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had a way of looking as if he liked you, and was interested in what you said.

I was just finishing supper when I heard Bess whistle out in front of the house. I was awfully surprised, for always before, when Bess and I had had a tiff, she had waited for me to come three-thirds of the way towards making up, no matter who was in the wrong; so when I heard her whistle, I hurried out, and there she was with her uncle. "Hello, Chet!" she called; "You don't have to be introduced to Uncle Rob, do you? He said he was talking to you before supper. Father had to go down town on business, and so I'm going walking with you two, if you don't mind."

"We sure don't mind," said I. "Where shall we go first?"

"Let's take him up and show him where we go to school," said Bess; so off we started, up the street.

It was only about four blocks, and when we got there, we pointed out the building, and Uncle Rob tried to look interested, and Bess and I did a little talking; but, someway, everything seemed awfully flat. I didn't know quite what was the