Page:Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet Volume I.djvu/104

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92 CHEISTIANITY IN CHINA, ETC. force. But he resumed, " Here is Moses and his staff, with the children of Israel." " That is true, said the Emperor; but Moses showed himself on a very small stage; and his people were not very well disposed towards him. " I resumed, Here is Jesus, sitting upon an ass, and surrounded by his Apostles. " The Emperor said, He, too, had very little time to appear on the stage. His mission did not last more than thirty months." Ibn-Vahab continued to pass the prophets in re- view ; but we will confine ourselves to a part of what was said. Ibn-Vahab added that above the figure of each prophet there was a long inscription, which he supposed to contain their names, the names of their countries, and the circumstances accompanying their mission. Afterwards he continued thus, " I saw the face of the prophet (Mahomet), upon whom be peace! He was mounted on a camel, and his companions, also on camels, were placed around him. They all wore Arab coverings on their feet, and had tooth-picks at their girdles. As I began to weep, the Emperor desired the interpreter to ask me the cause of my tears. I replied, There is our prophet — our Lord, and my cousin *, upon him be peace ! " The Emperor answered, You have spoken truly ; he and his people have raised the most glorious empire, only he has not been able to see with his own eyes the empire he founded. The edifice was only seen by those who came after him. " I saw the pictures of a great number of other

  • Ibn Valiab stated himself to be of the family of Mahomet.