII-137b; lessons IX- 197a; litany IX-2S7a; Maron- ite XIII-S3C; Mozarabic X- 616a; Ordo Romanus XI-285d; Russian Church I-314b; Syrian I-573d; vigil I-195a — Presbyterian missions XII- 393a;" proper IX-799d; Re- sponaories XII-787a; Roman IX-294d; 796d; 79Sb; Rorate Cceli XIII-183b; rubrics IX- 799d; XIII-216C; Ruthenian XIII-277d; Sacramentaries IX-297C; 796c; Sarum Use XIII-480a; Servite XIII-78a; sign of the cross XI1I-785C; Slavonic VI-S76a; stole XIV- 301c; subdeacon XIV-321a: S.vrian, East XIV-114«; uni- formity IX-798a; uniformity, earlv fX-793b; vessels I-357b; vestments I-128d; X-20d; XV- 388a; H'.iOc; of Virgin Mary XV-lt,L'd : 1.; lb; York Use XV- 735b: X\-705d —MUSIC OF THE X-la; Accen- tU8 X-lb: antiphony XII- 144c; chants Vr-780a; Con- ccntus X-2c: Gradualo VI-


ing Stations XV-S71c; stipends IV-571b; V-689d; 691c: X- 20d; XlV-ld; Suarez on X- 15c; Sunday XIV-335d; Swiss Reformation XI-213d; sym- bolism III-538d; and Test Oath XI-179C; Theophilan- thropists XIV-624C; time X- 20b; transubstantiationI-40Sb; Trent, Council of X-9b; Kid; 17c; 17d; 19d; XV-34a; 34d; United States, first X-384b; 534c; Vasquez on X-15b; XV- 275c; Viaticum during XV- 399c; Wales XV-584d; water and wine XV- 564b; Wessel on XV-.590b: Westminster Confession on V-766b; Win- chester college XV-642a; wine I-358d; VIII-20b; in work houses XII-257a; and Zwingli XV-773d

— Votive. See Votive Mass

— White. See Massa Candida

Massa, name X-678b

— Carmelite "desert" III-366C tribe I-664d


718a; Introit VIII-82a; K^Ti-

ale X-3c; Motu Proprio X-lb;

3b; 4b; O Salutaris XI-334d;

plain-song X-lb; Proper X-3d -NUPTIAL X-5c; IX-704a;

705a; blessing I-55c; Book of

Common Prayer II-6Sla — Parochial. See Parochial Mass — Pontifical. See Pontifical Mass — Requiem. .SV*" Requiem Mass —SACRIFICE OF THE X-6b;

XII-742a; XIII-315d; 319d;

abstemii I-66d; St. Ambrose

on I-3S7c; Anaphora I-451d;

452a; Anglo-Saxon Church I-

510a; "ApostoliciMinisterii" I-

fi48a; application X-23c; St.

Augustine on X-lld; bination

II-568C; IX-79Sb; X-23a; XI-

503a; blind, in Belgium II-

395d; Calvinism III-202a; Ca- puchins III-321d; in catacomb

frescoes III-708d; in catacombs

III-505C; causality X-16d;

celebrant X-18d; 22b; 22c;

22d; celebret III-477a; and

celibacy III-486b; chapel III-

574d; children's VI-324d; Cien-

fuegos on X-15c; Conlessio

Tetrapolitana V-762b; conse- — Augustin di

cration I-496a; X-9d; and 747a

Cross, Sacrifice of the XIV-

586d; Cyril of Jerusalem on

IV-.596a; daily II-56Sd; IX-

797d; in dedication of church

III-i3a; de Lugo on X-15b; 1Gb; deprivation III~528a;

doctrine XIV-586c; in early

Church VI-278d; X-lOd; ef- fects X-16d; efficacy X-18c; English Reformation I-50ld; and Eucharist X-7a; 13d; Eu- charistic species mingled VII- 496b — Evening V-647b; African Lit- urgy I-197C: Armenian Rite Xlil-SOb; " Romeo and Juliet" XIII-749d — and excommunication V-682d; expiatory X-17c; 19c; Felix I I-363a; field, Washington, D. C. XV-559c; foundations VI- lo8b; X-21c; Xlll-lla; St. Gregory of Nazianzus on X- 16a; in Hebrews, Epistle to VII-182a; Heidelberg cate- chism on V-763b; holy day XIV-342C; Host VII-495a; host, defective VII-496d; Hu- guenots on VII-529d; impe- tratory X-17b; indulgence VII- 78Sd; Irish Church III^95b; Josephinist system II-127c: 128c; St. Leoon V-21b; Lessius on X-16a; London mission XV-594b; and Luther IX- 452c; XII-702C; and Lutherans V-761b; metaphysical charac- ter X-15a; nature X-12d; nec- essary equipment X-20d; Nestorius on X-755d; New

England, first XII-287b; obli- —Hollanders VII-394b; gation of hearing I-208b; 209a; - -=-- ^ .,„o... t.....

697d; IV-154b; obligatory cel- ebration X-22d; oratories XI- 271c; 272a; and ordination I- 497a; participators, active X- 19a; participators, passive X- 19b; Penal Taws, England XI- 612c; Penal laws, Scotl.and XI-614C; and Penance. Sacra- ment of X-22c; Petrobusian- ism XI-7Sla; physical charac- ter X-13a; place X-20a; Polish Reformation IV-138c; post-Nicene I-197d; and priest- hood XII-414C; 414d; proofs X-9b; lOd; 11a — Prophecy X-8a ; in Apocalypse I-221C; figures of II-54d; Mal- achias X-8c; Melchisedech X- Sa; Scriptural X-8b; Testa- ment, Old X-8a — and Protestantism X - 16d; XII-496b; prototypes XIII- 313b; Reformation X-12a; XIII -67a; reparation XII- 775d; Ridley on I-I95d; in Royal Declaration Xni-21.3b; and Sacraments. Congregation of XIII-141a; sacrificial act X-14d; sanctity III-7.59C; ser- vers X-20d; on shipboard III- 579a; sin, remission of X-19d; Six Articles on V-447a; Smal- cald Articles on V-761c; dur-


— Gaetano de, 747b

— Giacomo da, Franciscan VI-78C

— Luigi, martyr III-074b; IX- 747a

— Nicolas de, missionary IX- 747a

— Rene de, missionary IX-747a

Massaad, Peter Paul, Maronite Patrian-li IX-6SSb

MassabieUe, rock, Lourdes IX- 3S9d

MASSA CANDIDA X-24a; I- 191d; XV-241b; Prudentius on X-24a

—CARRARA, DIOCESE OF X- 24c; cathedral (iU.) Vlll-fac- ing 238

Massaccio, monastery III-206d


XV-157d; "A. P. A." I-426d; arbitration I-685b; Bohemians in II-621a

—Church in X-28d; 29b; colon- ization X-26a: education X- 27d; foresters VI-135a; Greek CathoUcs VI-747b; property VI I- 720b: publications XI- 692c; Ruthenian Greeks VI- 748a

— coat of arms (ill.) X-25b; economic conditions X-26d; education X-27a; French Americans VI-273a; French Canadians in VI-273d; French Societies VI-276b

— History: aborigines 1-3 He: Assembly XV-161c: colonial X-25a; pilgrims X-25b: settle- ment X-25a

gration X-298b; Irish VIII- 134b; 136a

— Legislation: capital punish- ment XII-569c; colonial X- 25d; convent inspection II- 706b; divorce I-164b; X-28b; foundlings VI-160C; hoUdays X-2Sa; liquor XIV-491a: mar- riage X-28b; Masses, bequests for X-34b; penal laws XI- 616d; reUgious VIII-677b; X- 28a; 28c; slavery XV-169b

— Masonry IX-775d; population X-24d; 26b

— Religions and sects: Baptists II-279d; Hellenic Orthodox VI-773b; Quakers VI-305c; Syro-Arabian Orthodox VI- 773c

—statistics XV-176a

— Bay, colony X-24d

Massacre Island, Iberville at VII-l>14d

—of Perugia IX-170b

— of St. Bartholomew. See Samt Bartholomew's Day

— damnata XI1-383C

— Ducale, Diocese of IX-436b

Massagiere di Maria, periodical Vl-iiSSa

MASSALA, GUGLIELMO (LO- RENZO) X-29c; in Abyssinia I-77c; at GaUa VI-348C; mis- sion III-325a

Massaini, ApoUonio, Bishop of .Sovana XIV-I6.5C

Mas Saint-Antonin, Pamiers XI- 436a

Massalski, James, Bishop of White Russia XIV-99c; at Vilna X-429b; XV-432C

MASSA MARITTIMA, DIO- CESE OF X-30a; cathedral (lii.) X-30

Massanet, Damian XI~403a

MassareUi, Angelo, Bishop of Telesc IV-4:iJa; XlV-47«d

Massari, Anna Maria XI-590a

— Francesca IX-574a

Massaria, Alessandro, physician X-130d

Mass Association X-lSb

— Veneris II-427c

Mass Book. .Sti- Missal

MASSE, ENEMOND X-.30b; I- 39c; Ola; II~341d; IX-546C; X-37Sb; 37.8c: XI-644d; XII- 2S7c; XIII-3.5.ia

Massena, Andre X-691c; at Gacta VI-333C; at Genoa VI- 420c; and Napoleon X-687C

Massenet, Jules, musician XI- 271b

Masseo, Brother VI-224b

Masses, Bequests for (.\u3tralia) X-32d

-BEQUESTS FOR (Canada) X-30C

-BEQUESTS FOR (England) X-31a; III-591c; V-456d; X- 581a; Chauntries, Statute of X-31b; pre-Reformation X- 31a: Roman Catholic Charities Act X-31C

— Bequests for (Ireland) X-32b

—BEQUESTS FOR (United States) X-32d; XVI-61C; Ala- bama I-244a; X-33d; Illinois X-33d; Iowa X-34b; Massa- chusetts X-34b; New York X- 33b; XI-36d; Pennsylvania X-34b; Wisconsin X-33c

Masse v. Robillard, trial XIII- 0(')la

Massi, Eugene, Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shan-si XIII-752b

— Gentile. See Gentile da Fabri-

MassiUans XIII-703b; 704b

Massillon, town, Knownothing- ism VIII-679d

— Francois X-34c

—JEAN BAPTISTE X-34c; IV- 54b; VI- 197c; VII-444d; 445b; XI-274d; and Bourdalone II- 718a; and Bridaine II-78IC; on elect XII-3S1C; portrait X- 35a; at St-Leu XI^85d: at St- S^verin XI-486a; at Vienne VII-27C

—Joseph X-35d

Massimi, Francesco de XI-444C

— Pietro de XI-444C

Massimo, cardinal VII-9a

Massimo Palace, Rome XIII- 175d

— ViUa, Rome XIII-175d; XIV- 33d; Fiihiich's frescoes VI- 312a; Swevnheim at XIV- 357b

Massinger, Philip V— 163d; and Shirley XVl~74c

Massinissa. See Masinissa

Mass of Reparation, Archconfra- temity of Xll-775d; XIV-122c

Masson, P. XV-.")29d

Massona, ,\rchbishop of M6rida II-194a

MASSORAH X-35d: V-287c; VII-179C; XIV-716b; critical editions V-28SC; Flood IV- 705d; Job VIII-417C; manu- scripts IX-627d; Miryam XV- 464d; and Septuagint XIV- 530a; text XlV-.Wic: on Tar- gum of (Ink.'los XlV-4."

Massoretes -\ :i'ia; Vll-17.'ic; Xin-724c; ■.y-t.m V11-179C; vowel syslciu VII 177a; work XlV-52V.d

Massoreth VII-179C

Massoretic Text. 5o- Massorah

MASSOULIE, ANTOINE X-37b; XlV-594a; 702d: and Casanata ill-396d , . , ,„

Massowah, colony, Africa 1-770; VIlI-244d

Mass-penny, England IV-105D: 657b

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) — illustrations.