Page:Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet Volume I.djvu/315

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LETTER FROM ARGOUN TO PHILIP THE FAIR. 5(Jd GOD should prosper us, when we have taken Jerusalem from that nation we will give it to you. But to fail us at the rendezvous would be causing the troops to march in vain ; ought it to be so ? and if afterwards we know not what to do, of what use is it ? I shall send Mouskeria, who will tell you that if you send us ambas- sadors who can speak several languages, and who bring us presents, rarities, coloured pictures of the country of the Franks, we shall thank you, by the power of GOD and the fortune of the KHA-KHAN. " Our letter is written at Coundoulen, on the sixth day of the first month of summer, in the year of the Ox." Buscarello sent, with the letter of Argoun (which doubtless no one at the court of France could read), a diplomatic note, in which he developes the proposals of his master. This is the substance of it : * — Argoun makes known to the king of France that he is ready to march with

  • This is the original of the curious note, three copies of which

are preserved in the Archives of France : — " Ci est la messagerie de Busquerel message dArgon faite en l'an du buef de Coedelun. " Premierement Argon fait assavoir au roi de France, comme a son frei'e, que, en toutes les provinces d'Orient entre Tartars, Sarra- zins, et tout autre languc, ont certainne renommee de la grandesse, puissance et loyaute du royaume de France, et que les roys de France, qui ont este a leurs barons,- a leurs chevaliers, et a. leur puissance, sont venue plusieurs fois en leide et conqueste de la Terre Sainte, a l'onneur du fils du la Vierge Marie et de tout le peuple crestien, et fait assavoir le dit Argon au dit roi de France, comme a son frere, que son corps, et son host est prest a amitie daler au con- queste de la dite Sainte Terre, et de estre ensemble avec le roi de France en cest benoit service. " Et je Busquarel devant dit message et Argon dy qui si vous roi