Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 1).djvu/80

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that Father Pierre dined here to-day; he has always such an appetite; only for him some of the fowl at least would have been left, and then I could have made some rich gravy, and tossed it into a fricassee in a moment. I am sure I am as sorry as the lady herself can be about the accident; not that I should have cared a pin about it had it happened in summer or autumn, when one would have had nothing to do but put out their hand to gather something nice; but now nothing can be got for love or money."

"I am sure (said Madeline, with a look of distress), I don't know what is to be done."

"Well, Mam'selle, there's no use in fretting any more about the matter; I'll dress a good dish of eggs, and what with them and the new cheese, and some of your sweetmeats, we'll be able to furnish the table pretty tolerably."

"We must bestir ourselves, my good Jaqueline, for the rooms are yet to be settled; my father is to have a mattress brought