Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/285

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March 4. William Johnson, 2d Sergt—vice McMahon.
  19. Henry Joy, 3d Sergt.
May.   Robert Boyd, late Just. K. B., and Mathias Finucane, late Just. C. P., died.—Gent. Mag. 1814, p. 524.

55 Geo. III.—1814.

54 Geo. III.—1815.
July 23. Arthur Moore, Just. C. P.—Fox resigned.
  25. William Johnson, 1st Sergt.—vice Moore.
  26. Henry Joy, 2d Sergt.
  27. Richard Jehh, 3d Sergt.

57 Geo. III.—1816.
July 8. Right Hon. George Ponsonhy, late Chancellor, died.—An. Reg. 1817, p. 145.
Sept 1. Mr. Just. Oshome, K. B., died.
Oct. 14. J. P. Curran, late Master of the Rolls, died.—An. Reg. 1817, p. 148.
  24. Edward Mayne, Just. K. B.—vice Osborne deceased.

58 Geo. III.—1817.
Oct. 25. William Johnson, Just. C. P.—vice Mayne.
  28. Henry Joy, 1st Sergt.,—vice Johnson.
  29. Richard Jebb, 2d Sergt.
  30. Charles Burton, 3d Sergt