Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/853

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168c: liquor XV-455b; Ma- guire in IV-262a; manufac- tures XV-453a; and Maryland IX-756c; matrimony XV- 454d; military exemptions XV- 454d; minerals XV— lo2d; na- tional institutions XV-454C; Degro population U900) XII- 628b; notable Catholics XV- 457c; penal laws XI-616c: physical characteristics X^'- 4o2a; population XV-451c: and Illinois VII-656b: Presby- terian churches XII-394a; rail- roads XV-4o3c; real estate XV-453b; recent progress (1870-1912) XV-4o6d; religious legislation XV-454C; religious conditions XV-J57a; resources XV-452b; Revolutionary pe- riod (1775-Sl) XV-i56b; Ru- thenian Greek Catholics VI- 748a; seal adopted XV-456b: seal (ill.) XV-451C; secession XV-456d; Spanish settlement XV-455b; statistics XV-177a; steamship lines XV-453C; tax exemptions XV-4o4d; trans- portation XV-453b; university XV-453C; War ol 1812 XV- 4S6c; and Washington. D. C. XV-S58a; and West Virginia XV-e07a; wills XV-io5b

Virginia City, Montana X- Sl"b

— Company of London XV-158a; Arms of (ill.) XV-4o3d; and Baltimore III-193c

— Street, chapel, London XV- 59.3d

Virgini pariturse, statue at Char- tres lll-fi35d

VIRGINITY XV-J5Sb; III-638b; .St. .\mbro3e on I-385a: 387b; consecration to XV— to9a; of the Church III-4S1C; in early Church III-420c; XV-459a; in first Epistle to Corinthians IV-367d; St. Jerome on VIII- 343a: loss of XV-459C; aiid modern woman XV^-691d; in Montanism X-52_ld: as mysti- cal marriage IX-703a; New Testament XV-45SC; nuns XV - 459a: pagan attitude towards XV-690a; pre-Scho- laatic teaching XIV-617d: and priesthood III— 181c; religious lifeXV-459a; vow of XV-JoSc; vow of Blessed Virgin XV- 464Fc

—of Mary I-542b; XV-466b; Bonosus on II-677d; XV-690C; 691b: the Church on XV-448b; Heh-idius on VIII-343a; Isaias XV-464Cd: TcrtuUian on XIV- 523b: vow XV-lfilFc

VIRGIN MARY, THE BLESSED X V-464d ; .\cathistus. hymn I- 92b; age of. at Nativity XV- 464Hc: Aloigenses, and Di\'ine Incarnation I-2fiSb: altars I- 355d ; .\nglican Church, prayers to XIU-92a: .\nnunciation of the. See Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Antidi- comarianitcs on I-562a: anti- phons I-57.5b; antiphons, Ave Regina II-149b; in .Apocalypse XV-469C; in .Apocrjphal Gos- pels I-60f>d

— Apparitiom XVI-12a; St. Alex- is Falconieri I-307c: Berico XV-405d: La Salette IX-8b; Lourdes IX-389c; XV-464c: Tortosa XIV-785d

— Areopagitic reference V-13d

—in Art XI-398d; 399d; XV- 460c: 47 Id; AngeHco I-»84a; 484b: Baldung II-220b; Baveu y Lubias II-3.58b; Bellini XI- 738d: Boccaccino II-606d; 607ft: Bon\icino II - 678d: Burckmair (ill.) Ill-facing 64: Caravaggio XI - 401c: cata- combs III-422C: 425b: 51.5a; 5l.5d: 516d; 7asd; catacombs, De Rossi's work III -517a; Cimabue III-772a; Correggio I-318d; Cravtr IV - 460c: Credi ml.) XV-464Gd: Crivelli IV -509c: 509d: D.ivid IV- 642b; Diepcniiceck IV-7seb; Dossi (ill.) V-13T; Durer V- 210d; XlV-312d; van Evcks V-735a; Francucci VII-694a;

Ftthrioh (ill.) Vl-facing 312; Gegenbauer Vl-403d: Ghirlan- daio VI -546c; Ghirlandajo (ill.) Vl-facing 540; Giotto VI- S66d: GiuUo Romano VI-572b; 572c; Guercino III-16d; Hol- bein the Elder (ill.) Vll-facing 384; Joest VIII-420b; Kessels VIII-629C; Knabl VIII-669c; LimbourgsIX-259c;Lippi IX- 277d; 278b: 278d; 279b; Lippi (ill.) Il-faeing 498; Lochner IX - 320a: Luini III - 44Sa; Luini (Ul.) Il-facing 418; St. Luke IX-422a: XII-194d; at Monte Vergine X-539a; AIo- rales X-557c: Moretto (ill.) V-facing 74; Aloroni X-576d; MiiUer X-629d; as Orante (ill.) XI - 269; Orcagna XI - 276b; Pinturicchio XII-103d: Piom- bo XIII-172b: PoUajuolo XII- 216d; Raphael VII-693d; XII -641a: Mlb: 646b; del Sarto XIII-479b: Sassoferrato XIII-485d; Sassoferrato (ill.) XV-464Ed; Schadow XIII- 51Sd; 519a: Schongauer XIII- 554a: Schraudolph XIII-591c; Siennese School V-253b: Stoss lill.) XIV-310d; Titian XIV- 743c; Torriti X-5S9b: Velas- quez XV-326a; da Vinci XV- 441d; da Vinci (ill.) IX-lacing 752; Vivarini XV-492c; Viva- rini and Mirano XV - 492a; Wachter XV-521d

-Assumption of. See Assump- tion, Feast of the Blessed Vir- gin Mary; St. Bernardine. treatise II-506d: betrothal XV-464Ed: 464Fd: 464Gb: birthplace XV-464Fb; birth of Jesus Christ, before the XV- 464Eb: bodilv integrity of XV- 45Sb: in Book of Acta XV- 469a: burial XV-171a: at Cana III-227a; in Canon in-262c; Canticle of III-302a: Canticle of Magnificat IX-534b: and Carmelites. Restoration of XIII-800b

-Cathedrals of: Aquileia I-662b; Augsburg II-74a; 74d; 78a; Augsburg, south door (ill.) II- 73c: Carlisle III-349d

-in the Cenacle XV-469a; Chapel of the, Wurzburg XV- 719a: chaplet of VII-788d; and Christ XV-467d

-Church of: Apt I-660d; Etsch- miadzin V-572b; Fleury VI- 102d; Glendalough VI-583b; Goa I-271a; Guatemala II- 535b

-cloak of, at Aachen I-2c: con- fraternities XIV-123d; Con- gregation of. founded IX-264d: consent of I-542b; Constanti- nople saved (626) I-92c; con- vent, Magdeburg IX-525a: Coptic MSS. XVI-28b; 28d: 29d; attheCrossIV-529a;XV- 468b: death of XV-471c; death of. in Apocalypse XV-460d: in Divina Commedia IV-630d: Docetist teaching V-71b; ear I-268b:II-612a:earlvChristian attitude XV-460a; 471b: eariy Christian documents XV-470a: in the East XV-461b; educa- tion XV-464Fd; in Eg>-pt XV- 465b; in Epistles XV-469b; espousals V-543b; and Eve XV-460b

-Feasts III-162a: XV-464c; 4 6 4 Fc ; Annunciation I - S42c; Assumption I I -6b; in Byzantine Rite IV- 315d: in Common Praver, Book of II-679d; in Eastern Church, Protoevangelium read I-.538b; Epistles IX- 196a; Expectation V-712b: indulgences attached VII-789a; Maternity X-46d; Most Pure Heart X-600a; Nativity X-712d: Purification III-24.5'a; Sorrows XIV-151d

-fountain, at Carem III-345d: Gabriel, prophecy VI-.330b; genealog>' VI-411a; Girdle of XV-3d; in the Gospel XV- 404Eb: in Greek Divine Office I-106c: and heresies I-4.5b: in hidden life of Our Lord X^'- 464Hc: Holy Child, loss of XV-

466a: and Holy Simeon XV- 465a: Hours of the. See Little Office of the Bl. Virgin : house at Nazareth, site X-726c: hymns XV-461a; 461c: in Liturgy of St. James I-572d; Immaculate Conception VII-674d: impec- cability XV-467a: indulgences VII-784d: Institute of the III- 602c: interior Ufe XV-466a; invocation of. in Litany of the Saints IX-291b: Isaias, proph- ecy of I-326b; XV-464Cd; and Jesus Christ, Passion of XV-468a: and Jesus Christ, pubUc Hfe of XV-467b: jeux floraux, Toulouse XIV-797d; and Jewish women XV— 467d ; and St. Joseph VIII-504C; XV- 465c: Judaism XV-451b

-Legends XV-464Fd; .Anna the Prophetess I-530d : betrothal IX-I30d; Vienna II-126b

-letter attributed to. and St. Ignatius of .\ntioch VII-645d; letter attributed to, at Messina X-217b; life, Bartholomew of Pisa II-31fid; in litanies, an- cient H86a; Utany by St. Brogan of Clonsast VIII-639a; litany of Loreto IX-287c: litany of praises IX-288b; Little Office of. See Little Office of Blessed Virgin; Lit- urgy of St. Mark, commemo- ration in I-304d: and Magnifi- cat IX-427C: 534b; XVI-56c; marriage feast in Cana XV- 467b; marriage ring of. Perugia XI-736a; and Mary Magdalen IX-7623; and Marv of Cleo- phas IX-749a: Mass in Leofrio Klissal XV-462d; memorial, in East S>Tian Rite XIV-4I5b: in Middle High German poetry VI-518a; miraculous birth, theory of I-53Sd: miraculous picture, Taxa monastery I- 57a: miraculous statues and pictures I-57a; 700c: XV- 463d; Monophysite teaching I- 78c: XV-138b; month of X- 542c; moral defects, question of XV-466d: as Mother, Divine XV-466d; as Mother of men XV-468C; as Mother of St. John XV-468b; in mythologj', pagan XV— ISCkl: name XV- 464d; name, and Holy Com- munion IV-774d: Nati\'itv of Christ XV-JB4Hd; at Naza- reth XV-465d: Nestorianism VII-713b; New Testament XV-464Eb: 469a: nimbus in representation of XI-Slc; Normandy XI-lOOc; Oblates of the, foundation XII-796C

-Office 1 1 -771c- Chaldaic trans- lation II-167d; hymnsll-149b: in Uturgical week XV— 576a

-in the Old Testament XV- 464Ba; Old Testament proph- ecies XV-451a; omas, arcoso- lium I -6 9 9b: post-Pentecostal life XV-470a; Portugal, patronage of XII-298d: poverty of XV- 46.5a: Presentation in Temple XV-164FC: in prophecies XIV- .597c; XV-464Ba: pseudo-epis- tle I-61.3d: Purification III- 245c; XV-465a; relics. Aachen I-2c: relics, St. Veronica XV- 362d: after Resurrection XV- 468a: rod out of the root of Jesse I-165C: in Royal Decla- ration XIII-213b; salutation to. in Authorized Version II- 142c; sanctity XV-467a; shroud of XIV-77.5a; XV- 471a: social order XV-4fi7d; sodality manuals XII-3S3a

-statues: Bois-le-Duc II-«2.5b; 625d: Bonne-Esp6rance II- 674d; Coventr>- XV- 463a; Joseph II. regulation of II- 127c; London XV-.594b; Lour- des (ill.) IX-391b

-SuArez on XIV-319d: Swoon of the. S« Swoon of the Virgin; symbolism, in Canticle of Can- ticles lll-.303d: 304b: testi- mony of. in St. Luke's Gospel XV-449a: theology XIV-585b; tomb of XIV-774d: XV-470b; tomb of, location VIII-346a:

traditions XV-470a: types XV-464Dd: tvTJes, Ark of the Covenant I-724C; veil III- 636b: veil, at Chartres Xll- 89d; veneration I-152c; XIV- 585b: XV-472a: at Veruela XV-378C: virginity XV-44Sd: ™ion of John XXII XIII- 289d: Visitation of XV-464Gd; Votive Masses, by blind priests XIII-14 lb; Votive Masses, and Gloria VI-584b; in Way of the Cross XV-569b: 569c; 570d; Wessel on XV-590b: and wom- an, status of XV-690d ; worship XV-710b; worship, Protestant view XII-49eb

—MARY, DEVOTION TO THE BLESSED XV-4.59d: XIII- lS.5d; Anglican service. pra\ers Xni-92a; in Anglo-Saxon Church I-510b: IV-173a: St. Bruno III-16a; in Coptic Church III-166C; confraterni- ties. See Sodalities tn/ra; Con- gregation of Man,- IX-264d; early Christian attitude XV- 460a: early Middle Ages XV- 462a: England XV-462C: and Ephesus. influence of I-572b: Epiphanius XIII-394d; ex- travagances XV-463d: Flan- ders IX-252b: France XV- 462c: Germany XV-462C; Heart of Marj' Vn-168a: hv- perdulia V - 188b ; images crowned VII-67()d: Ireland XV-463a: Laude II-466a; Loreto XIII-454d; Lourdes IX-389C: XV-464C; modern times XV— inib; in monasteries XV-463C: month of May X- 542c: as Mother of men XV- 468c: origin XV-459d: in Para- guay. Reductions of XII-694d; patristic age XV-460C; in Portugal XII-29&d; practices XV-463a; 464a: Quietism XII- 609d: Roeamadour Xlll-lOOa: Saturday dedicated to II-650b; scapular XIIl-513a; Schoen- berg XIII-547a: shrines XV- 463c; sodaHties IX-79b; XIV- 121a: 123d: 138a: XV-464b: in Spain XIV- 19 Id; statues and pictures, miraculous XV-463d; veneration I-152c; XIV-585b; XV-472a; in the West XV- 462b; worship n-364d; XV- 7 lOb : worship, Protestant view XII-4ft6b

— Mary, Sisters of the Blessed, Billom \l-174b

— Mary, Sisters of the Blessed, Manila lX-600b

— Mary, Sisters of the Blessed, See Ch.irity ol the Blessed Virgin. .Sisters of the

— Mary and Saint John, church, Epli.sus X\'-47nc

—Mary of Monte Oliveto, Con- gregation of the 11-004C

— of the Martyrs, sanctuary, Molfctta X-*34a

Virgins, in .Apocah'pse XV-458d; canon of Chalcedon III-.5.5Sa; as clerics IV— 49c; clothing (ill.)


— Consecrated XI-164C; Ancilla Dei as I-46.3C: in Babylonia II- 187d: Carthusians 1 11-39 Id; in catacomb paintings III- 708d; in earlv fresco III-517a; in Post-Nicene Alrican Church I-198d: as sacramental rite XV-469a

—in early Church I-770a; VII- 341d: "XI-164a: XIV-.523a; XV-4.">9b: Epistles to. by Cle- ment I IV-14d: fast. East SjTian Rite XIV- 4 16c: hymn I-393c: influence of XV- 4.58d: invocation of. in Litanv of the Saints IX- 291c: Mass. in Bobbio Missal III-.502b: Milan, associations of I-4aia: Mithraic X-404a: andMurilloX-645b; Parable of the Ten XI-465c; Parable of the Wise and Foolish (ill.) IX- 621c: patroness III-44.5d: re- ligious life, earliest examples XII-750a: veil. See Veil. Rc- Ugioiis; veiled, amongst Mon- tanists I-772a

Virgin's Fountain. Set Giboo

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a. b, c, d, quarter of page.