Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/25

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liberate for £10, a quarters fee, due from 24 March last to 24 June.—Rot Cl. 32 Edw. III. f. R. 5 and d. 2.

John de Botheby,—patent, 1371.—Feb. 29, 1372, he had a liberate for £20, half a year's fee, from 20 August to 20 Febuary last. March 18, 1372, a liberate issued to pay the arrears due to him for the wages of six men at arms, and six archers on horse-back, being with him; which the King granted for his retinue at the King's pay for his safety and the custody of the Great Seal, during the continuance of the war, viz. from 1st to 28 August, £7 4s,; and from 29 August aforesaid, to 16 March following, being 200 days, £90: also, 19 March, he had a liberate of 12 marks, to defray the voyage of himself and men into England, whither, by the advice of the Privy Council, he was sent at his own expense, to declare to the King the state of the kingdom.—45 and 46 Edw. III. f. R. 1 and 4.

William Tany, Prior of St. John, Jerusalem,—vice Frier Thomas de Burly,—patent, March 2, 1374, Rot. Cl. 48 Edw. III. f. 11.—March 12, 1377, he had a liberate to receive the arrears of the yearly fee of £40, and the wages of six men at arms, and twelve archers, of his retinue, granted to him in the King's pay by his patent dated in England, during the time of his holding the chancellorship, viz., from 3 June, 50, to 20 June, 51 Edw. III., being the sum of £64 58,—Rot. Cl. 1 Richaxd II. f. R. 3.