Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/44

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you wytt, that at this present, by our letters addressed to our said Deputy, we have given order that by his discretion, and the rest, ye shall be reasonably considered for your entertainment in respect of your travel and charges sustained in our said service, not doubting but our said Deputy will ensue our pleasure therein as appertaineth." 1. 1a pars d. R. 3.

Sir William Fitzwilliam, L. K.—Cusake resigned, 3 July, 1555,—patent, 7 August, 1555.—Pleasure.

Hugh Curwen, Abp. of Dublin,—patent, Greenwich, 13 Sept 1555.—Fee, £100 a year, and 10s. a day.—2 and 3 Philip and Mary. f. R. 2. "And it appearing by a certificate under the Exchequer Seal returned into Chancery, that the fee of £100 a year, and the diet of 10s. a day, Irish, were placed upon the establishment for the late Lord Chancellor Alen, the Queen (28 March) directed the same to be paid to him from the date of his patent, and on 31 they were placed upon the establishment."—Idem. d. R. 1. —By Privy Seal, dated at Greenwich, 1 October, 1555, the L. C. was directed not to pass any pardon, lease, reversion of farm, or other grant of any office by appointment, or at the request of any officer or other person, except by special command by Privy Seal from England.—Sworn 24 October, 1555, and the oath enrolled.—2 and 3 f. R. 3.

Hugh, Abp. of Dublin,—continued,—patent, 14 December, 1558.—By letters patent signed by most