Page:Chess fundamentals (IA chessfundamental00capa).pdf/42

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Example 17.—Suppose we begin:

1. P - K 4P - K 4
2. Kt - K B 3

This is both an attacking and a developing move. Black can now either reply with the identical move or play

2. ........ Kt - Q B 3

This developing move at the same time defends the King's Pawn.

3. Kt - B 3 Kt - B 3

These moves are of a purely developing nature.

4. B - Kt 5

It is generally advisable not to bring this Bishop out until one Knight is out, preferably the King's Knight. The Bishop could also have been played to B 4, but it is advisable whenever possible to combine development and attack.

4. ........ B - Kt 5

Black replies in the same manner, threatening a possible exchange of Bishop for Knight with Kt × P to follow.

5. O - O

an indirect way of preventing 5...B × Kt, which more experience or study will show to be bad. At the same time the Rook is brought into action in the centre, a very important point.