Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/780

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olution (ISOS) I-704a; XIV- 185b 1 Toba Indians XIV- 749b South America, language XIV- 192b; literature XIV-202a; Mutis X-659b — Religious sects : Baptists, statistics 11-28 Ic; Methodism in X-240b; Presbyterianism in I-187d; XII-394a: Waldenses in XV-530b — American College, Rome. See

American College. South Southampton, England, guild statutes VII-67b; Our Lady of Charity, Convent of XII-712c; training school I\'-343d — Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of,

and Beaulieu Abbey II-376d South Australia, aborigines, Ste- phens on III-63Sd; Church m II-116d; foundation I-140a; settlement II-114d — statistics: education Il-IlSa: population (1901) II-114a; re- ligious Il-li7b — Baptist Convention, in Japan

\III-309c — Burma, India. Vicariate of. sta- tistics VII-730b — Canaan, Pennsylvania, Ortho- dox Russians in VI-773a —CAROLINA XIV-157b: XV- 157d; aborigines III-646a; area XIV-157b; Baptists ll-279d; Catholic publications in XI- 692c; Civil War XIV- 159b; Colonial government XIV- 15Sd; colonization XIV-158c; Constitution XIV -159a; education XIV-157d; Ex- cise and Dispensary Act XIV-160b; French Americans VI-273a; history XIV-158C; history, ecclesiastical XIV- 159c: Irish settlement in VIII- 134d; Jesuit missions XIV- 734c: marriage and divorce XIV-160b: Negro population (1900) XII-628b: penal laws XI-616d; physical character- istics XIV-157b: population XIV-157c; Reconstruction per- iod XIV-159c; resources XIV- 157c; Seal of (ill.) XIV-1.57c; secession XV- 171c; statistics XV-176b; statistics, denomi- national (1908) XIV -160a; tariff laws XV-168a South Carolina Day XIV-158b Southcott, Joanna VII-702d; and

.Southcottians XIII-287c SOUTH DAKOTA XIV-160d: XV-174b: aborigines II-603c: area XIV-160d; Bohemians II- 621a: cemetery corporations XIV-162d; Church in, Sioux Falls XIV-16d; divorce XIV- 162c; education XIV- 16 lb; French Americans in VI- 273a; history XIV-161c; his- tory, ecclesiastical XIV-lBld; Hollanders in Vll-394b; liquor, sale of XIV-162d; Liquor laws XIV-491a; marriage XIV- 162c: prisons XIV-162c; re- ligion XIV-162b; resources XIV-161a; Seal of (ill.) XIV- 161c; seal of confession XIII- 661d: Sioux XIV-18a: 24b; statistics XV-176b; suffrage, equal XV- 692c; Syrian Greek Catholic settlement VI-751d Southerland, Florida, college VI-

118a Southern Baptist Convention II-

280b — Catholic, The, periodical, Mem- phis. Tenn. XI-695a — College, Southerland VI-118a — Cross, in Old Testament as- tronomy II-30d; 31c — Cross, The, periodical, Adelaide

I-140C; ll-120b Southeme, Thomas, playwright


llWd: martyrd.mi V-476d Southern Sung, dynasty, date

IIl-t;f,lc — University, Greensboro, Ala- bama I-242a Southey, Robert, on Jesuits in Paraguay XII-693b; and Rut- ter XIII-280b; on Vieira XV- 416b


South Georgia, island, "discovery

XV-385C South India, Malabar Rites in

IX-5.58b —Island, New Zealand XI-40c: Church of New Zealand XII- 393d — Kensington Museum, London XVI-72C; Anglo-Saxon Crosses (ill.) 1-510; Vatican tapestries XV-286C: da Vinci XV-441a Southland, Province of. New Zealand XV-5S0b: ecclesias- tical organization V-191C South London CathoUc Temper- ance Association XIV-489b — Moytura, battle VIII-119d — Orange, seminary XIII-701C — Queensferry, Scotland, Car- melite convent III-357b — Sea Bubble, Douai losses V-

139d — Slavonic Catholic Union XIV-

56d SOUTHWARK, DIOCESE OF XIV-162d; XII-296d: XVI- 37d; 38a; Bourne, Episcopate of XV-596b; cathedral (ill.) XIV-163C; cathedral, Pugin XII-559d: hop-pickers III- 326b; seminaries XIII-700a — Bridge, London lX-345d Southwell, Nathaniel. See Bacon — Richard XlV-ll)4c —ROBERT, VENERABLE XIV- 164b; and Anne, Countess of Arundel and Surrey VII-503c: and Garnet VI-386c; Holyoake magazine XIII-676a; " Humble Supplication to her Majestv" Xni-122b; martyrdom VII- 701c; poetry V-463b; Teys- sonnier, Marie XV-251a; on Ward, Margaret, Ven. XV-551b Southwest Africa, German I- 188a; Lower Cimbebasia III- 773b: XVI-68b SOUTHWORTH, JOHN, VEN- ERABLE XIV-165a: and Ar- rowsmith V-293c Souvignet, Jean Francois Regis, martyrdom III-671C; IX-748b Souvigny, France, Benedictine monastery X-603d; Botirbons. tombs of X-604a; St. May- eul, relics of X-6(Ka — Bible, "Annunciation" from

(ill.) IX-626a

Souza, Francisco de, on St.

Thomas Christians XIV-679c;

on Santos Passos XI-536a

— Jose Mariano Beristain y

Martin de. See Beristain y

Martin de Souza. Jose Mariano

— Luiz da, .\rchbishop of Lisbon

IX-283a — Martinho Afionso de, settle- ment II-748C — MeteUo de, in China XII-

489d — Barroso, Antonio Jose de, bishop, in Mvlapur XIII-387b; in Oporto XI-261d — e Meneze, Manoel de. Arch- bishop of Goa VI-604b Souza. See Sousa SOVANA AND PITIGLIANO,

DIOCESE OF XlV-lR.5b Sovek, Egyptian deitv V-344a Sovereigns, burial of III - 7.5b; censures on III-531a: papal audiences II-69b Sovereignty, Rousseau IV-336a — temporal, of the Pope. Sec

Temporal Power Sovremennik, periodical XIII-

274a; 274c Sovremennost, Nihilist publica- tion XI-7,'ic Sower. Parable of the XI-463b Soyecoiu-t, Mme. de. See Caniille

do TEnfant Jf^sus Soyedineniya Greko - Kaftolic - heskikh Russkikh Bratstv VI- 749c; in UnitiHl Slates XIV- .54a Soyer, Ren^-Franjois, Bishop of

LuQon IX-413b Soyotes, tribe, classification XII-

62Bd Soztal Demokrat, Socialist organ

XIV i;7b Soziale Kultur, periodical XV-

.'■,n3b ^Tagesfragen, Volksverein XV- 503b

Sozialkorrespondenz, Volksverein XV-503b

Sozomen, name X-674b

— SALAMINIUS HERMIAS XIV-165d; VII-347C; 373c; 425c; 492d; Xni-786a; on Acacius of Beroea I-SOc; Al- leluia VI-716d; Arabia. Chris- tianity in I-667d; St. Athana- sius II-36b; cowl, use of IV- 463b; Encratites V-413b; St. Ephraem V-498d; and Historia tnpartita XIV-577b; on Liber- ius. Pope XIII-693d: Mace- donians XII-174d; Montanists X-524a; papal headship of councils lV-427d: Severian XIII - 742b; and Theodoret XIV-575C; on Theodosius I XIV-578b; Valois edits XV- 2fi4a

Sozomenus (Sozomus). See So-

sdzOPOLIS (SOZOPOL), See of XIV-166C; and Medea X- 116c

SOZUSA, See of XIV-166d; XV- GOa

Sozzini, Bartolomeo IX-162C

— Fausto. See Socinus. Faustus

— Lelio. See Socinus. Laelius

S. P., abbr. I-26a: 27b

S. P. A., abbr. I-26a

Spaccapietra, Vincent, Archbish- .,,1 of P,,rt of Spain XII-291b

SPACE XlV-167a; Aristotle on I-716b; in Indian cosmogony IV-410a; Kanfs theory I- 216c; III-465C; Polignac on XI 1-21 2d; Spencer on 1-2 17c

Spada, Bernardo, Bishop of Calvi Ill-I95a

— BibUoteca XV-288b

— Leonello lll-376a

—Chapel lX-7tiSb

Spagna, Accademia di I-SSd

—Benedetto di XI-.W4b

— Giovanni di Pietro, painter, B<.nie, works XIll-lB.5c; 165d; XV-2S3b; Spoleto. work XIV- 233a; Trevi. work XlV-23.5a


Spagnoli, Baptita, Blessed. See Baptista Mantuanus

—Peter ll-276b

Spagnuoletto, Giuseppe. See Ri- bera. Ju-sepe

Spahn, Peter, politician XVI-22b

Spaight, Richard Dobbs VIII- 138d


— Architecture: cathedrals VI- 673c; XIII^32a; Dominicans XII-368a: Escorial V-534d; Gothic VI-678c; 680a; medie- val VI-666a; Toledo XIV- 757d: windows in chiuches XV-654a

—Art V-254C; 255c; 256a; Borras II-687d; Cano III-250d: Car- ducci III-345a; Echave V- 270b; Goya v Lucientes VI- 686d; Hcrrera, Francisco, the Elder VII-295b; Herrera. Fran- cisco, the Younger VII-29.5C; Herrera. Barnuevo VII-295d; Iriarte VIII -432a; Jduregui VIII-32.5d: Juan Bautista de Toledo VIII-531C; lace VIII- 729d; 73!c; L6pez-Caro IX- 355d; Meneses X-187c: Mon- tanfis X-520C; Morales X- 557a; Murillo X-644a: Navar- rete X-723b; Ribera XIII-31b; sculpture XIII-646b; Theoto- copuU XIV-628b; Van de Velde XV-270b; Vargas XV- 273a; VelSzquez XV-323b; wood-carving X V~700b ; Zur- baran XV-770a

—Church in XII-.502b; XIV- 182c; 769d; abbots I-19d; 20b; address, ecclesiastical I-139b; Adoration, Perpetual, in Rome I-153d; Advent I-166b; Al- beroni I-260a; AH Souls' Day I-316a; II-569b; Annuncia- tion, feast of I - 542d; Apos- tolici Miniflterii 1-64 7d; Augus- tinians Vn-282a; 282c; 283c; baptism III-494C; Barcelona, Councils of II-2.S9b; Basilians II-324b; Benedict XIV II- 433c; Benedictine nuns II- 455c; Benedictines II-448d; 449b; betrothal II-537d; bish-

ops II-146a: 5S4c; Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God II-S02d; canonical collections III-283d; IX-61d; cardinals III-337b; CarmeUtes III-362b; cathedral III-438C; Celtic Rite III-493b; 496a; Chapelle III- 579c; Charity, Sisters of III- 606c; Christian Brothers VIII- 60c; Cistercians III - 784b; cloister IV - 61d; concordat (1418) IX-725C; (1737) IV- 197c; 203d; XIV-187b; (1753) IV-203d; XlV-187b; (1851) IV - 204b; XI - 316b; XII- 136b; XIII-684a; XlV-lOOd; 185d; 187b; 507b; (1859) IV- 204b; confirmation of infants IV-216b; Dominicans V-108c; XII-358d; 368Cc; 368Fa; ex- clusion, right of V-677b; Gal- ilean Rite VI-3.57a; IX-311b; 313b; Grandmontines VI-726C; heraldry VII-245a; Hilarius VII-348d; holv days III-166a; Honorius III VII-458C; Immac- ulate Conception VII-680C; 680d; indulgences V-6S9c; in- fallibility, papal XV-305b; 306b; St. Isidore of Seville VIII-186C; St. James the Greater VIII-280C; Lazarists X-361C; 364c; 364d; Loreto Nuns Vin-55d; Wagdalens IX-524a; Mantellate XIII- 737b; marriage ritual IX-705d; military chaplains III-681b; V-70Cd; Minims X-325d; mon- asteries suppressed X - 454b: monsignor X-510a: Mozarabic Rite X-611a; Name of Mar>', feast of X-673c; Norbertine Nuns XIl-391d; nunciature XI-160d. 161c: 163c; organi- zation XIV- 172c; Palm Sun- dav XI-432C; patron XI- 566b: Pius VII XII-133C: Pius X XII-139b; Poor Clares XII- 253b; 254b; Precious Blood Confraternities XII - 373b; Presentation of the Blessed Virgin. Sisters of XII-3?9a: priests, confraternities of XII- 420c: Priests' Eucharistic League XII-423b: primacies Xn-424a; Propagation of the Faith Xn-462a; Redemptor- istines XII-683a; Redemptor- ists XII-684C; religious orders XIV-174C: retreat houses XII- 796c; Roman Rite IX-311d; X-612a; sacerdotal dress I- 2S2c: St. James of Compostela, Order of XIll-353a; Salesians XIII-399a; Schism, Western XIII-540a: Schools. Clerks Regular of the Pious XIII- 5ssa; .«eiil "f confession XIII- I'ri.i^r, ^I ,ii;:,tionXni-67Sa; ... Ml-,, ^ i II -700b; XIV- 17 .. - I .Tesus I-109d;

I\ .:■!• \ l\ >7a; 98a: lOOd; X\ l-;.ib: f-()<!ity of the Blessed Sacrament Xn'-llla: Society of the Sacred Heart II-283d; XIV- 112c: .-it.itistics XIV- 27:1. . Ii . I .1 XlV-297a; Ta-

I . I\ ■ sb; Texas XIV-

.7 11 ,, i-,i 1 hcatines XIV- ,7.7 7i t ' , ,1. ph of the Holy I : . : lH-411d; Urban

\ III \\ ..vl,, Ursulincs XV- L'7'"l. \ .- .1, .loiuments XV- 2^^a; -sm., \,M..ii,n,s XV- 4li(ib: \ 1. I. I I\ W li;2a; St. Vincent I . ■■. , \\ ■ isb; Vis- itation \iMi~ .\ \ l^Jc: visits ad limina ll-.),s.>d

-Customs: bull-tight III-51b; Christian era I11-738C; funeral III-76C: washing of feet XV- 557d

-Education III - 413b: XIV- 174d: academies XIV-188d: Irish Colleges VIII-li")9a: mili- tary schools XIV-175a: Moor- ish colleges I-621a; Palencia University XI-418b: theology XIV-593a: universities XIV- 175a; XV-197d

-Ceaaraph'j XIV-1G9C: Almeria I-328»: Andalusia I-465b: area V-608d: XIV-169C: Astorga II-18d; Badajos II-193d; Bar- bastro II-2S5d; Baicelooa XI-

Large typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^illustrations.