Page:Code of regulations for the Medical Department of the Presidency of Fort St. George (IA codeofregulation00madr).pdf/161

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1. Hospitals for the reception and treatment of public women are established, under the authority of government, as a measure of general police, to prevent the diffusion of venereal infection, at the principal garrisons and stations at whịch European corps are quartered.

2. These establishments are placed under the control of the officers commanding at the several military stations; and the patients under the immediate care of the garrison surgeon, or, where there may be no garrison surgeon, under the senior medical officer of the Company's service at the station, subject, as in other cases, to the directions of the superintending medical officers.

3. Officers in command will state to the commander in chief how far they may deem such establishments necessary in the limits of their respective commmands; and, at all stations where lock hospitals have been authorized by the previous sanction of the commander in chief, to be approved by government, the commanding officers are hereby authorized to place under the wholesome restraint, which is inseparable from the proper administration of this branch of general police, such disordered women as may be discovered disseminating venereal infection amongst the troops under their command. But in the exercise of this authority they are charged to observe the utmost caution not to offend the prejudices under restraint.