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"How can I tell? Why, by my footprints, of course," said Twinny, whirling around on her heel and making a funny, circular mound with a hole in the centre. "I always walk like that, you know, and then I can always tell where I've been," and she made another, a little farther on.

I sat her down on it. "Explain," I said, holding her there by the shoulders, and wondering which one she was.

"Oh, I'll tell you, I'll tell you, only let me get up," she cried. "Do you see that big heap of sand over there? Well, that covers an old rowboat that was washed up here on the beach a long time ago. When the lake is rough, the drift-wood gets caught in a little hollow behind it; and so, when we want to build a fire, it is nicer to do it here, where the wood is handy, instead of having to go over the dunes for it. Now let me get up, Chester;—we've got to hurry and get the wood, for I'm starving!"

"All right," said I. "You hungry, Bess?"

"I surely am," said Bess. "What are we going to cook?"

"Just eggs, and toast some marsh-mallows; we brought two boxes of them. Chester, you'll