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12, l386.—On 20 January, the Chancellor went from Dublin to Howth, to take shipping, and delivered the Seal to the said Thomas.—Idem, R. 9.

Richard Plunket, Justice of the King's Bench,—patent, Tristeldermot, July 10, 1388,—pleasure.—12 Ric. II. d. R. 8.—Sir Robert de Preston, Keeper of the Great Seal, being now so engaged in the King's service with the Lord Justice, and that it would be necessary for him so to continue in several parts of Ireland, that he could not personally attend to seal writs, the said Richard was commissioned to seal and deliver writs to the proper officers for the execution of the same, notwithstanding that they were not sealed with the Great Seal, reserving the lawful and accustomed fee to the Keeper.—Idem—Peter Boe, Chief Justice of the King's Bench,—Same,—Patent, September 23, 1388.—Idem, B. 8.

Alexander Balscot, Bp. of Meath,—patent, Westminster, August 27, 1389.—13 Bic. II. f. 8, 9.—Sworn 25 October: and although the King had directed no writ out of England to Sir Robert de Preston, Keeper of the Great Seal, to deliver the same to him, yet, by advice of the Lord Justice, Treasurer, and Council, it was agreed that the Seal should be delivered to him by the said Keeper, and that the King's writ should be sent to him for that purpose, under the said Seal, which was issued accordingly.

Richard Northalis, Bp. of Ossory,—patent. May 29, 1393, (16.)— B.T. 17 Bic. 11. f. No. 54.