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'best man' always wins. You've got an extra one on your side, and so you ought to make double-quick time."

Just then Aunt Fannie called to us that luncheon was ready, and we made a wild rush for the spread.

After we'd toasted and eaten the last marsh-mallow, I dared the girls to climb to the top of the nearest sand dune. It was desperately steep, but it looked easy because the sand was so soft and fine; but, gee! that was just what made it hard, and we had to set out feet sidewise to get any foothold at all; and sometimes we'd go in almost to our knees.

"Oh, dear," cried Twinny, "I've got a peck of sand in each shoe and I can't feel my feet at all—and they're so heavy I can scarcely lift them. Chester, give me your hand."

So I went back and yanked them to the top, one at a time, and the only way I could do it, was by making them run a few steps and then drop in the sand, so as not to slide back, and then get up and run again. At last we were up, and stood there in the big wind, with the girls' hair and dresses