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Public Relief—Continued.

Alien Dependents. 388.
Relief Work in Fall River Strike, 391.
Recommendations of New Governors, 444.
New Municipal Lodging-house for New York, 472.
New Hampshire, 475.
Nebraska, 475.
Private Investigation Pays, 477.
Hospital for Inebriates in New York, 479.
Work in Missouri, 493.
Necessity of State Care for the Blind, 497.
Public Outdoor Relief to Poor, 507.
Problem of Unemployed in London, 557.
Max Müller on Beggars, 559.
Pure Candy Counters, 468.
Putnam, Elizabeth C., 360.

Raines Law Hotels Attacked, 373.
Ransom, M. D., J. B., 88.
Reception Hospital at Saranac Lake, 54.
Reciprocities of Social Effort, 29.
Reeder, R. R., 16, 123, 364, 551.
Relief Work in the Fall River Strike, 391.
Richman, Julia, 129.
Riis. Jacob A., 373.
Robbins, Jane E., 194.
Roberts, Peter, 215.
Robinson, Lilian V., 468.
Rogers, Jas. H., 61.
Roosevelt: Message on Model City, 267.
Rovnianek. P. V., 239.
Russell, Dr. Wm. L., 176.
Ruthenians in America, 246.

Sanborn, F. B., 115.
Sargent. Commissioner, 269.
British Post-Office Savings-Bank, 4.
Sayles, Mary Buell, 257.
Schiff, Jacob H., 564.
School Luncheons in the Special Classes of the Pubic Schools, 569.
School Situation in New York City, 471.
Schools of Philanthropy.
New York School of Philanthropy, 48, 177, 393, 411.
Boston School for Social Workers, 112.
New York School, Neighborhood Workers, 149, 374.
Endowment of New York School of Philanthropy, 177.
Openings for Philanthropic Workers, 270.
London, England, 315.
Special Training for Social Workers, 395.
Institute of Social Science, Chicago, 393.
Indianapolis Charity Organization Society's Lectures, 476.
Endowment to Columbia University, 564.
Scruggs, R. M.—Obituary, 303.
Seager, Henry R., 557.
Self-government and "The Bunch," 36.
Seligman. Alfred Lincoln, 420.

Senior. Max, 602.
Settlements, see Social Work.
Shepherd of Immigrants, 193.
Shop-Schools for Dependent Blind, 170.
Simkhovitch, Mrs. V. G., 578.
Slav Invasion and Mine Workers, 266.
Slavic Races in Cleveland, 377.
Slavs in Anthracite Coal Communities, 215.
Slavs in Bituminous Mines of Illinois, 227.
Slavs, Magyars and Some Others in the New Immigration, 199.
Sloan, Prof. Wm. M., 579.
Slovaks in America, 239.
Smith, Charles Sprague, 425.
Smith, Mary Roberts, 12.
Social Justice, 44.
Social Service in Salvation Army, 42.
Social Work.
Reciprocities of Social Effort, 29.
Social Justice, 44.
Welcome to Prof. J. Conrad, 52.
Suburban Churches and Personal Service, 91.
North Summit. N. J., 99.
New York City, 149.
Massachusetts, 163.
Preventive Work, 165.
English Social Service Institute, 180.
Diocesan Social Service Work, 390.
Tenement-house Advisory Board, 390.
Special Training for Social Workers, 395.
Social Responsibilities in the Coal Fields, 412.
Talent Saving Stations, 415.
Art Brought into the Lives of Wage earners, 417.
Music For and By the Many, 420.
Music on the Lower East Side, 424.
A Theatre for the People and Public Schools, 425.
Work In Newark. N. J., 500.
A Suggestion to Workers, 503
Congress of Workers with Boys, 505.
Study of Psychology of Old Age, 510.
Plan for Girls with Nothing To Do, 520, 545.
University Training for State Employes, 568.
French Play in New York, 576.
Neighborhood House, Washington, 577.
Pittsburg, Pa., 577.
South End House, Boston, 577.
Greenwich House, New York City, 578.
Modern Feudalism, 579.
Some Industrial Effects of Slav Immigration, 223.
Southern Colored Girls in the North, 584.
Special Training for Social Work, 395.
Spencer, Anna Garlin, 522.
Split on Sectarianism. 587.
State Boards and Commissions.
Appointment in New York Criticized. 9.
New York Commission in Lunacy, 76.
Litigation in Massachusetts, 96.
Work of California State Board, 96.
Minnesota Institutions Unsafe, 97.
Sphere of Supervision Defined, 97.
Pennsylvania Jails Unsafe, 97.