Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/203

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1803. William Conyngham Plunket,—McClelland appointed a Baron of the Exchequer,—Privy Seal, 22 Oct.—patent, 5 Nov. — Pleasure.—Inr. 8 Nov.—44 George III. 2a p. 45 pag. R. 193.

1805. Charles Kendal Bushe,—Plunket appointed At.-Gen.—Privy Seal, 15 Oct.—patent, 24 Oct.—Pleasure.—Inr. 26 Oct. — 45 George III. 2a p. .51 pag. R. 199.

1822. Henry Joy,—Bushe, Chief Justice of the King's Bench,—King's Letter, Carlton House, 20 Feb.—patent, 1 March. — (K. L. Book, Irish Department Office, Westminster.)

1827. John Dogherty,—Joy, At.-Gen.—patent, 18 June.—8 Geo. IV.

1830. Philip Cecil Crampton,—Dogherty, Chief Justice C. P.—patent, Dec. 23.—1 William IV.

1834. Michael O'Loghlen,—Crampton, Just. K. B.—patent, 21 Oct—5 William IV.

1835. Edward Pennepather,—O'Loghlen resigned,—patent, Jan. 27.—5 William IV.

1835. Michael O'Loghlen,—Pennefather resigned,—patent, April 29.—5 William IV.

1836. John Richards,—O'Loghlen At.-Gen.—patent, Sept. 21.—6 William IV.

1836. Stephen Woulfe,—Richards At.-Gen.—patent, Nov. 10.—7 William IV.

1837. Maziere Brady,—Woulfe At.-Gen.—patent, Feb. 3.—7 William IV.