Page:Chess fundamentals (IA chessfundamental00capa).pdf/59

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When Kings have to be moved, and one player can, by force, bring his King into a position similar to the one shown in the following diagram, so that his adversary is forced to move and make way for him, the player obtaining that advantage is said to have the opposition.

e6 black king
b5 black pawn
h5 black pawn
b4 white pawn
e4 white king
h4 white pawn

Example 26.—Suppose in the above position White plays

1 K — Q 4

Now Black has the option of either opposing the passage of the White King by playing K — Q 3 or, if he prefers, he can pass with his own King by replying K — B 4. Notice that the Kings are directly opposed to each other, and the number of intervening squares between them is odd — one in this case.

The opposition can take the form shown above,