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Insane, see Defectives.
Inter-Municipal Committee on Household Research, 80.
International Congress of Public and Private Relief, Milan, Italy, 512.
International Convention of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 103.
In the Name of Charity, 155.
Italian Immigrant on the Land, 541.

Jenkins, E. Fellows, 182.
Johnson, Alexander, 444, 595.
Jordan, Charlotte Brewster, 503.
Juvenile Court Law, 327.
Juvenile Courts.
What Colorado Does, 43.
Judge Ben B. Lindsey, of Denver, 79.
Cleveland Juvenile Court, 83.
Atlanta, Ga., 85.
Cellmates (New Jersey), 107, 120, 182, 408.
Conference in Philadelphia, 159.
Massachusetts, 163.
President Roosevelt's Messsage, 268.
Minnesota, 275.
Iowa, 289.
Illinois. 292.
Indiana 296, 298.
Juverile Court Law, 327.
Digest of Statutes, 329.
Economics of the Juvenile Court, 337
Juvenile Courts, 340, 344.
The Boy and the Court, 350.
Measures in New York, 499.
Juvenile Reformatories.
New York Juvenile Asylum, 146, 169, 503.
New York State School, 147. 147.
Missouri, 288.
New York, 387.

Kaupas, A., 231.
Kavanagh, A. S., 501.
Kellor, Frances A., 584.
Kelley, Florence, 43, 538.
Kelso, J. J., 93.
Kennaday, Paul, 486, 581.
Kennedy. John S., 177.
Kentucky's Unique Conference Plan, 571.
King, Dr. Herbert Moxan, 67.
King, Frederick A., 36.
Kingsley, Sherman C., 276.
Kirkland, Jas. H., 534.
Knopf. Dr. S. A., 501.
Kucera, Magdalena, 377.

Labor, see also Child Labor.
New York Tenement-house Labor Law, 7.
Inter-Municipal Committee on Household Research, 80, 584.
Methods of Social Advance, 139.
Industrial Effects of Slav Immigration, 223.
Slavs in Bituminous Coal Mines in Illinois, 227.
Unskilled Labor Among Slavs, 259.
Slavs in Anthracite Coal Industry, 264
Slav Invasion and Mine Workers, 266
Prison Work in Iowa, 290.


Chas. T. Neill, New Labor Commissioner, 300.
Children's Strike on the East Side, 305.
New York State Labor Commissioner, 370.
What Are Factory Inspectors For, 375.
Unemployed in New York City, 410, 517.
Work of Union Among Immigrants, 412.
Stockyard Strike and Immigrant Workers, 413.
Self-restraint in Fall River Strike, 414.
Evil Employment Agencies, 473.
Prison Labor in Indiana, 483.
Fall River Mill Girls in Domestic Service, 550.
Problem of Unemployed in London, 557.
Lathrop, Julia C, 344.
Lean-to's at Loomis Sanatorium, 67.
Lederle, Dr. Ernst J., 64.
Lee, Joseph, 10.
Legal Aid.
Germany, 81.
New York, 498.
Legislation for National Capital, 369.
Lewis, Dr. F. Park, 170, 497.
Lewis, Geo. A., 171.
Licensed Dispensaries in New York State, 378.
Lies, Eugene T., 291.
Lincoln, Leontine, 160.
Lindsey, Judge Ben B., 79, 350, 537.
Lindsey, Samuel McCune, 525, 533.
Lithuanians in America, 231.
Lodging Houses.
Work of Emmaus Home During World's Fair, 158.
New Municipal Lodging-house for New York, 472.
New York's Hundred Lodging-houses, 486.
Loomis, Frank M., 174.
Loos, Isaac A., 289.
Lovejoy, Owen R., 264, 536.

Magyars in New York, 262.
Marsh, Benjamin C., 187.
Masaryk, Alice G., 206.
Mashek, Nan, 211.
Massachusetts State Care of Children, 360
Max Müller on Beggars, 559.
Mayer, Justice Julius M., 145, 167.
McClain, W. H., 57.
McDowell, Mary E., 196, 413.
McKelway, A. J., 539.
McLean, Francis H., 91.
McMahon, Rev. D. J., 171.
McVickar, Bishop W. N., 533.
Meade, Emily Fogg, 540
The Bread Line, 51, 555.
Mendicancy in New York, 178.
Avocation of a Maid, 518.
Massachusetts Tramp Bill, 589.
Merrie Christmas at Saint Johnland, 306.
Methods of Social Advance, 139.
Moral Quarantine Station for Children, 168.
Morrison, Fred. Douglas—Obituary, 85.
Muensterberg, Dr. Emil, 1, 151.