Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/769

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Simonoff, monastery X-472a Simon of Genoa, physician X-

— of Ghent, Bishop of Salisbury

I-4(Mb; XIII-401b -of Lipnica, Blessed VI-292d —of St. Ouentin I-766c; 111-6/ Oa Z5f SUDBURY XIII-799b —of Tarring X 111:448 —OF TOURNAI XIII-799d —Peter, Saint. See Peter —Peter, .Maronite patnarch IX-

Simons. on synoptics Xiy-392a

— Menno, and Anabaptists l 4460- and Mcnnomtes X-190b, XII-709b . ^ ,,,

Simonsen, Niels, painter l\- 732b „. , ,

Simonsson, Thomas, Bishop ol Strangnas, \<-riter XlV-JSOa

SIMON STOCK, SAINT XII- SOOa; III-355d; birthplace XIV-164a; at Cambridge XI- 107c; indulgence XIII-2M)a, scapular X-604d; XHI'^'.!?.

—Stock of the Blessed Tnmty.

See Blvth, Francis —the Anchoret. Sec Simon the .\nker of London Wall

—the Anker of London WaU, praver book XII-352C

—the Hermit, pilgrimage XU-

— the Leper II-332a: and Christ VUI-3S1C; and Last bupper

— the Pharisee, house of, in Way

of the Cross XV-570b —the Superb, Russian prince

XIII-24r.c SIMONY XlV-la; and abdica- tion 1-3 lb; and Alexander 11, Pone I-286d; and Alexander VI Pope I-2S9C; Baltimore. 2nd Council of XlV^ld: Chal- cedon, canon of III-.-)57d; clas- sification XI V- la ; TOnventional XlV-lb: decrees III-764d; in Germany VI-489c: „ (travity XI V-lc ; and Gregory \\\^P<- ni-701b; VI-793d; VII-63c; ind Gregorv VIII. Pope VIII- l?d; and^Hildebrand III-701b; asi^amvof law VIII-la;and irremovable rectors, dismissal of VIII-I74b; and Julius II, Pope VIII-563d; and Leo IX., Pone IX-161b; mental XI\- Ib in Middle Ages XII-469c; and ordinations XI-765a: Xll- 775a; Orleans, Council of 549 XI-318b; in papal election IV- 194a; and patronage Xl-5blD, penalties XIV-2b; and religion XI'-74Sc; Rome, decree of ?1M71 IV-18c; Rouen, Synod of 630) XIII-2Ud; Sens, Council of XIII-720b; Simon Magus XIII-797d; and stipend XlV-ld; and Sylvester II Xl\- ."i71d- and Vallombrosians XI- 768c; and Victor II. Pope XV-

409d -.-,-T ,11 K

—Bishop of Soissons XVl-'ilD Simon y Rodenas, Fr"«'f7'

Bishop of Santa Marta XIII-

Simopetra, monastery JI-*** ,

Simo?, Johann, Archbishop of Gran VI-722b; "t Gyor \II- 04d; in Hungary- II-135b. at Vatican Council XV-30od

Simorgl, deity XV-498a

s'mor-Grau, Cardinal, and Worn- dk XV-709b . ., , ,

Simpelveld, Poor Child Jesus <i,t'-r9 at xn-2.51c


Simpletons, irregularity MU-

Sim'pUcianus, Saint, Bishop of Milan X-SOOc; and St. Augus- tine II-85d; 90d; 96a; legend IV-3.57b; Rit« I-3.95a . Simplicien, genealogist l-47bc SIMPLICinS, SAINT, Pope XIV-2C; XII-273b; and Aca- cius of Constantinople I-82b, birthplaceXIV-747c;andJoan- ncs III of Ravenna XII-666a. parishes III-334a; on property Ecclesiastical .,Xn-468a; St. Bibiana, Basi ica of II-54M. St. - Paul - without - the -Walls,

clerics of XIII-369c; S. Stefano Rotondo, Church of XI 11 175b; and Talaia I-83a; 301c,

—SAINT, martyr XIV-3d; tomb

-phiFoVop^er IX-326a;. on Aris- totle I-717d; eclecticism V- 276c: mysticism XII-31d; on neo-Platonism X-744C

—Saint, Bishop of Bourges II-

— Saint, Abbot of Monte Cas-

sino II-467c; X-474a -Bishop of Urgel XV7223C —Bishop of Verona XV-3ljia —Saint, Bishop of \ ienne\ 11-/' D Simplicity (Divine Attribute)

II-fi4a; VI-G14a

—Prayer of IV-325b; MI-608

Simplon, hospice III-295b: VII-

475d; and Mediterranean high-

wav VIII-208C; road lU-

582b; tunnel VIII-2n8c

Simpronianus, Saint \ I-16,ib

Simpson, Fort, Anglican ""ssio


IV-719a —Henry VI-164d _

-Tames Young, physician .\-

137a; chloroform I-448c; and

Hingston VII-359d; on leper

houses IX-184d; narcosis X-

Uld; 142b —John VII-717C —RICHARD XIV-4a; as editor

XII-637d; on Shakespeare

XIII-749d — Sidrach IV-240a Simrock, Karl Joseph, poet \ 1-

527a , . .

Sims, James Marion, physician

— Walte'r* on A.P.A. I^27c; and

Donelly I-427b . Simultaneity, and time XI \-

Simultaneous churches II-525C

Schools XIII-558C

SIN X?V-ib; I-130d; VI-620a; Abelard on I-38c;. Abraham- ites I-57d; absolution from I- 61b; XII-414d; act XII-Sllc, actual XIV-4d; M; African natives I-185b; Albigenses I- 268a; Algonquins I-312b, ana almsgiving I-330b; altruism XIV-6C; St. Ambrose XIV- 6a; and angels, rebel IV-7b4d, St, Ansclm II-57a; Antinom- ianism I-567a; Augustmian system of grace VI-/12b

VIII-2d; internal XIV-5a; and invincible i 8 ° o ■■ " °,\? )l,\. . 64Sd- irremissible XlV-5.i4a. Jansenism XIV-7a;. Joviman on XlV-lOb; jurisdiction, ec- clesiastical VIII-568b; jusu- fication VI-703C; VIII-575a, Kant XIV-6C; keys, power of Hlc; Leibniz IX-137d- Luth- er I-565b; VII-258c;XIV-6d; 10b- Malebranche IX--5fa8a, malice XIV-8a; Mamchaism IX-593C; XIV-6b; Mass, re- mission by X^lM; material XIV-5a; materialism Xiv-iic. Alen of Understanding \- 191b; Molinistic system ot grace VI-711d; monism XIV- 6d; Montanists I-772a; in moral theology XIV-602b --Mortal XIV-5a; conditions XI\"-7c; and grace V I-70Ma; and infused virtues XV-4,4d; Thomistic teaching XlV-iOla, Wvelif's doctrine I-94C —mortification X-578c; nature of XIV-4b; neghgence X- 737b; occasions of Xl-196a, Pantheism XIV-6b; St. Paul XIII-162a; Pelagius XI-6()4d. XlV-lOb; penance XI-b)Sa; permission of XlV-lOd; philo- sophical I-295C; IX-200C; XI\ - 7a; positiWsm XlV-tic; post- baptismal I-61d; predestm- arianism XII-376C; presump- tion XII-403b; Protestant teaching .XIV-6d; and Provi- dence, Divine XII-510d; 513a, Prudentius on XII--518b —Public II-617a; and Christian burial III-72a; and Viaticum XV-398b _, ,^^

— Quesnel XII-603a; X\--129a, and reason XIV -8c; redemp- tion from II-55d; reserved cases XII-785b; retention ot XI-6211a; Ritschlian theory XIII-S8a; Rosminian ttieory XIII-197a; sacraments XIU- 29ea; salvation from XUl 407a; .sanctifying grace VI- 704d; satisfaction f?;- X-2(J3b, XIV-9b; Scotism XIII-611b, 611c; sense of XlV-llb; and sensual appetite XIV-8(1; sim- onv XIV-lc; temporal punish- ment, and baptism HySfiSb and temptation XlV^Sd; 504c,


avoidance VI-696a; Baader II 174c; Baius XIV-7a; 10b; bap- tism II-259a; 268a; Beza III- 199c; Biblical description XIV- 6a; Bohemian Brethren 11- 618d; Buddhism I-772d; Cal- vinism I-565C; III-201C; XII- 37Sb; XIV-6d; 10b -Capitoi XIV-Sc; anger I-489b^ covetousness iy-462b, t-utro- pius on V-630d; gluttony VI- 590a; lust I X-t 38a; pride XII-405b; sloth XIV-5<d -causes VI-711a; XIV-9a; and character III-587b; Christ VII-715b: and concupiscence XIV-8d; contract IV-333b; co-operation in I-lOOb: Duns Scotus on V-197C; earlv Church 1-6 Id; effects XIV -9b: Egyp- tians V-347a; evolution XIV - lie; and excommunication XV-723C; expiation in Sacrifice XIII-314a; extrcinc unction V-727c; 7-2.Sc; 729a; 730b; Flagellants y}7^<^.^,,\W;^: ness of I-63d; VII -577d, formal XIV-5a; free will XIII- 703d: French .Protestantism VII-529C; Gnosticism Il-328b: VI-595C; XIV-6b; and grace VI-689C; 700b; gravity XIV- 8b; grievous I-769b: habitual XI-315b; XIV-5d; 9b: hatred V1I-149C; and hell ylI-2Mc; in Henoch, Book of Wi02d, 603b: heresy VII-257C: Hermas I-639d; Hindus n-731b. Hirscher XlV-lOb; a Ki" ° » * Holy Ghost VII-414b; Hugh of St.Victor VII-522d; Hus XIV- 10b; idolatrj- .VII-636b: and Immanence. Divine V ll-ti84c. Imputability XIV-7d: and in- dulgences VII-783b; infidelity

TertuUian I-62C; Xn-o24a. theatre XIV-561b: theosophy XIV-628a; Thomistic teaching VI-711d;XIV-700c;inthought,

Zoroastrian teaching Il-Jo™; Tridentinc teaching 175660, and uncleanness, Erastianism V-ol.5d; Universalist teaching XV-181C , ,. .

Yenial XIV-5d; 9d; asceticism

I-769b; communion V-58/c; conditions XIV-l^; confes- sion of XI-623b: effects XIV- 10c; grace VI-709b; malice of XIV-lOc; in Pelagiamsm_U- 96b- punishment XII-5'od; Wessel XV-.590b .

-and vice X:V-403d: V^irgin Marv- XV-467a; and will XI \ - 8c; and Will of God Xiy-584b; Wvclif 11-100'=: ^I^ -IT,,, Sin, deity II-8a: ^]^-}'^^.- "'f 378d; VIII-193d; X-4Sd; r„ - nur sacred tn ll-177d; temple at Harran H-1S4C. V!-4'>J* —desert IV-749b: \l7«^': J": raelitea in I-3c; VIII-19oa; XI-648d —Hebrew letter VII-176d —Original. Set Original Sin Sinn Mount. See Sinal SniAl x"v-lld: XII-688a; Aa- ron I-3d: Codex S>naittcus IV- 85d: copper mines U-waa, Decalogue IV-664C: desert IV-749b; E?>-ptian occupation II-181C; Elias ^-38Id- ,M " Mld;gov^?nmVn.I-663b;(ill.) VIII--!oO: X1V-12-, Israelites VIII-19.5b: mines _V-33SD -™oM,(crvVin-367b; X-471C; St. Anastaaius Smaita 1-4-J&D. See Catherine, Monaustery of bt. -Moses X-596C; 597a; name X-678b; Naram Sin ll-ioin, population XIV-12C

ienh. See Signay, Joseph thndox See of V-232b; 676d;

Vl-7,>4c — of Ireland IV-509d Sinaita, John the. See John

CUmacus, St. „ „ ,

Sinaiticus, Codex. See Codex

Sinaiticus Sinaloa, tribe X-2S6b —DIOCESE OF XIV-12d; map

X-facing 268; Ribas in XIII-

Sinan, architect IV-305d

—Pasha XV-59C

Sina Sapa Mocekiye Taeyanpaha,

Sioux periodical XIV -23b Sinbad the Sailor, in Book of

Marco Polo XII-21SC Sincerity, in Confucian system

IV-226a , . ,• ,

Sincerus, Bishop of Ameha 1-

406d Sinclair, jarls XI-317a Bind, kingdom VII-725a; mauso- leums VII-734a Sinda. See Isionda Sindoard, Saint XIII-211b Sindon l-4lllb; 428d; in Ambro-

sian Rite I-396d Sindram, scribe XII-350d Sinduitus, Bishop of Segovia

XIII-685a Sindulph, Saint XII-729c Sine Com., abhr. I-25d SineU, Saint, Abbot of Cluaininis, on Church Island Vnl-644a: and St. Cohimhanus IV-lSSa Sin en Nabra (Saajianim) VI- 444b . ,. , ..,„

Sineta de Ceo, periodical Xlil-

456c Sineus XII1-243C Sinew, in Hippocrates 1^4583 Si-ngan-fu, town. China 111- 665b; in Marco Polos book XII-21Sb; Mohammedan tab- let III-680b ^ ^„^ ,. —Inscription III-669b; 673a; y- 232d; XI-722a; XIII-711a;

Singapore, cathedral IX-562d;

VVeklin XV-579C Singenberger, on church nuisic

X-654d; on Tantum Ergo

XIV-i45d Singer, Isidore, encyclopedia V-

— Paul,' Socialist XIV-64b; 67b — Petrus, musician VI-295d Singerich, King of Goths Xll-

Singers, Pardon of Brittany XI-

477c: patronage XI-566C Singidunum. Sec Belgrade Singing, Congregational. bee

Congregational Singing Singisen, John Jodoc, Abbot ol

Muri X-643C Singkawang, mission ll-b87a Single Gate, Temple of, Jeru-

.salem VIII-354a . , ,. , Single-Tax I-228a: in India I-

228c- and private property

XII-463b . ..,,,

Single-Tax Corporation XIV-

69d .„. , ,

Singleton, Hugh, of

Shrewsbur>- XIlI-760a —John. .Sec Morgan. Edward —Robert, martyr VIII-466b SingUn, Antoine XII-295d

singun, iuiiomc .^1. — •"-

Sineulare praesidium. Encyclical of Leo XIII Il-324a

Singulari nos, Liicyclical of f,>egnrv xvi VIII-764d; Ger- hct VI-470d; Montalembcrt X-514b , T,- II'

— quadam. Allocution of Pius IX XIV-767a . . „ . ,

Singion de la Anunciacion, Pablo, Bi,hop of Cnlbayog Xlll-


ligion III-,549d . . Sinibald, Lor.l of Quisquina and

nf Rosa XIII 1S4C Sinibaldi, Antonino ^gohno,

_VW<^rrBi» "f Allahabad

Sim'baldo, Bishop of Imola VII-

Sinfbald of Fiesco, cardinal VI- 798b


i^^^r^;:^;;;n^i^^ie;^^i;i^^^^i^^^^ «" ^-