Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/772

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Skowhegan Clarion, periodical II-804b

Skrxlings (Eskimos) I-417a: 420d; VI-77Sb; and Icelanders 1-4 ISb

Skram, AmaUe, writer IV-731C

Skrbensky-Hriste, Leo von, car- dinal. Archbishop of Prague XVI-72b

Skrioa, convent Vn-616d

Skripu, church IlI-9ob

Skriver, Christian, and Araaon I- 678c

Skulason, Einar, poet VII-618c

— Thorlak, version of Bible VII- 619b

Skuldahis IX-338b

Skull, on antipendium I-353d: Celsus I-4o8b; Herophilua I- 45Sb; human (iU.) V-667d; of orang-utang (ill.) V-667a; and race XII-621a

Skull-caps, clerical. See Zuc- chet to

SkuU HiU III-192C

Skuphos, Ph., on Greeks VI-736b

SkvorcoS, theologian XIII-275a

Sky, in African reUgion I-184d; ancient conception of VI-79c; as heaven VII-170d

Skye, monastery XII-631C

Skylitez, Chronicle of IX-623a; (ill.) IX-623b

Skypp, John, Bishop of Hereford Vll-2."ir>d

Skytte, Martin, Bishop of Abo Vl-77a

S. L., I-25d

Slade, Henry XIV-222a

— Jolm, Venerable, martyr II- 608d; V-175d

Sladek, Josef, poet IV-600b

Slagelse, tow-n, Cathohcs in IV- 723d; church XVI-72b

Slaghek, Didrik, Bishop of Skara XVI-7.5C

Slamstorff, Johann n. Bishop of Bremen II-7.57b

SLANDER XIV-35d; and detrac- tion XIV-3.5d; in Hammurabi's code Vll-126a; and libel IX- 210c

Slane, convent IX-150c

—Lord, and O'Hurlev XI-228C

Slater, Edward Bede, Vicar Apos- tolic of Mauritius and Cape of Good Hope VI-645d; X-707d; XII-289b

— John Fox, fund for negroes XII-628d

Slatkonia, Georg XV-419c

Slavata, Vilem, writer IV-600a

Slave XIV-43b

SLAVERY XIV-36a; in Africa XIV-39b; and .\grarianism I- 227b; in Albania I-254c; in An- tilles III-397d; in Bahamas II- 2(Mc; in Brazil I-414b; II- 749b; IX-171C; XII-689d; and Christianity III-597b; and Church XII-41SC; in Congo IV~229d; under Constantine IV-299d; in Cuba lV-559d; in Delaware IV-693a: and Do- minicans XIV-794d; early his- tory of VIII-719d; and farming VI-o9b; and feudalism VIII- 781c; in Georgia VI-461d; in Germany III-597d; VI-477b; and Henry the Navigator VII- 240b; in India VII-732a; among Indians VII-752c; VII- 753b; amongst Israelites I- 227b; II-549C; VIII-535a; in .Jamaica VIII-272a; in Kansas VIII-598C; and Lavigerie IX- 51d; among Maya Indians X- 84 b; in Middle Ages XIV-38d: negro II-164C; XII-627b; XIV-39b; negro, first instance in United States II-164C; in Old Testament XIII-289c: Or- leans, Council of (541) XI- 318b; (549) XI-318b; among pagans XI-390b; XIV-36b; in Paraguay VII-46a; and St. Peter Claver XI-763b; and Pombal XII-304C; and Protest- antism XIV-38d; and Quaker.1 Vl-306b; in Reunion XIII- 344c; and Roman Law IX-79C; XII-567a; among Sabeans XIII-286b; among Shuswap Indians XIII-765a; in Spain I- 729b; in Tennessee Xlv-510a; tonstire XIV-779a; in Turkey

XIV-38d; XV-lOOc; United States V-672d; XV-167c; 169a; 173c; and Urban VIII XV- 219b; in Uruguay XV-232c; in "Utopia" XV-243d; in Vene- zuela XV-328b; in Venice XV- 340a; in Virginia XV-456a; 456c; Wilmot Proviso XV- 168b; Ximenes on XV-731c; and Zumilrraga XV-768C

—ETHICAL ASPECT OF XIV- 39d; Aristotle on XII-214C; charity in III-593C; and Chris- tianity III-420b; IX-66c; XIV-36a; V-39d; and Church XIV-36a; and emancipation V-399a; evils of XIV-40b; in Hammurabi code VII-126b; incapacity as ward VII-51a; as matrimonial impediment VII- 698a; and Mohammedanism X- 428a; and Mosaic law IX-72a; and natural law XIV-40a; negro, effect on I -41.5c; St. Paul on III-594b; XI-798d; Pugh on XII-558b; Rousseau on I-33.5C

Slaves, in Anglo-Saxon England I-509d; canonical irregularity VIII-172C; and Christianity III-595d; and crucifixion IV- 518c; ecclesiastical ownership XIV-3Sb; forbidden to become clerics II-659d; in Louisiana Code I-95d; Mava Indian X- 83b; in Monrovia I-189a; in Sicily XIII-774a

SLAVES, Indian tribe XIV-4Ia; IV-718a; IX-504a

Slave-trade, St. Anschar I-54.5a; in Congo IV-230a; Hawkins I- 727d

Slavianski Viek, periodical XIII- 242a

Slavije (Slavs) XIV-12c

Slavijun (Slavs) XIV-42c

Slavinecki, Epiphanius, writer Xin-270a

Slavonia XIV-44a; Bohemians in XIV-49C; in IlUnois XI-662a; marriage in IX-fi93a; 701c; Russians in XIV-48b; as .Slavs XIV-44b; Slovenes in (1900) XlV-oOa

Slavonic Alphabet XI— 40od

SLAVONIC LANGUAGE AND LITURGY XlV-^lb; IV-592b; VI-576a; X-561c; XIII-6Sd; 69b: 69d; 70d; and Adrian III I-156C: and Assumptionists II- 104d; in Byzantine Rite VI- 746b; XIII-82C; in Dalmatia IV-606d; Greek Church VI- 753d; and John VIII VIII- 423d; Versions of the Bible XV-369a

SLAVS XIV-42a; in Achrida I- 103d; St. Adalbert I-127b; and Adrian II I-156b; and St. Amandus I-3S0c: in Asia Mi- nor I-789d; at Mount Athos II-48b; in .\ustria II-122a; Bo- hemians XIV-49b; Bulgarians XIV-oOc; in Byzantine Empire III-97a; 97c; 104d: 107b, con- version VI-764b; Croats XIV- SOa; and St. CjTil II-!22b; Czech Literature IV-598d; in Dacia XIII-225a; in Dalmatia II-695b: in Eastern Schism XIII-o38b; ethnological classi- fication XII-626C; in (Germany II-73Sd: VI-487C; XIII-498c; in Greece VI - 738c; 739a; Greek Church VI-7.54d;hagiog- raphy VII-107b; in Hungarv VII-547C; in Ulvria I-253d; and John VIIl' VIII-424a; languages XIV-47b; Lusatian Sorbs XIV-49a: map of Eu- rope XIV-43C; and St. Metho- dius II-122b; origin XIV-44d; Passion Sunday XI-535b; in Patras XI-547c; Poles XIV- 48d; in Pomerania XII-225c; present condition XIV-4Sb: m Prussia (1905) XII-520a; Russians XIV-48b; in Sardica Xni-472d; Serbs XIV-50a; Slovaks XIV-49b; Slovenes XlV-49d: statistics V-608b; fiOSb; \IV-51a; in Thessa- lonica XIV-fi33b: and St. Vice- linua XV-404b. .SVc Wends

—IN AMERICA XIV-51a; Bul- KariuiiH X1V-51C: Croatians

XIV-52a; Pennsylvania VI- 745a; Poles XIV-52c; Ruthen- ians XIV-53C: Servians XIV- 54a; Slovaks XIV-54C; Slo- venes XIV-56a; Wisconsin XV-663C

Sleeping Ariadne, statue, Vatican Museum XV-282b

Sleeping-sickness, in Africa I- 182a; in the Congo IV-237b

Sleidanus, Johannes, and Suriua XIV-343d

Slenza (SUesia) XIII-790C

Slenzane (Silesia) XIII-790c

Sletty, See of XI-557d; abbey VI-66d

Slevin, John, pioneer priest in Ohio III-r75d

— Joseph, pioneer priest in Ohio III-775d

— Mary, and Edward Maginn XVI- 59b

Sleyne, at Sorbonne VIII-162d

Sleyne, Bishop of Cork, at Ciovne IV-72d; and Ross XIII-202a

Sliepcoff, A., author XIlI-273b

Sligo, Ireland, cathedral V-395C; (ill.) V-394C; Mercy Convent XIII-578C; O'Hart at I-103a seminary V-395c: XIII-700d Ursuline Convent XIII-o7Sc XV-553d

Slimah, Jebel (Hebal) VI-440b

Slipper Chapel, Norfolk III-579a

Slisz, Stanislaus, editor XII-212a

S. L. N. D., abbr. I-2.M

Sloan, James ll-231b

Sloane, Charles O'Connor, bene- faitinn 11-SOld

Slodtz, Michel Ange, sculptor VlU'.Hib

Sloe Xll-l.'.2b

Sloga, sonrlv XlV-.54b


Slooten, John van der. -Sfe


SLOTH XIV-57d; 5c; and love IX-397d

Slovanech, Na, abbey IV-599a

Slovaks XIV-49b; ethnological cla-ssification XII - 626c; in Hungary II-121b: language, Dobrovsky'a classification XIV-47b; schools in America XIII-5S4b; statistics (1900) XIV-5Ia; in United States VI-745b; 745d; XIV-54c; Ver- sion of the Bible XV-369b

Slovenec, periodical XI-670a

Slovenes XIV-44a; 49d; in Aus- tria II-121b; 122a; ethnological classification XII-626c; in Illi- nois XI-662a; in Karinthia VIII-607b; language, Dob- rovsky's classification XI\'- 47b; and Roman alphal et \'l- 576a; in Russia XIII-233b: statistics (1900) XlV-ola; in United States VIII-697b; XI\'- 56a

Slovenian Western Union XIV- 56d

Slovenians. Scr Slovenes

Slovenska Ljudska Stranka, Cathnlic party XIV-.Wc

Slovenska Matica, founded Xl\'- 54d

Slovenski Narod, periodical XIV-

Slovensky Dennik, periodical

XIV-56a Sloventzi, language Xn'-47d Slovo, periodical XI-68Sb Slowacki, Jtilius, poet, and Ujcj-

ski XV- 120a Sluha, priest, and Schrank XIII-

590d Sluis. See Sluys Sluter, Andreas, sculptor XIII-

646c — Claus, sculptor III-70d; IV-

795a; XIII-644d; Charies the

Bold, tomb of XIV-773d; and

Philip the Bold VIII- 571d Sluys, town, battle (1340) V-

321d;; St. Ursula of

the Blos.wd Virgin Sisters XV-

22.Sb Sluzhebnik (Missal) VI-746b Slwch chapel. See St. Almedha,


58a: V-478a

Sulvius, anatomist X-130a

S. M., abbr. I-25d

Smalebecker, Johann, Abbot of Liesborn IX-237d

SMALKALDIC LEAGUE XIV- 58a; IX~453d; 458c; XII- 704d; Augsburg II-75C; and Bohemian Brethren 1 1-6 17c; and Brunswick 1 1 1- 19c; and Charies V of Spain III-628a; Constance in I\'-2SSa; dis- solved (1547) XII-70.5a; and Francis I of France III-627d; XI-5S0a; in Frankfort VI- 238a; and Henry VIII of Eng- land I-501c; and Lutheranism IX-45Sa: and Pomerania XII- 226b; and Protestantism VI- 500b; XIII-499d; Strasburg XIV-314b

Small, Albion Woodbury, sociolo- gist XlV-llGa

— Apodeipnon I\'-187d

— Interim VllI-TSa

Smaragdus, stone XIV-307c

— Saint. Set- Euphrosvne

— martyr of .St. Albano" I-265b

— Abbot of St. Michaels, on the Meuse \II-447d

— exarch ot Ravenna, and Lom- bards VI-784d; and Pelagius II XI-6CMa; and Phocas, col- umn of xiii-ireb

— ARDO XIV-58d; X-546c: and St. Benedict of Aniane IH67c

Smarius, Cornelius Francis, mis- sionary X-394a: at St. Louis, Universitv of XIII-364a

Smbat, Paulician XI-5S4d

Smederevo, See of II-107b

Smedley, encyclopedia V-416d

Smedt, Charles de, Bollandist II-636C; vn-37Sc; on Halley's Comet XIII-60Sd; on Thun- dering Legion II-109d; on St. Winnoc XV-6oSb

Smeling, Tillman, Dominican VIH89C

Smellie, William, physician X- 135a

Smerdis, Magian IX-52Sa; XI- 713a

Smertelna (Passion Sunday) XI- 633b

Smet, Eugenie, and Hol.v Souls, Helpers of VII - 213a; and Bl. Jean Marie Vianney VIII- 327b

— Pierre-Jean de. See De Smet

— de Naeyer, Count, Belgian minister l\"-230d

Smetana, Rudolph, Redempto- rist Xll-I)84c

Smeulders, papal delegate XIV- 463a

Smidlvski, Vincent, writer XIII- 274b

Smiljanich, EUas, and Turks IV- 512b ,

Smilovsky, Alois, « riter IV-OOOc

Smimova, Sofija Ivanovna, writer X1I1-274C

Smissing, Scotist XIII-162d

Smith, familv. Marvland II-229b

—Abbot of Ampleforth 1-439C

— Adam, economist VII-762a; XII-32C; 214a; 215b: 237a; XIIl-378a: XV-431b: at Glas- gow Universit.v \'I-579a; on individualism \II-7Blc; MQl- Icr on X-627c: and Physio- cratic svstem X1I-6SC; politi- cal ecn'nomy Xll-213d; on p,>,.,)) .ii..n Xll-27t>d; on pri- ^■, i>. I \II-J63d; and

— Am..., .. ' .:ujn Convent,

Go.i^L-.uu.i X\ 183b ■ — Augustine. .Stt; Gallitzin, De- metrius Augustine — B., at Oscott, college XI-336a — Bernard, at American college,

Rome I-42;id — C. T., benefaction V— J04b — Catherine IX-589c ■ — Charles, missionary I-257b;

III-38C — Elizabeth, benefactions V-159d — Erasmus, Irish Schools VIII-

liud — Captain George XIV-60a —George, orientalist II-9a; 16c.

XI-30:Hd; and Flood, account

of 1V-702C — George Adam, exegete, on

Bersabec 1 1-5 18b ; IV-502d

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.