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about using that case for, from now on?' he asked.

"'I don't know,' I said. 'It might do for a mantlepiece ornament, if it weren't quite so wide; but I'm afraid it would topple off, unless it was shaved down some.'

"'I'll tell you,' said Father; 'You can cut some little slits in it and use it to carry a cat or dog in. It would be fine for that.'

"'But I haven't any cat or dog,' I objected.

"'Oh, well, we could pick one up cheap,' said Father.

"'But that wouldn't carry the type-writer.'

"'That's so,' said Father, 'I hadn't thought of that. Well then, I "I'll have a couple of wheels put on it, and some straight handles, and you can use it for a perambulator, and wheel it home 'cross country. But really, chicken,' he said, more soberly, 'what are you going to do? I have to leave you again to-morrow.'

"'Don't bother about it,' said I. 'I'd sort of like to work the thing out for myself.'

"'You're game,' he said; 'go ahead.'

The next day I saw him off on the train, and then went to the Washington office of the type-writer