Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 1).djvu/34

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'Tis strange, thought Madeline, that visiting it as he does, he should not be known to any of them.

"I was all in a flutter till I told you about him (said Jaqueline); and should be glad to know whether you would have my master also told, that in case of any bad design against the house, he may be upon his guard."

"I think I may venture to say there is no bad design formed against it (exclaimed Madeline); consequently there is no occasion to speak to him on the subject."

"Very well, Mam'selle (answered Jaqueline); I am sure you have more wisdom and discretion than I have, notwithstanding I am the oldest; I shall therefore do as you please."

Madeline resumed her work as Jaqueline quitted the room; but not with her wonted diligence did she pursue it; her eyes