Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/197

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Letters Patent of the same under our Great Seal of that realm, together with such fees and commodities incident to this as Smythes lately or any other our Solicitor before him had or ought to have had for the execution thereof." And the Lords of the Council sent the following letter in his behalf. "After our right hearty commendations to your Lordship: Whereas her Majesty hath appointed the bearer hereof, Roger Wilbraham, Esquire, to repair into that realm to hold the place of her Highness's Solicitor General, as shall appear by her own letters addressed unto you in that behalf; forasmuch as the fee appointed for the said place is very mean to answer the charge and countenance that is incident thereto, seeing her Majesty, by reason of other great charges which she other wise is at this present extraordinarily put to, cannot as yet be induced to increase or supply the same out of her own coffers, we have thought good earnestly to pray and require your Lordship to give order that he may have the allowance of our dead payments out of such lands where the same may be most conveniently spared, and to give order that from the treasurer and other her Majesty's officers the same may be answered unto him accordingly, whereof we ourselves require you that there be no default; and so bid you heartily farewell, from Greenwich, 13 Feb. 1585. Postscript, our meaning is, that the said Master Solicitor's entertainment should be made as good as that of the Attorney-General there, either by