Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/292

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7 Wm. IV.—1836.
Aug. 21. Baron Smith died.—An. Reg. p. 211.
Nov. 10. Right Hon. John Richards, At-Gen.,
  Stephen Woulfe, Sol.-Gen.
  Nicholas Ball, 3d Sergt.
  12. Right Hon. Michael O'Loghlen, Baron.
Jan. 13. Sir William McMahon, Bart, Master of the Rolls, died.—An. Reg. 1837, p. 167.
  28. Right Hon. Michael O'Loghlen, Master of the Rolls.
Feb. 3. Right Hon. John Richards, Baron.
  Right Hon. Stephen Woulfe, At-Gen.
  Maziere Brady, Sol.-Gen.

1 Victoria—June 20, 1837.

Lord Chancellor,
Lord Plunket.

Master of the Rolls,
Right Hon. Michael O'Loghlen.

Queen's Bench.

Right Hon. Charles Kendal Bushe, Ch. Just.
Hon. Charles Burton.
Hon. Philip Cecil Crampton.
Right Hon. Louis Perrin.

Common Pleas,

Right Hon. John Dogherty, Ch. Just.
Hon. Arthur Moore.