Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/553

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Canon of Chalcedon III-558a; and oharity XIV-322C; in Constantinople VI-753d; de- gree XIII-535C; and devolu- tion IV-7Ci8b; and False De- cretals V-775C; in Greek Church IV-320b; 450a; VI- 760a: in hierarchy VII-324d; and pallium XI— 12Sb: pro\'in- cial council XII-olSc; resi- dence XII-780a; 786c; rights and duties X-244d; Ser\'ian Church Xin-733b; and suffra- gans II-143a: title I-640d: and visitation XV-4S0a. See Arch- bishop Metropolitan, periodical II-597b;


— Catholic Association, in Eng- land XIV-4S9b — Magazine XV-611C — Record, peinodical XI-693C — Seminary, Venezuela XV-332b — Tract Society, origin I-475b Metropoliticum I-692b; X-244C Mets, Zacharias de. Vicar Apos- tolic in the Netherlands VII- 3SSc Metsys, Quentin. See Massys Metten, Benedictine abbey II- 4.5(ld; X^53c; school II-356d —I, King of Tj-re XII-41d METTERNICH, KLEMENSLO- THAR WENZEL VON X- 24r>a: VI-ol»a; VII-399a; and Holy Alliance VII-398d; and Hiibner VII-309C; and Muller X-627a; overthrow XII-632b; and papal states XIV-265c;

Eortrait (ill.) X-245c: and chlegel Xni-542b; and Thal- berg XIV-554a; and Thugut XIV-710d

— Lothair von, Archbishop of Trior XV-43d

—Richard Klemens X-24r.d

Metternich-Burscheid, Lothaire Frederick von. Archbishop of Mainz IX-552b

Metteyya, deity III-31b

MetuUah IX-790a

METZ, town X-247a; and France XIV-657a; and Guise, Fran- pois de VII-74d; and the in- sane VIII-39d; and leprosy IX-182c; Parliament of X- 247d; and Royal court VI- 239b; sculpture in XIII-643d; siege VI-312C

—Abbey of. Pontificalia XII-232b

— Amuif of. See Arnulf of Metz

—SEE OF X-248a; I-342a; IX- 362d; and Albero de Montreuil I-259C; annals I-534b; and Baltus II-241C; and canonesses II— 464d: cathedral chapter I- 342b: Chant School I-S78c: and Coeffetau IV-91d; Daughters of Providence in XII-507C: Diet, and election, imperial VI-495b: Diet, and Golden Bull III-48a; Divine Providence, Sisters of V-53a: episcopal gymnasium I-344b: Eucharistic Congress IV-245a: V-593c: VI-280a; and France IV-438C; IX-364b; Xlll-SOOa; and Henry II III-628d: VII- 75d: Lazarist seminary X— 361b; 361c: XIII-697a: and Lorraine, .lean de VII-74c; Mngdalens IX-o24a: map VI- facing .514; neumatic notation X-765d: Poor Clares XII- 253b; and rationale XII-651d; aeminarv. State subsidy I- 342c: 342d

—synod VII-88b; cope IV-419d; Lothaire II I-14fia; XI-.Mc

Metzenhausen. John n von. Archbishop of Trii-r XV-43d

Metzler, George, and Peasants' upri.'iing XI-.598d

Metzys, Quentin. See Massys

Meuerer, J. G., and Church music X-6.58d

Meulan, Maurist monastery X- 71a

Meuleman, Brice, Archbishop of Calcutta III-1.54b

Meulen, Joannes van der. See .\Iolanus

MEUN, JEAN CLOPINEL DE X-250a; poem VI-192a

Meung, Jean Clopinel de. See Meun

Meung-sur-Loire, abbey XI- 319a

Meunier, Marie-Genevieve. See Marie-Gendvievo Metmier

Meurig, King of Glamorgan XIV-542C; excommunicated I.\-31.5d

Meurin, Gabriel Leo, Vicar .\pos- toUc of Bombay II-G45a; and Wilmers XV-646C

— Sebastian, missionary VII- 744b: XII-592C; .59.5b; and Bishop Briand II-778C; in Louisiana XIII-357d

Meurs, Vincent de, superior of seminary III-675C

Meurthe-et-Moselle, map VI- facing 188

Meuse, map Vl-facing 188

Meve, .See Meave

Mevennus, Saint. See Meen, Saint

Mevlevis. .See Maoulaniya

Mewuks, Southern, Totemism XIV-793b

Mezia, Spanish lieutenant, and Gov. Moore X-3S,5c

— Diego, writer XIV-204a

Mexica. .See Chichimeca Mexitin

Mexicana, race X-2.5t)d

Mexicano Independiente, El, pe- riodical, Mexico Xl-i;s6c

Mexicans, human .sacrifice XIII- 31SC

Mexican Versions of the Bible XV-374C

— War XIV'-54ric: and Alabama I-241a; and Germans VI-477a; .Shields, James XIII -758a; Tennessee XIV-.509d

Mexico, town. Philippines, par- ish lX-.59Sd

—ARCHDIOCESE OF X-269c; XlV-74"d; Confraternity of priests XIIH121d; map X-fac- me 2()8


— architecture: cathedral (ill.) X-facing 250; and Brumidi Ill-Sb; pyramidal temple XIV^96d; Tehuacan Temple XIV-497C

—AH: sculpture in XIII-642d

— Church in X-267a; ecclesiasti- cal organization X-268c; evan- geUzation XIV-794C; houses of retreat XII-796c; Inquisition VIII-37a; X-262d; Masses, three II-569a; patronage, roy- al X-260d; patroness of XI- 566b; Poor Clares XII-254b: property, ecclesiastical X- 26Sa: Provincial Council VII- 488a: IX -357b; religious of Jesus and Mary VUI-385d; Salesian Society XIII -399b; Shrine of Guadalupe VII-43b; Society for Propagation of Faith XII-462a; St. Vincent de Paul Society XIII-39ac; Zu- mdrraga XV-767b

— climate X-250d

— Commerce X-265a: Texas, trade with XIV-546a

— Education X-268c; colonial period X-258C; university III- .545a; X-259c; XI-414d: XIV- 202c; University, Faculty of Medicine II-74.5c; University, and Immaculate Conception VII-680b

—B(Ano(oro; Aztecs II-169b; Al- gonquins I-3I2b; Indians VII- 756a; Mitcca Indians X-409a: Mixe Indians X-408c; Sobai- pura Indians XIV-6ib

— Geography X- 2.50b: Aguas Cabentes I-232b: Cahfornia, Lower III-177C: Campeche III-222C: Chiapas III-6.52b; Colima IV-lOOc; Cucrnavaca IV-562C; Durango V-208c; Guadalajara VIH2c: Huajui- pam de Lertn VII-.5n.5c: Leon IX-177C; Linares IX-265d; map X-facing 2()S; Michoacan X-282C: Oaxaca XI-180d; Queretaro Xll-OOlb: .Saltillo XIII-40»b; San Luis Potosi XIIH48C: Sinaloa XIV-12d; Sonora XIV-145b; Tabasco XIV-12.3b: Tehuantepec XIV- 473c; Tepic XIV-513C; Tlax- cala XlV-747d: Tulancingo XV-86a; Vera Cruz XV-344d: Yucatan XV-737c; Zacatecas

XV-740b; Zamora XV-749C — History: aborigines I - 409d ; 410b; X-250d; 251a: and Al- varado, Pedro de I-372d: and Arguello I-706b; Arizona, cession of 1-7 19b; boundary XV-16Sb; and Cahfornia III- 173c: colonial period X-253a: conquest II-170b: constitution X-267a; and Cortes IV-397d: cross, worship of I-418c; em- pire II-170b: exploration VI- 451d; and French X-266d: French troops X-702a; Hidalgo, Miguel XVI-45b: indepen- dence X-266a; XIV-546b; Morelos, Jose Maria X-565d; name II-169b: and de Narvaez III-126C; population X-250c; province X-269b; Republic I- 415d; and Spanish X-264d; Spain XIV-185b; and Utah XV-239a; Viader XV-397b: and witches XV-677b; and Wyoming XV-727d — Legislation: anti-ecclesiastical, and Pius IX XII-136b: Eng- lish jurisprudence IX-71b; legacies and wills X-268a: mar- riage and divorce X-268a; mili- tary service X-268c; oaths X- 26Sc; Pious Fund H-236b; XII-106a; 106b: public office X-268c: reform laws I-282b; X-267a: religious orders X- 267b; seal of confession XIII- 664d — Literature: aborigines I-411b; XIV-202d: Alaman's I-245b; Alegre I-281d; Alzate I-375a: Beristain II-492b; Brasseur de Bourbourg II-743d; Carochi in-371b: and Cavo III-468d; Chimalpain III-663b; Clavi- gero IV-8d: and Cervantes III-54.5a; Equira y Egnera XVI-37b: Hieroglyphics, Az- tec X-256C; language X-254b: periodicals XI-685d; print- ing I-415b; XV-768d; work on I^16c — masonic council in IX-776d —Missions IV-776d; VI -71b; X-376b: Angulo I -513d; Do- mingo de la Anunciacion I- 591b; Juan de la Anunciacion I-59Id; Augustinians in VII- 282b; 286b; and Aveta II- 164b; Cahfornia m'issions XIII-440a: Carmchtes III- 362c: Brothers, Christian VIII- 60d: confiscation XI -452a; Dominicans II-.530b; XII- 368Ed; early IV-776d: Fran- ciscans VI-299a: Incarnate word. Congregation of VII- 706a; Indian missions X-2.54d: Jesuits I-281d; VI-450d; XIV- 95b: 102d; 103b; Kino, Eusebio Xll-lOOb; Lazarist X-364d; Magin CataM IX-530C; Men- dieta, Jeronimo X-185d; and Talon XIV-J39d — Religions and sects: cosmogony IV-413a; Jews VIII-.399C; Maronites XIII-85a: Metho- dism X-240b: Presbyterianism XII-394a; and religion X- 257b: statistics, religious XIV- 280c: 281a — .S ociol ogy: brush-shack, la- bourer's (iU.) X-267; hospital I'-53.5d; X-125b: and chari- table institutions X-268b —New. See New Mexico — City, town, American posses- sion XV-2.39a; burial custom III-.507d; Caballero v Ocio III-12.5C: Cervantes III-54.5a; confraternity of priests in XII- 42Id; and Cortez I-373a; Echave the Elder V-270c; im- muring III-.507d: Mass, first X-82d; population X-250c; Ribaa XIII-30d; surrender (1521) IV-777a: Talon XIV- 4.39d Mexitti. .See Tenochtillan Meime, Saint, founrlation XV-4a Mey, ComeUus Jacobse, and Cape .May .\-790c: and Dela- ware Capes XI-639a Meycauayan, town, missions IX-

.599a Meyer, Aloysius J., and Kendrick Seminary X-367a

— Bemhard IX-40SC —Charles, at Belleville, Illinois

VI-479b — Christian, at Mannheim VII-

198a — Conrad Ferdinand, novehst

VI-.527d • — Heinrich August Wilhelm, on

Albertus Magnus I-265c; on

Scripture IV-162b; on Gospel

of St. Matthew X-64a; on Syn- optics XIV-392a — Hugo, jurist, at Tubingen XV-

84b — Joseph, encyclopedia V-416b;

418a — Julius, art critic I-318d: on

Allegri I-31Sb — JuUus Lothar, at Tubingen

XV-84b — Julius Robert, chemical re- search X-139b —Karl, and histology II-574d — Kuno, Celtic scholar VIII-

116c: 12.3b; 124b — Livinus de, and Molina X-

437b: Thomism XIV-70:Sa — Ludwig, and Spinoza XIV-

21Sa; 219c — R. W., at Molokai X-44.5a — Richard M., on Luise Hensel

VII-241b —Rudolph, J., University of St.

Louis XIII-364a; ascetical

theologian XIII-364b; XIV-

620d — Theodor, philosopher V-561C — Valentine, in Lucerne IX-

408a Meyerbeer, Giacomo, and Aib-

Unger I-233a; and Liszt IX-

2,S.5d; and Voder XV-.50IC Meyers, James, directory V-27b Meyfart, Johann Matthias, and

Pietism Xll-SOd Meyland, Roger de. Bishop of

Lichfield and Coventry IX-

232d Meyler, Robert, martyr VIII-

Kjfia —Peter (Patrick), martyr VIII-

16ISC Meymac, Maurist monastery X-

71c —Abbey XV-86d Meynard, ascetical theologian

XIV-620d MeyneU, Wilfrid, editor XI-

675a; and Francis Thompson

XIV-703d: 704b Meynrad. .See Meinrad Meyra, monastery Il-415d; and

Ilcnriquez VIl-22n9; Meyrormes, Frangois de. Sec

Mayron Meyskonig, Johann, Abbot of

Tepl XIV-514a Meyyofuso, and Italo-Greeks

VlII-207d Meza, Ramon, writer XIV-207d Mezarim, astr-rism II-31a Mezezius, General, and Constan-

tinn II XIV-3Vli;d MEZGER, FRANCIS X-270a —JOSEPH X-27l)b —Paul X-27i)c

Mezieres, pilcrijnaco XII-730a — Alfred Jean Francois, and

French Aradnniv 1 Mlb — Phihppede Vl-li;9a: niid Order

of Knights .\-3;i.5a: and Peter I

of Cyprus IV-.5.5:ic Mezzabarba, Carlo Ambrogio, of Lodi II-.302C; III-

i)72a: I.\-32,3a Mezzobarbo, Peter, bishop of

Florence, and simony Vl-llla;


dili.d X-27lld; nl B.,l..gna II-

6l.>d: :in.l (;r.i.'.,rv XVl VII-

9b; lit.- X-ssd; and Cardinal

McCloskov I.\-!8tia: tomb

XIlI-17.)a Mezzogrosso, coin X-33.5d Mezzo-rilievo, sculpture II-

34 Id Mfengu, language, Africa VIII-

.59 1 c Mfumu, chief IV-232a Mgr., ahhr. I-2td Miako (Kioto) XI .334a; XII-

7a;r-onv.-iit Hi Vl-:i79b MIAMI INDIANS X-271b; VII-

6t)0b: 739d; Vlll-fiOlb; X-

388a; Xll-320a; and French

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.