Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 1).djvu/42

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"You will go, my father?" said Madeline.

"Go, my child! (said he); yes, and happy I am to think I can in any degree mitigate the sufferings of a fellow-creature." He hastily collected what things he wanted, and went out.

Madeline left her supper unfinished, and in a state of agitation, such as she had never before experienced, watched in the little grove before the cottage for his return. The moment she saw him approaching the gate, she flew to meet him.

"Well, my dear sir, (cried she), is there any hope?"

"Hope! (repeated Clermont), heaven forbid there was not; the unfortunate young man, though severely, is not dangerously hurt; and I trust, and make no doubt, but that in a few days, with proper care and attention, he will be able to rise: his senses, which the shock of the fall alone