Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/127

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The Knights of Columbus and the Catholic For- Apostolic indulgences. They may also with a single

esters are organized in the diocese, as also some blessing erect stations of the Cross with the usual

local societies amon^ German and Bohemian speak- indulgences in all churches, oratories, even private,

ing people. The Pnests' Eucharistic League is the and other pious places, and may annex the Way

only society organised among priests. of the Cross privilege to crucifixes with the usual

In the territory which constitutes the present indulgences in favor of those who by reason of

diocese" of Bismarck there were in 1893 two rest- health or other just cause are unable to visit the

dent priests among the whites and two among the Stations. According to a reply of the Sacred Peni-

Indians, some missions being attended by priests tentiary to Archbishop Hanna of San Francisco,

residing in what is now the Diocese of f*argo. 18 July, 1910, bishops may not habitually delegate

The first German-speaking immigrants reached the this power of blessing and indulgencing rosaries,

x^on in 1889, the largest immigration taking place etc., to their priests. On 15 May, 1914, the Holy

between 1896 and 1910. It ceased at the outbreak Office declared all priests who had faculties from

of the World War, but is once more on the in- the Holy See to bless ^d indulgence different

crease. The diocese is still under the administra- religious articles with the sign of the Cross, could

lion of Rt. Rev. Vincent Wehrle, O.S.B., the first impart all these blessings and annex all the indul-

bishop. gences by one sign of the Cross, except in the

•Di^.^ flof^ATtimtf T?.«««,o .» »TT» tnf n T? ^^^^ ^^ *^® scapular medal, which required five

vSJ^^.?^?^?W Fatotrs of the (cf. C. E, separate blessings corresponding to the five scapulars

XlV-llla).— The following houses of the congrega- it representoT^ ^ ^ v

^^o^^'n'^^ ^^^^P mS?5;?^i;-^'^??i \?^ A reserved blessing, if given by a priest without

^/JSll' S^J^^ Canada (1915); Chicago, 111 XL S. ^ue permission, is Mcit 6it valii uiSess the Holy

^5^U P n^cS^.x^'^u ^°^^8?^; ^""^11 t^ll See in reservii^f it decreed othenrise (can. 1147),

Todi Italy (1920). The novitiate m North Amenca Though blessing are intended primarily for Cathol

m at Quebec, Canada. The present supenor is lies, ^ey may be given to catechumens, and, unless

Vexy Rev^ Eugene Couet, who succeeded VeryRey. ^he Church forbids it, to non^athoiics also, in

Louis Estevenonm 1912. Recently deceased is ^^^^ ^^^ ^j^ obtain the grace of faith oV of

Rev. Arthur LeteUier, one of the pioneer priests of f^i^j^ ^^ y^^ jj^^j^ q^ g ^^^^y, 1919 ^he

Uie congregation, who died in Montre^ m 1^1. Congregation of Rites declared that catchumens

The congregation at present (1921) numbers about ^^^^^ ^j^^ ^j^^ ^li^ sacramentals such as

500 pnests, scholastics, and lay brothers. ^he imposition of ashes and the presentation of

BlMsed Sacrament, Servants of the Most (cf. candles and palms.

C. E., XIII-731d).— The congregation has its Where vestments and other things to be used in

mother-house at Angers, France, a house in Paris, divine worship require a blessing before use it can

and one in Binche, Belgium. In Canada there are be given by: (a) cardinals and bishops; (b) local

two houses: at Chicoutimi, established 1903, with ordmaries, who are not bishops, and parish priests

a community (1921) of 8 professed Sisters and 16 for churches and oratories in their territories;

novices; and Quebec, opened December, 1920, with (c) rectors, for their churches; (d) religious superiors

a community of 12 professed Sisters. Two houses and priests of their order delegated by them, for

have been opened in South America: at Rio their churches and oratories and for the churches

Janeiro in 1912, and Sao Paulo in 1920. of nuns with solemn vows subject to them. Local

rtyamn^ aaiHHiitiMif Qt«— «o «« •«, i^t n i? ordinaries can delegate their power to any priest.

Tx^-Sf* Sacrament, Sisters op the (cf C E., Apostouc Blessing (cf.C.E., 11-602) .—The papal

II-599b). —The congregation received the final ap- bjessing with a plenary indulgence annexed can be

probation of the Hofy See m May, 1913. The ^^^^ according to the prescribed formula by any

present supenor general is Mother Katherme g^g^ -^ his own diocese twice in the year, namely

ftrexel foundress of the congregation. Smce 1907 ^^ e^^^ Sunday and on any other solemn feast

  • iSf;,i5ST?« S!^ ^^r^tT. ^L^^v^.if?^«V «^^^ by him, even if he_ hiiself only assists, at

• 1 1 X Ox t?i- u iu» Qi. T *# oa who are privileged to bestow the blessing must use

TOcial work); St. Elizabeths, St. Loms, Mo.; St. ^^e prescribed formula; they may not exercise the

Francis Xaviert, New Orleana, La. (bigb school privfiege except in their own churches or in those

and normai school for colored youth); St. Peter ^^ ^^^ ^r tertiaries lawfully aggregated to their

Clavers, Macon, Ga.; St. Catherine s, Philadelphia, ^^^ ^^ are not allowed, however, to impart it

Pa.; Our Mother of Sorrows, Biloxi, Miss; the ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^j in ^he same place as the

Bleffled Sacrament, Beaumont, Texas: St. John the j^jgho ^^^ ^^ ^ests who are assisting the sick

Baptist's, Montgomery, Ala.; CorousChnsti School, ^^^ q^, y^^^ ^^^ ^^ them the ApostoHo

New (Means, La.; St. Edwards^ New Ibena; Teka- biegging with a plenary indulgence for the moment

witha House Washington, DC. The sisters num- ^f ^^^^^ according to the formula. This indul-

ber 253, and have under their care about 5,000 ^^^^ blessing could be given formerly only by

children of the colored and Indian races They ^^ests who were specially authorized,

conduct 2 boarding schools for colored children, 3 *^

boarding schools for Indians, and 19 ^ parochial ^^^ Diocese op (Blesensis; cf. C. E« n-602b),

schools for colored children, having m all 23 coextensive with the civil department o? Loire-et-

foimdations. Cl^g^ ^n^j ^ sufifragan of Paris, Rt. Rev. Alfred-Jules

Blessing (cf. C. E., n-699d).— AU cardinals from Melisson, b. in Parini^-rEveque, 1842, has filled

the time of their promotion to the consistory and this see since 10 October, 1907. During the World

all bishops from the time they receive official notice War 140 priests and 30 seminarians were mobilized

of their canonical provision have power to bless from this diocese, and of this number 12 priests

ever5nwhere, with the mere sign of the Cross, cruci- and 8 seminarians died,^ 35 received the croix de

fixes, medals, rosaries, statues, scapulars approved guerre, 1 the midaille miUlaire^ and a number were

bv the Holy See, thereby granting all the usual given the midaille des epidemiea and other decora- 8