Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/99

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1S71, who has been working; as a missionary in the Congo since 1897. He is titular Bishop of Rusicade.

CoREA. — The name of this vicariate has been changed to Seoul (q. v.).

Delta of the Nile, in Egypt, erected 17 Sept., 1909; the boundaries of the mission remained un- changed. It is entrusted to the care of the Society of African Missions of Lyons. The first vicar Apostolic is Mgr. .\uguste Duret, b. in the Diocese of Nantes, 2 Jan., 1840; ordained, 17 Dec, 1870; missionary in Oran in 1878; Prefect Apostolic of the Delta of the Nile in 188.5; appointed vicar Apostohc on 17 Sept., 1909, and consecrated titular Bishop of Bubastis on 24 Feb., 1910.

Diego Suarez, in Madagascar. — By a Decree of Propaganda dated 20 May, 191.3, the name of the Vicariate .Apostolic of Northern Madagascar (q. v.) was changed to Diego Suarez, which is the name of the chief town in the mission.

Erythrea, in East Africa. — On 13 Sept., 1894, the Italian colony of Erythrea or Eritrea, previously part of the Lazarist mission of Abyssinia, was formed into a prefecture Apostolic, with R. P. Michele da Carbonara (b. at Carbonara, Italy, 10 Oct., 1836; d. there, 24 June, 1910), a Capuchin, as superior. The mission comprises the territory on the coast of the Red Sea from Ras Kasar (18° 2' N.) to the French possessions at the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb (12° 30' N.), and is bounded on the interior by the Sudan, Abyssinia, and French Somahland. It in- cludes likewise all the islands in the adjacent part of the Red Sea, subject to the Italians. The in- habitants, mostly of a semi-nomadic disposition, number about 4.^0,000. Of these 12,200 belong to the Latin Rite, about one-half being Italians; 1.5,000 are Copto-Ethiopians, about 80,(X)0 are Mono- physites, and the remainder fetishists or Mohamme- dans. The ordinary people speak Arabic, Tigrai, and Tigre; and the upper .\maric; while Ghez is the liturgical language. On Feb. 7, 1911, after the death of R. P. Michele da Carbonara, the mission was made a vicariate Apostolic. It contains 9 Capuchin fathers and 6 brothers, with 5 residences, 42 native priests, 22 Daughters of St. Anne, some Franciscan tertiarj' lay sisters (native), 8 churches, 30 chapels in the back-country, served by native Catholic priests of Copto-Ethiopic Rite, 2 seminaries (at Achur and Ashcrem) with 48 students, 5 schools with over 200 pupils and 2 orphanages. The mission is confided to the Capuchins of the province of Rome. The vicar Apostolic is Mgr Francesco Carrara, Capuchin, b. at Albino, in the Diocese of Bergamo, Italy, on 14 March, 1871; professed on 8 Sept., 1887; minister provincial of Lombardy in 1902; appointed to the vicariate in January, 1911, and consecrated at Milan, 26 Feb. following, as titular Bishop of Agathopolis.

Fernando Po, in Africa. — In 1855 a mission was established in the islands of Annob6n, Corisco, and Fernando Po under R. P. Miguel Martinez, of Toledo. In 1857 the mission became a prefecture .\postolic and was entrusted to the Jesuits; in 1860 their jurisdiction was e.xtended to the mainland. After thirteen years' labour they gave up the mission owing to difficulties with the Spanish Government, as well as to the severity of the climate. Till 1883 there was only one priest in the mi.ssion, the parish priest of Santa EUsabeth in Fernando Po. In 1883 the prefecture was revived and the mission entrusted to the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On 35 April, a large territory on the continent was added to the mission, which on 5 May, 1004, was made a vicariate Apostohc. The vicariate now comprises the Islands of Annob6n (11 sq. miles), Corisco (11 sq. miles), Elobey, Fernando Po (780 sq. miles), and Spanish Guinea (12,000 sq. miles), extending from the Muni river

to the Campo and to Kamerun, the eastern boundary being the meridian of 11° 20' E.; it has in all an area of about 12,814 sq. miles and a population of 235,000. The languages ordinarily spoken in the mission are: Bubi in Fernando Po; Benga in Corisco; Ambu in Annab6n, and Pamwe and Korabe on the mainland. The climate in the mission territory is torrid and enervating, and malaria is prevalent. There are 6274 Catholics and 370 catechumens; 42 missionary priests; 10 catechists; 13 churches; 9 chapels, 27 stations; 18 parochial schools with 1170 pupils; 4 hospitals. The Sisters of the Immaculate Conception have 6 houses with 26 nuns. The finst Vicar Apostohc is Mgr Pedro Armengaudio Coll, of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mai-y, appointed on 10 May, 1904. He is titular Bishop of Thignica, and resides at Santa Isabel, Fernando Po.

Fianakantsoa, in Madagascar, erected on 10 May, 1913, and committed to the care of the Jesuits, formed previously the southern part of the Vicariate of Central Madagascar. Its boundaries are: on the north the 20° S. lat., the southern Hmits of Autsirabe, the 20° S. lat. again, and then to the Indian Ocean; on the east the Indian Ocean from 20° to 22° S. lat.; on the south the Vicariate Apostolic of Fort Dauphin (formerly Southern Madagascar); on the west the Mozambique Channel from 20° to 22° S. lat. On 16 May, 1913, R. P. Charles Givelet, S.J., was appointed first vicar Apostolic.

Fort-Dauphin, in Madagascar. — In order to distinguish more easily the various vicariates in Madagascar, the Holy See decreed on 20 May, 1913, that the vicariates should be called in future by the name of the town in which the vicars reside. Hence the name of the Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Madagascar was changed to Fort-Dauphin.

GuA.M, Island of, in the Mariana Islands. — The Mariana Islands with the exception of Guam belong to Germany; Guam is held by the United States of America. By a Decree dated 1 March, 1911, Guam was withdrawn from the jurisdiction of the Prefect Apostolic of the Mariana Islands, and made a vicariate Apostohc, to prevent troubles arising from ditTerences of nationality. The new vicariate was entrusted to the Capuchins, and Mgr Francisco Xavier Ricardo Vila y Mateu, O.F.M. Cap., b. at Arenys de Mar, Spain, was appointed on 25 Aug., 1911, vicar Apostohc and titular Bishop of Adraa. In 1911 the population was 12,240, of whom 11,877 were natives; there are about 2500 non-Catholics. The vicariate has 10 Capuchin priests, 3 lay brothers, 6 parishes, and 10 churches. The Island of Guam hes at the vSouthern end of t he Mariana group and was ceded to the United States in 1898; it is about 30 miles long and 6^ miles wide, and has an area of about 200 sq. miles. The natives are Chamorros, with a mixture of Tagal and Spanish blood. Education has been compulsory since the American occupation; San Ignacio de Agana (population over 7000) is the capital of the island.

Ho-nan, Western, in China. — The Prefecture .Vpostohc of Western Ho-nan was erected into a vicariate Apostolic by a Decree of 2 May, 1911, its boundaries remaining unchangc^d, that is, on the north, the Yellow River, on the eiist, the Shen-si, on the south the prefecture of Nan-Yang-fu; on the west that of Kai-fong-fu. The mission is en- trusted to the mi.ssionaries of the Parma Seminary of St. Francis Xavier for the Foreign Missions. It contains about eight milhon inhabitants, of whom 2717 are Catholics, 4006 catechumens; 9 priests, 3 churches, 9 chapels, and 5 schools. The first vicar .Vpostolic is M^ Luigi Calza, b. at Rocca Prebalza, Italy, 26 July, 1872; ordained in 1902; appointed Prefect .\postolic of Western Ilo-nan, 23 June, 1906, and vicar Apostolic on 18 Sept.,