Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/78

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certain or convenient for the safeguard of the King's Majesty's records and muniments of his Highness's Chancery of this His Grace's realm of Ireland, other than the tower within his Majesty's Castle of Dublin, which is both ruinous and far distant from the late cathedral church of St. Patrick, where as his Highness's Courts be now kept, being no place meet fr the daily resort of his Majesty's officers, and others his Grace's subjects, having charge or occasion to have the order, sight, or copies of any of them, as shall appertain, through which the losses of the said records and muniments, besides other inconveniences have and may well ensue; and for that the late library of the said late cathedral church is a meet and sure place for the safeguard and custody of the said records and muniments, hear unto the said Courts, where as his Majesty's said officers having charge, and others his Highniess's subjects, upon honest occasion, may from time to time conveniently resort. We order and appoint that the said library be the place for the safe keeping of such of the said records and mimiments as shall be kept out of the said tower of his Highness's said Castle of Dublin, and all such of the said records and muniments as shall be out of the said tower, shall be put and safely kept in the said library; and that the clerk of the Hanaper of his Majesty's Chancery for the time being, shall provide and foresee that presses, stages, chests, windows, doors, locks, and all other necessaries shall be provided, furnished, and