Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/658

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Marches on VIII-278d; recep- tion of V-5S9c: redemption by II-56a: relic III-5c; IX-612d: XII-89b ; 373a ; 723b ; XV-576c; 578a: 717b: Salvete Christi vulnera XIII-41Oc; Viaticum XV-398c



—Blood, chaplet of, XII-373c

—BLOOD, CONGREGATION OF THE MOST XII-373c; III-12d; IV-55d; America XII-374a; foundation III-12d; scapular XIII-510a: statistics XII-374b: United States VI- 482b


—BLOOD, FEAST OF THE MOST XII -373a; XI-527a; Office XI-527b


— Blood, Missionaries of the Most, foundation VI-390b

— Blood, Missionary Sisters of the, Congo IV-236a; statistics IV-237b

— Blood, Scapular of the Most XIII-512c


—BLOOD, SISTERS OF THE (Baden) XII-:374d: statistics XII-375b

— Blood, Sisters of the (Natal) IX-661b; XI-786a

—BLOOD, SISTERS OF THE (Switzerland) XII-375b; Unit- ed States VI-482d


Precis historiques, periodical VI- 334b: XI-671d

Preconi, Ottaviano, Bishop of Palermo XI-420c

PRECONIZATION XII-376a; of abbots I- 19c

Precursor, The. -SVe John the Baptist, Saint

Preczlaus of Pogarell, Bishop of Breslau II-762b

Predefinition II-248d

Predella, of altar I-356d: 366b

PREDESTINARIANISM XII- 376b; 382a: Aries, Synod of I -727b: and St. Augustine II-96a; 97d; 100c; XIII-704a; Calvin XII - 378b; character XII-376b: forms XII-376d; Gottschalk of Orbais XII-377d; Lucidus XII - 377d: Luther XII-378b: origin XII-376d; Prsedestinatus XII-377b; and Retiemption XII-680c; system XII-376C; Trent, Council of II-101c; Zwingli XII-37Sb

PREDESTINATION XII-378d; II-97c; X-439c: Alvarez on I- 373d: and Amalarius of Metz I-376c: ante prœvisa merita XII-382d: .383d; Aranda on I-678b; and Arminianism I- 741b: St. Augustine on II- 96d; XII-379b; XIII-703c; Barcos on II-292c: Bar-Kepha on II-296c; of blessed XIV- 585d ; Calvinism III-199a ; 200b; VI-709a; XII-708c; Catholic doctrine II-97d; 98c; XII- 380a; 382b; Divine Will in VI-620c; double, Gottschalk on XII-378a; of the Elect XII- 380a; Eriugena on V-520c; and fatalism V-792b; Faustus on VI-19c; XIII-705d; Floris on VI-122b; Gazzaniga VI- 401d: Gottschalk of Orbais on VI-682b; XII-617b; to grace XII-379a; to heaven XII- 378d; to hell XII-378d: Hinc- mar on VII-3.57a; XIII-608a; Huguenots VII-529c; 529d: in- adequate XII-379b; Infrnlap- sarians VIII-7a: and justifica- tion by faith XII 498b; Knox on VIII-681d: Methodism X- 239a; Mohaammedanism X- 427a; Molinism X-441a; XII- 777 383d: Paul of Samosata on XI - 589d; Pelagianism XII- 380a; Plymouth Brethren XII- 173a; post proevisa merita XII - 383d; Presbyterianism XII-392d; prophecy of XII- 474a; Prudentius of Troves on XII-618d; qualities of XII- 380c; Quesnel on XII -603b; Reformation XII-378b; rep- robation XII-381d; Scholastic theory XII-383d; Semipelagian VI-418a; XII-380b; signs of XII-381d; theologians on XII- 382c: XIV-584b; Thomism II-102b: VI-621a; X-438c; XIV-701x; Toledo on XIV- 761a; Trent, Council of XII- 379b; uncertainty XII-381c; Vasquez on XV-275b; in West- minster Confession V-765d; of wicked XII-379c

Predestined XII-381b: See Elect

Predetermination II-100c: 102c; Dominican theory IV-239a; physical II - 24Sc; Scotists XIII-610d

Predicables I-96c: Aristotle on I-714d

Predicamental I-96d

Predicaments. see Categories

Predicate, logical XV-73d

Predication, analogical II-63a

Predicatore CattoUco, periodical XI-685a

Predis, Ambrogia da XV-441d

Predojevich, Hassan Pasha, at Bihac IV-512b

Pre-established harmony IX- 581d

Pre-existence I-173a: Platonic theory XII-1O1b

PREFACE XII-384b; Addeus and Maris, Liturgy of I- 137b; African Liturgy I-19.5d; 198b: Alexandrine Liturgy I- 304a; Ambrosian Rite I-401d; Apostolic Constitutions, Lit- urgy of I-571c; in Bobbio Missal III-502a: and Canon III-256b; XII-384d: Celtic Rite III-500b: Christmas XII- 386a: consecratory III-508b; in Eastern Rites XII-385c; Eucharistic IV-80a; faithful, attitude of VI-425c; in Galil- ean Rite VI-364b; XII-385d; history XII-384b; St. James, liturgy of I-572d: St. Mark, liturgy of I-304d; primitive lit- urgy I-408c; in Missal X-354d; Rites, various XII-385c; Ro- man, first XII-384d; Roman Mass IX-793c; 794d; 797a: 799d; XII-384d; Sanctus XIII-32b: thanksgiving XII- 384c; types XXI-385b; vari- able XII-385a

Prefect, of Council, Congregation of the XIII-141c; of the Holy Office XIII-137b; Religious, Congregations of XIII-142c; of Roman Vicariate XVI- 18d; 19b; Vatican Library XV- 294b

—APOSTOLIC XII-386b; I- 143b; classes XII-386c; and dispensations V-44a; duties XII-386b: office VII-325b; powers XII-386b

Prefecture, Palace of the, Naples X-884a

Preference, Right of, French, and Congo IV- 230b

Prefetto del Sacro Palazzo Apos- tolico IX-557a

Preffen, Lambert, Prefect Apos- tolic of Batavia II-346c

Preparation, in Stowe Missal III- 499a

Preger, Johann Wilhelm, IV- 719c

Preingue, Jordan, Thomist XIV- 703a

Preisler, sculptor IV-732b

Prela, Michele Viale, Archbishop of Bologna. See Viale Prela, Michele

Prelacy, in Scotch Church XIII- 628d

PRELATE XII-386d; abbot as I-16c; 18c; 19c: abbreviators as I-30a; address, forms of I- 139a; 139d; age I-207d; au- dienees, papal II-69b; Cære- moinaile III-133a; canopy III- 297d; chapel, private III-579b; classification XII-386d; col- lege of I-29a; Congregation for XIII-136c; Councils, Provincial XII-515d: di man- telletta I-138c; dispensations by II-564a; 580c

— Domestic XIII-153c; internun- cio VIII-78b

— duties and privileges XII-387a; faldstool V-770b; di fiochetti I-138c; IX-556d; XII-387a; French, agents of I-209c: hat VII-245d; Letters of, Vatican Archives XV-288b; 289a; di mantelletta I-138c; Palatine II-69b; of the Papal Chamber, hat VII-245d: of papal palace IX-521c; precedence XII- 371d: rochet, use of XIII-104b; secular I-799c: of the Signa- ture of Justice I-107d

Prelection, in Ratio Studiorum XII-656b

Preller, Friedrich, Canossa by (ill.) III-298a

PREMARE, JOSEPH HENRY MARIE DE, missionary XII- 387b; II-723c; III-673d; 656c; and Confunianism IV-225b

Premise. logical XII-674b

PREMONSTRATENSIAN CAN- ONS XII 387d; III-294d; X- 637b; XII-184a; 739a: ab- beys, loss of XII-390b; abbots, commendatory XII-390a: in Africa I-191a; XII-390c; XV- 579d: Austria, circary of XII- 391b; Auerbode XVI-5d; Backx II-190d: Bariings. Ab- bey of II-298a: Bonne-Espé- rance, Abbey of II-674d; Brabant, circary of XII-391a; in Brazil XII-390c; in Canada XII-390c; charity III -598b; Congo IV-237b; decline XII- 389d; in Denmark IV-726a; Divisch V-54c; Druvs V- 166b; Dryburgh Abbey V-167c; in England II-298a; III-292d; X-789d; XII-390c; foundation XII-751d; France VI-307b; XII-390c:391b: Germany VI- 493c; St. Gertrude of Alden- berg VI-533b; Goffine VI- 627c; and Gregory IX VI-797c; Bl. Hadewych VII-104a; in Hanover VII-129a; Heeswijk VII-190c; Bl. Hermann Joseph VII-266c: Hugo, Charles Hvacinthe VII-526d; Hungary, circary of XII-391c; libraries IX-236c: at Louvain XI-503d: monks X-4S8b; New- house Abbey X-789d: nuns XII-391d: Ordo V-26c; organ- ization XII-389b: Perpetual adoration I-154b; Peter Four- ier XI-767d; in Pomerania XII-225d; Prémontré, Abbey of XII-392a: priories XII- 428c; priors XIM27d; propa- gation XII-388C; Provence, circary of XII-591b; Psaume XII-544c: reform V-166b; XII-389d: rite XIII-77b; St. Luzi, Abbey of Xni-365a; Schiiftlarn XIII-519d; statis- tics XII-390d; Strahov Ab- bev XIV-312a; in Switzerland XiV-362d; Tepl Abbey XIV- 514a; in United States XII- 390c; Vertot XV-378a; St. Vincent de Paul XV-437a; Weissenau Monastery XV- 577d; at Wellé XVI-69c; Wichmans XV-617a: Whit- horn Priory XV-614b; Zach- arias Chrysopolitanus XV- 743c: See Canons Regular

PREMONTRE, ABBEY OF XII- 392a: (ill,) XII-391

Prémontrés, College des, Louvain (ill.) IX-194

Premotion, physical II-248c; 248d

Premysl, family, Bohemia II- 123c; 613c

Prendergast, Edmund F., Arch- bishop of Philadelphia XI-796a

—John XIII 234b: and Holy Family. Sisters of VII-408c; in San Francisco XIII-444c;

—Michael XV-658d

-Miles, Vicar Apostolic of Ver- apoly XV-345d

—Philip de VI-45d

Prensa, periodical IX-255c

Prenzlau, monastery XII-225d

Preobrazhenky, Moscow, Bezpo- povtsi in XII-649d

Preost I-508d

Preparation for Death. See Death, Preparation for

Preparations, Mozarabic Rite X-621d

Prepon, Gnostic VI-599a

— Marcionite IX-648a

Pre-Raphaelites I-175d: Burne- Jones V-256a: painters XI- 402b: and Patmore XI-547a

Prerogative Court, English IX- 70b

Prerogatives, Apostolic IV-ll2d

Pres, Josquin de. ,See Deprés, Josquin

Presanctified, Mass of the. See Mass, Liturgy of the ; Presancti- fied

Presbit., abbr. I-25b

Presburg XI-234d; battle X- 561d: diet (1708) VII-555b; college XI-596b; residence, episcopal VI-722c; seminary, foundation VIII-511a: treaty VI-26d: 265a: 508d; VII-148a; X-691b

Presbyteral Schools XIII-555C

Presbyter assistens. See Priest, Assistant

Presbyterate. See Priesthood

Presbyter - bishops, in early Church II-582C: VII-327d

Presbyteri XII-406c; Manichse- ism IX-594b

Presbyteria XI-287c

PRESBYTERIANISM XII-392c; in Alabama I-243b: in Alaska I-249d; and Alexandrian epis- copate V-353b: America XII- 394b; and Anglicanism I- 502b; in Arizona XVI-5c; in Australia II-115c; 118a; XII-393d; baptism II-264c; in Canada in-241b: XII- 393d; catechism III-203c; confessions V-763d; Covenants IV-457d; England XII- 393b: and Episcopalians XII- 393c; 494b: history XII- 393b; in Idaho VII-629c; in Illinois VII-658a; in India VII-728C: 733b: in Indiana VII-742d: intolerance V-764b; Ireland XII-393d: in Japan VIII-309a: in Liberia IX-217a; in Louisiana IX-383b: in Ne- braska X-733a: in New Hamp- shire X-789b: North Carolina XI-11Oc; North Dakota XI- 114b; polity XII-392d; prin- ciples XII - 392d: among Pu- eblos XII-556d; Puritans XII- 581c; Rhode Island XIII- 22c; Scotch I-188a: V-765a; VI-257b; among Sious XIV- 22c; Slovak XIV-55d; in South Carolina XIV-160a; in South Dakota XIV- 162b; among Spokans XIV-232c; statistics XII-394d; in Tennessee XIV- 510d: in Texas XIV-550b; theology XII-392d; and Uni- tarians XV - 154d; United States XII-378C; 394a; XIV- 280a; in Virginia XV-451d; vitality XII-500a; Wales X- 241a: XII-393C: XV-537a; in Washington XV-561d; wor- ship XII-.393a

Presbyterian Synod XII-393C

—System XII-392C

Presbyterium, medals X-334a; See Presbytery

Presbyter Poenitentiarius I-64b

Presbyters XII-415c; apostles III-748c; 749d; in Alexandria V-352c; and bishops II-582b; in Clementine EpistleIV-16a;col- lege of I-697c; VII-341c; con- firmation IV-219a; in early church II-581c; VII-327c; 334b; 337d; 339a: XIV-730b: 745d; Methodist X-238a; Pa- pias on XI-4.5Sb; priest XII- 406b; Protestant H91a; Ros- ininian XIII-200b; and stole IV-419d

—of Palestine VII-329a

PRESBYTERY XII-39.5a; I- 364b; lll-4:i9d; 572b; 582c; 693b: XIII-431a; 530c; in

Large type indicates titles of articles: other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.