Page:Christian Astrology (Lilly, 1659).djvu/80

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this house; and is a succedant House, and Feminine. An Introduction to Astrologie.

The Ninth House.

By this House we give judgment of Voyages or long journies beyond Seas of Religiousmen, or Clergy of any kinde, whether Bishops or inferiour Ministers; Dreams, Visions, forraign Countries, of Books, Learning, Church Livings, or Benef ices, Advowsions; of the kindred of ones Wife, & sic e contrario.

Of colours it hath the Green and White.

Of mans body it ruleth the Fundament, the Hippes and Thighes, Sagittarius and Jupiter are cosignificators of this House; for if Jupiter be herein placed, it naturally signifies a devout man in his Religion, or one modestly given; I have oft observed when the Dragons tayle, or Mars or Saturn have been infortunately placed in this House; the Querent hath either been little better then a Atheist or a desperate Sectarist: the Sun rejoyceth to be in this House, which is Masculine, and Cadent.

The Tenth House.

Commonly it personateth Kings, Princes, Dukes, Earles, Judges, prime Officers, Commanders in chief, whether in Armies or Towns; all sorts of Magistracy and Officers in Authority, Mothers, Honour, Preferment, Dignity, Office, Lawyers; the profession or Trade any one useth; it signifies Kingdoms, Empires, Dukedoms, Countries.

It hath of colours Red and White, and ruleth the knees and Hammes. Its called the Medium coeli, or Mid-heaven, and is Feminine. Its cosignificators are Capricorn and Mars; either Jupiter or the Sun doe much Fortunate this House when they are posited therein, Saturn or South Node usually deny Honor, as to persons of quality, or but little esteem in the world to a vulgar person, not much joy in his Profession, Trade or Mystery, is a Mechanick.


An Introduction to Astrologie.

The Eleventh House.

It doth naturally repres