Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 1).djvu/185

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than ever towards the author of such glorious, such stupendous works,

——The Parent of Good, Almighty——

Her fancy pictured the exquisite pleasure which would be derived from exploring their sequestered solitudes; or, on the wings of the morning, penetrating to their innermost recesses. With mingled curiosity and enthusiasm, her mind soothed and delighted, she wandered about, till followed by the nurse, entreating her to sit down and partake with Mam'selle Olivia of the fruit and cream she had brought out for them.

She complied with the entreaties of the good woman, and seated herself by her friend in one of the little hollows already mentioned, which was impregnated with the most delicious fragrance from the herbs that grew about it.

The dun shades of twilight were now beginning to steal o'er the prospect, and