Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/788

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jointiy by the two dioc^ of Westmmster and Brent- WettinKen-Mehrerau, died 7 Aug., 1917. Abbot wood: 1 reformatopr, 2 industnal schools, 9 for Poor Conrad Kolb, professed, elected Abbot of Marien- Law children and 8 schools for opthalmic, mentally statt 25 Aug., 1898, died 21 May 1918 The deficient, crippled and epileptic children; 4 orphan- abbey has 93 priests, and 70 lay brothers; 2 parishes- ages under the Rescue Society. Other chantablc 3 churches: 1 mission in Biman in Baden; 2 stations- institutions mclude many other homes and orphan- 3 abbeys for men, and 6 for women; 3 theological ages for poor children, 6 refuges for penitents, a night seminaries with 10 professors and 20 alumni; 6 col&ges refu^, 4 asylums for aged poor, 2 almshouses and 4 for boys with 40 teachers and 360 students; 2 colleges hospit^. t. t. « . ^°' ^irls with 20 teachers and 90 students. The 6

Much work is done amongst the poor by the Society colleges include I gymnasium, 2 schools for oblates

of St. Vincent de Paul, the Ladies of Charity and 1 commereial school and 1 agricultural school. A

other organizations of the laity. Other societies watch Catholic periodical is publishedcalled "Cistercienser-

over the interests of certain classes. Such are: the Chronik."

Converts' Aid Society (for converted clergymen), «n.^i««- t^ /ttt . ^

the Catholic Soldiers* and Seamen's Associations, the TP^^????™f^o x?' (WHEBUNaBNsiB; cf. C.

Prisoners' Aid Society and the International Catholic ft» -^Y'^tS^^^^W?®® ^^V^,^^"*" ™1?* \^

Society for befriendinggirls. The Catholicperiodicals J^« "J*J® «] Wes* yuginia, and 7817 square mUcs m

published include '"fiie Tablet," the "Dublin Re- *?® /*?*? S' J^*^'^. iJ ^ ^^®? ^^S administration

view" and the "Catholic Directory." ^its third bishop, Rt. Rev. Patrick James Donahue,

Among the religious communities of men established °S™ ^? ^^\ Malvern ,EnglMid. m 1849 and appomt- m the arehdiocese the Assumpt Lateran^ Society, Fathers

aries of me oacrea nean^. uoiaves qi ma*y xxuu«»uu- q. t?j„«^»« r^ n * tt 4,-^' nr • riy. -.-

late, Oblates of St. Charles, Oratorians, Passionists,. Sj* J^'^"^" ^^?* ft^^i?"*^?' ^^* Virginia.

Pious Society of Missions, Redemptorists, Fathers of J? Novembcj, 1919. In the West Vir^nia section of

St. Edmund (Pontigny), St. Joseph's Society for the diocese the progress has been especially marked in

Foreign Missions, Salesians, Salvatorians, Servites,!?^^\Z!^i! a large new church and parochial schoo

Scheut Fathers, Missionary Sons of the limaculat^ ^f^ni^l^Iii^ VJL ^^^^Ji A^^T-^^^ ^^?^^

Heart of Marv, Alexian • o- » « -« .» ^«^

and Marist Brothers.

Sacred Heart, Adoration Reparatrice, Assumption/ «^t^"" *"^ cnurcn nave ai»o oeen duui ana a roiisn

Bon Secours, feon Secoure (of Troves), Canonesses oi ^^^? ^^ church, as weU as a church for Engbsh

St. AugustiiJe, Carmelites, Dau^ters of the Cross, speakmjf people, have been erected at Weirton

Domimcans. ifendish Institute of the Blessed Virgiii ^, ^^^ hospital known as St. Francis Hospital, at

Mary, Faithful Companions, Filles de J&us, FrSn- Charl^town, w m charge ^^ t^ Sisters of St. ^ph,

ciscii, Good Shepherd, H^dmaids of the Sacred ^d extenav^e adchUons W

Heart, Helpers of the Holy Souls, Holy Child, Im- i?« *^1 Ti!-^?^ s Hospitals. The Cathohc popula-

maculate Conception, Our Lady of the ftetreat, Jesus ^S^ a^ ^^^^'i^^""}" ^^^ . aPPro»«»atdy

and Mary, LitSe Coipany of Mary, Little Sisters of ^J^^ ^| ^^^Voeed of about ten prominent nationah-

the Assumption, Littfe Sisters of the Poor, Marie S^' *^® ^"^* proporUonbeing Italians, GennaM

Auxiliatrice, Mane Reparatrice, Marist Sisteii, Most Li^u "^1 I^'^JPT^' The diocese comprises 71

Holy Cross ind Passion, Most Holy Sacrament, Notre pa™hes, 113 churches, 86 missions, 4 monasten^

Dame, Notre Dame de feon, Poor Clares, Poor Hand- ^^' y^'^^^l 2 convents of men wid 6 of women, 86

maids of Jesus, Poor ServaiJts of the Mother of God, ^^^""t^; ^^^ }^{ ^ ^^ brothers 332

Poor Sisters of Nazareth, Filles de la Sagesse, Saint^?^il^?P JT^f^' I ""1 1^- t""' S"^"} ^lu ^

Union, Servanteof the Sacred Heart^Sistereof^Charit^r SjS rA.'^n^J^^^i.iJli^ :?» ^^b^




P^S^^cie^cTrS^ MaTsiTtere cese/nred as chaplains,^nd from thelir^ ni^b^

K^I^ay^tKSr^S^^^ fl the ^^ who served, about fifty gave their lives

Loreto. According to latest stetistics there are in the service.

archdiocese: 487 priests (190 regulars) , 150 churches, White, Edward DouQLABfi, Chief Justice or the

41 communities of men, 141 communities of women. United States Supreme Court, b. at Lafourehe^

The Catholic population numbers 260,000 out of a Louisiana, on 3 November, 1825; d. at Washington

total population of 4,115,461. on 19 May, 1921; son of Edward and Catherine S.

(Ringgold) White, his father being well known as the

Wettlngen-Mehreran, Abbacy Nulltos of; cf. seventn governor of Louisiana. He studied at Mount

C. E., XV— 607b). — In the g^eneral chapter of 7 St. Mary's, Emmitsburg, the Jesuit College in New

Sept., 1920, the abbot of Wettingen, Mgr. Cassian Orleans, and Geoif^town University; but before gradu-

Hald (elected abbot Au^t 1919) , was elected abbot ating he enlisted in the Confederate Army during the

general of the entire Cistercian Order During the Civil War. In 1868, he was admitted to the Louisiana

world war 15 clerics and 34 lay brothers served in the Bar, thus following in the footsteps of his father and

army, and 6 priesto attended the wounded. Among grandfather, both lawyers of distinction, and six

the recently deceased are: Dominic Willi, professed vears later he was elected a State Senator. In 1897,

Prior of Wettingen-Mehrerau, Abbot of the restored he was appointed to the bench of the Supreme Court ,

monastery of Marienstett, elected Bishop of Limburs of Louisiana, a position he filled with distinction for

in 1898, died 6 Jan., 1913. Abbot Eugene Rotz of thirteen years, when he was elected to the United