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"I sat and stared at the case, and the nice marking, 'Fragile, WITH CARE,' and sighed. I wished that the 'WITH CARE' wasn't in capitals,—it was so suggestive,—I'd never had so much care on my hands before in all my life. And it was such a perfectly well-behaved case too;—it wasn't doing a thing.

"By and by the porter came in and began making up the berths, and I held my breath, hoping he'd get to me before the conductor came back, but he didn't, and in a few minutes, the blue uniform came down the car and stopped at my seat. 'I told you you couldn't have that in here,' he said.

"I suppose he had expected me to eat it while he was gone; but I hadn't. 'I'm—I'm sorry,' I said, weakly.

"'It's too big," he said, shoving his toe against it.

"'It doesn't run over into the aisle any,' I said.

"'Well, but suppose some one else takes that other seat,—what you going to do then? What'll they do with their feet?'

"I had to admit that it was a poor outlook for