Page:Cheskian Anthology.pdf/178

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And the whole world has seen how great

A patriot's victory may be;

When arm'd, Bohemia!—arm'd for thee.

(O laurels on thy bidding wait,

To crown thee for eternity!)

And see! what crowded german bands—

Steeds clamp and weapons dang—from Rhine

And Oder's thickly-peopled lends;

And mountain-warriors there combine

From distant Alp and Appenine:

Hungarians too—and neighbouring poles,

And practised saxons—tell us why

Ye lift your swords, your lances high?—

O! popish briefs—and popish bulls

Have preach'd of our apostacy.

    when he went to the council of Constance. "No man is bound to keep a promise made to a horetic."—And Sigmund, that imperial cold-blooded murderer—who thus justified the perfidy of which he was the willing instrument, was one of the pinks of chevaliers—one of the models of knighthood—of his day.