Page:Chandler Harris--The chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann.djvu/273

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like ter make me jump out'n my skin. Who is de gal?'

"I say, 'I wanter see ef you know 'er.' Wid dat I went back an' fotch Mary Ellen in. Well, dey didn't know 'er, ma'am, na'er one un um; an' I dunner how it all happened, but de fust thing I know Mary Ellen fell on 'er knees, by a lounge what sot under de place whar Miss Sally's pictur' wuz hangin' at. She fell on her knees, Mary Ellen did, and 'low, 'She'd know who I is,' an' wid dat she bust aloose an' went ter cryin' des like 'er heart wuz done broke in two.

"Marse Bolivar stood dar an' wait twel Mary Ellen cool off, an' quiet down. Mis' Em'ly, ma'am, is one er dem ar primity, dried-up wimmen, which, ef dey ain't fightin' you wid bofe ban's, er huggin' you wid bofe arms, ain't sayin' nothin' 'tall. An' ef Mis' Em'ly ain't sayin' nothin' you can't put de key in de Bible an' fin' no tex' dat'll tell you what she got in 'er min'. But she wuz darnin', an' I see 'er wipe one eye on de leg er de sock, an' den present'y she wipe t'er eye.

"Wellum, Marse Bolivar stood dar an' look at Mary Ellen, an' when she riz fum her knees an' stood dar, her head hangin' down, still a-cryin', but mo' quieter, he went close up an' 'low, 'I know you,