Page:Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje - The Achehnese Vol II. - tr. Arthur Warren Swete O'Sullivan (1906).djvu/244

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of the intricacies of Mohammedan law, regard the performance as actual earnest, and the former endeavour to injure their opponents by paltry invective, by difficult questions and unexpected rejoinders.

Kisah in conclusion of the nasib.After each nasib, that is to say after each of these dialogues consisting of a preliminary greeting followed by question and answer, the leading party gives what is called kisah ujōng nasib or story in conclusion of the nasib. An expert story-teller chants his tale by half-verses at a time, each half-verse being taken up and repeated by the rest of his company. In this respect it resembles certain of the ḍikrs which are recited in chorus.

Specimen of nasib with the accompanying kisah.We append a specimen of one of these dialogues of salutation, and of the question and answer which follow, together with the kisahs which appertain thereto; observing at the same time that this part of the performance is often considerably prolonged. It also frequently happens that one party plays out its part to the end before the other intervenes, after which the first one does not again enter the lists until after the conclusion of the whole nasib.

Salutation.Salutation of the party A. God save you all, oh teungkus, I wish to convey my salutation to all of you. I would gladly offer you sirih, but I have not my sirih-bag with me; I have come all the way from my gampōng, which lies far away. I wished to offer you sirih, but I have no betel-bowl; I cannot return (to fetch it), it is now too late in the day. In place of giving you sirih then, oh worshipful masters, I lay both my hands upon my head (in token of respect). My ten fingers on my head, to crave forgiveness of you all, oh teungkus. Ten fingers, five I uplift as flowers[1] upon my head.

Kisah.Kisah in conclusion of this nasib. Near the Meuseugit Raya there is a mounted warrior of great bravery who there performed tapa (penance with seclusion). He did tapa there in the olden days when our country (Acheh) began its existence; of late he has come to life again. For many ages he has slumbered, but since the infidel has come to wage war against us, he has waked from his long sleep. Seek not to know this warriors real name; men call him Nari Tareugi. The white of his eyes is even as (black) bayam-seed, their pupils are (red) like saga-seeds. In his hand he holdeth a squared iron club; there is no man in the

  1. The meaning is "I lay your commands upon my head (in token of obedience) as though they were flowers".