Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/41

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maurice, Earl of Kildare, Edmund Dudley, Knt, Roland Fitz Eustace, Knt, and William, Bp. of Meath, Chancellors, had each received, hesides the said stated fee, the wages of 6s. 8d. sterling a day, the King granted the same to the L. C. Alen, by patent dated 19 April, 1543, (34,) pursuant to letters from Westminster, 5 March preceding."—34 d. R. 10, 3.

Sir Thomas Cusake, Knt., Master of the Rolls,—L. C. Alen absent,—patent, Greenwich, 1 May, 1546, (38).—Pleasure.—" Henry VIII., by the Grace of God, King of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the faith, and of the Church of England and also of Ireland in Earth the Supreme head : To our trusty and right well beloved Counsellor, Sir William Brabazon, Knt., Lord Justice, John Alen, Knt., L. C, and all other our counsellors, ministers, and subjects of our realm of Ireland, to whom in this case it shall appertain, greeting; Whereas for sundry great and urgent considerations touching the commonwealth and state of that oiur reahn, knowing the long experience of you our Chancellor in the same, we have resolved to call you to our presence, to the intent that, upon consultation with others and you, touching the order and state of that realm, such final resolutions may be taken in all things as shall appertain: We let you witte, that knowing the wisdom, good discre- tion, learning, and other good qualities of our trusty servant and counsellor Sir Thomas Cusake, Knt, Master of our Rolls, we have appointed him to have